Population structure and spatial distribution point patterns of Tsuga chinensis var. tchekiangensis in Wuyishan Mountain, Jiangxi of eastern China
摘要:目的 了解武夷山自然保护区内南方铁杉的种群结构及空间分布情况,对揭示南方铁杉的演替更新具有重要意义。方法 对南方铁杉种群进行样地调查,通过种群年龄结构分析、静态生命表编制、生存分析、时间序列模型预测和点格局分析探索了南方铁杉种群结构和空间分布格局。结果 (1)南方铁杉种群年龄结构呈“金字塔”型,属增长型种群,存活曲线趋于Deevey-Ⅰ型,存活曲线、死亡率和消失率曲线以及生存函数分析表明种群具有前期稳定、中期减少和后期衰退的特点。(2)时间序列预测未来3、6和9个龄级时间后南方铁杉种群各龄级个体数均逐渐增加,南方铁杉幼年个体数相对丰富,老龄级树有较充足的后备资源得以补充,种群能自然更新。(3)南方铁杉种群整体在小尺度(r < 20 m)呈聚集分布,随尺度的增加呈随机分布或均匀分布;种群不同发育阶段的空间分布格局与研究尺度紧密相关,幼树明显呈聚集分布,中树随研究尺度增大由聚集分布向随机分布转变,老树基本呈随机分布。结论 南方铁杉种群天然更新能力较强,保护区维持现有的生境条件,南方铁杉种群将继续呈增长状态。Abstract:Objective Understanding the population structure and spatial distribution pattern of Tsuga chinensis var. tchekiangensis in Wuyishan Nature Reserve, Jiangxi of eastern China, is of great significance to reveal the succession and regeneration of Tsuga chinensis var. tchekiangensis.Method Based on plot investigation of Tsuga chinensis var. tchekiangensis population, we analyzed the population structure and spatial distribution point pattern of Tsuga chinensis var. tchekiangensis by studying many parameters, such as age structure, static life table, survival curves, time sequence model and point pattern analysis.Result (1) The population presented an increasing population with an age structure of ‘pyramid’ type, and the survival curves suggested that population of Tsuga chinensis var. tchekiangensis tended to be the type of Deevey-Ⅰ. The survival curve, mortality curve and vanish curve and survival function analysis of population showed that the characteristics of the population were stable in early age stage, decreased in middle age period, then declined in old age period. (2) Time sequence model predicted that the number of each age class individuals of the Tsuga chinensis var. tchekiangensis population would increase in the age classes of 3, 6 and 9 in the future. The number of Tsuga chinensis var. tchekiangensis was relatively abundant at a young stage, so that sufficient reserve resources can replenish the old trees, and the population can naturally renewed. (3) Point pattern analysis indicated that the individuals were significantly clustered at the small scale (r < 20 m), and the distribution became more random and regular at larger scales. The spatial distribution pattern of Tsuga chinensis var. tchekiangensis population at different developmental periods was closely related to the study scale. The spatial distribution point pattern of young individuals was of obviously aggregated distribution. The spatial distribution point pattern of middle individuals was aggregated to random as the study scale increased, and the old individuals showed randomly distribution.Conclusion The population can regenerate naturally and the population will tend to increase under the maintaining of the current habitat.
表 1 南方铁杉种群静态生命表
Table 1 Static life table of Tsuga chinensis var. tchekiangensis population
Age classDBH/cm 组中值
Group median/cmax lx lnlx dx qx Lx Tx ex Kx Sx 1 0 ~ 10 5 146 1 000 6.908 14 0.014 0 993 5 629 5.629 0.014 0.986 2 10 ~ 20 15 144 986 6.894 41 0.041 6 965.5 4 636 4.702 0.043 0.958 3 20 ~ 30 25 138 945 6.851 41 0.043 4 924.5 3 670.5 3.884 0.045 0.957 4 30 ~ 40 35 132 904 6.806 41 0.045 4 883.5 2 746 3.038 0.046 0.955 5 40 ~ 50 45 126 863 6.760 233 0.270 0 746.5 1 862.5 2.158 0.314 0.730 6 50 ~ 60 55 92 630 6.446 164 0.260 3 548 1 116 1.771 0.322 0.740 7 60 ~ 70 65 68 466 6.144 261 0.560 1 335.5 568 1.219 0.821 0.440 8 70 ~ 80 75 30 205 5.323 123 0.600 0 143.5 232.5 1.134 0.916 0.400 9 80 ~ 90 85 12 82 4.407 34 0.414 6 65 89 1.085 0.536 0.585 10 90 ~ 100 95 7 48 3.871 − − 24 24 0.5 − − 注:ax存活数;lx存活量;dx死亡数;qx死亡率;Lx区间寿命;Tx总寿命;ex期望寿命;Kx消失率;Sx存活率。Notes: ax means survival; lx means survival quantity; dx means death number; qx means mortality rate; Lx means span life; Tx means total life; ex means life expectancy; Kx means vanish rate; Sx means survival rate. 表 2 南方铁杉种群龄级结构的时间预测
Table 2 Time sequence prediction in the quantitative dynamics of Tsuga chinensis var. tchekiangensis population
Age class原始数据
Primary dataM3(1) M6(1) M9(1) 1 146 − − − 2 144 − − − 3 138 143 − − 4 132 138 − − 5 126 132 − − 6 92 117 130 − 7 68 95 117 − 8 30 63 98 − 9 12 35 77 99 10 7 16 56 83 -
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