Adaptability response of root architecture of Cotinus coggygria seedlings to soil nutrient stress
摘要:目的通过研究黄栌幼苗根系构型对土壤养分胁迫环境的适应性,探讨黄栌根系构型在土壤养分供应不足环境中的适应对策。方法试验材料为一年生黄栌幼苗,采用盆栽模拟控制试验,设置养分充足(即全土,土壤含沙比例0,CK),轻度养分胁迫(土壤含沙比例30%,N1),中度养分胁迫(土壤含沙比例50%,N2),重度养分胁迫(土壤含沙比例70%,N3)和极度养分胁迫(即全沙,土壤含沙比例100%,N4)5个梯度,分别在移栽后第31、38、45、52和59天取样,研究幼苗根系分枝模式、几何特征和不同径级细根形态在上述养分环境中的变化规律。结果(1)CK处理幼苗的根系拓扑指数(TI和DBI)最大,最长链接路径的链接数(a)、根系外部链接数(μ)以及所有链接路径的链接总数(Pe)最小。N1环境中,幼苗的TI和DBI最小,a、μ和Pe最大,分别比CK高53.2%、131.6%和194.7%。(2)N1、N2、N3和N4处理中:幼苗比根长(SRL)、比表面积(SRA)和分枝密度(RBI)逐渐增大,其中,N4处理幼苗的SRL、SRA和RBI分别比CK高67.7% ~ 157.4%、52.3% ~ 120.7%和14.7% ~ 42.1%;根尖数量(RT)、根链接数量(RLN)、根链接总长度(RLTL)和分枝数量(RF)逐渐减小,以N1处理为最大,分别比CK高95.0% ~ 279.6%、104.3% ~ 247.4%、77.4% ~ 193.5%和102.6% ~ 235.0%;根链接平均长度(RLAL)、根链接平均直径(RLAD)和根组织密度(RTID)均呈减小趋势,以N4处理最小,分别比CK低15.2% ~ 22.7%、9.3% ~ 21.4%和32.4% ~ 42.7%。(3)CK环境中,SRL和SRA的正相关系数最大(0.951),N4环境中,RF与RLN之间和RLAL和RLAD之间的正相关系数最大(分别为0.989、0.904)。N1、N2和N3处理的RBI和RLAL之间的负相关系数分别为− 0.915、− 0.889和− 0.893。(4)N3和N4处理中,0 ~ 0.50 mm范围内细根的平均长度比例、平均表面积比例、平均体积比例和平均根尖数量比例均高于其他处理,分别达86.3%和86.1%、67.6%和66.7%、40.2%和38.1%、98.6%和98.4%,而上述指标在CK处理中均为最低,分别为80.9%、59.4%、32.2%和97.2%。结论(1)土壤养分充足时,黄栌根系最接近分枝少且结构相对简单的鲱鱼骨分枝模式,具有向土壤深处延伸生长的倾向。轻度胁迫环境中,黄栌构建了分枝多、次级根重叠度高的叉状分枝模式,主、侧根尽可能地主动向距离根基较远的土壤中拓展以吸收更大范围内的养分。中度、重度和极度胁迫环境中,幼苗为减少碳消耗而采取相对简单化的根系结构对策,根系通过形成短而细的密集横向分枝(以细根为主)而加强原位利用养分能力。(2)改变根系构型几何特征参数间的协同或权衡关系、实现自身资源利用的经济化,也是黄栌应对不同土壤养分环境的重要方面。(3)从全土到极端严重胁迫环境,0 ~ 0.50 mm范围细根的分化明显增强。重度胁迫逆境时,0 ~ 0.50 mm的细根是幼苗吸收养分的重要活跃位点。极度胁迫逆境时,黄栌通过促进产生一定数量的寿命相对较长、周转速率相对较慢的细根(0.50 ~ 2.00 mm)以减少细根周转对碳的消耗,从而维持根系资源利用效率。Abstract:ObjectiveThe study was conducted to explore the adaptability strategy of root architecture of Cotinus coggygria seedlings to soil nutrient stress environment.MethodTaking one-year-old C. coggygria seedlings as research object and carrying out pot-culturing simulation control test, five soil nutrient gradients were set: nutrient-rich condition (sand proportion 0, CK), slight nutrient stress condition (sand proportion 30%, N1), medium nutrient stress condition (sand proportion 50%, N2), severe nutrient stress condition (sand proportion 70%, N3) and extreme nutrient stress condition (sand proportion 100%, N4). Seedlings were sampled at 31th, 38th, 45th, 52th and 59th day after transplanting to explore the changing rules of branching pattern and geometric characteristics of seedling root, fine root morphology at varied diameter classes under the above nutrient conditions.Result(1) Topological indices (TI or DBI) under CK were higher than the other treatments, but the number of root longest link path (a), the number of root external link (μ) and the total number of all root link paths (Pe) were lowest. Seedlings in the N1 treatment showed the lowest TI and DBI while the highest a, μ and Pe , which were higher than those in CK by 53.2%, 131.6% and 194.7%, respectively. (2) In the N1, N2, N3 and N4 treatments, specific root length (SRL), specific root surface area (SRA) and root branching index (RBI) increased gradually with the nutrient stress degree rising. Among which, SRL, SRA and SRA of seedlings under N4 treatment were higher than those in CK by 67.7%−157.4%, 52.3%−120.7% and 14.7%−42.1%, respectively.The number of root tip (RT), the number of root link (RLN), root link total length (RLTL) and the branching number of root (RF) decreased with the nutrient stress degree rising. All these four parameters in N1 treatment were highest, and higher than those in CK by 95.0%−279.6%, 104.3%−247.4%, 77.4%−193.5% and 102.6%−235.0%, respectively. Root link average length (RLAL), root link average diameter (RLAD) and root tissue density (RTID) had a reducing trend with the nutrient stress degree rising, and RLAL, RLAD and RTID in N4 were lower than those in CK by 15.2%−22.7%, 9.3%−21.4% and 32.4%−42.7%, respectively. (3) The positive correlation coefficient (0.951) between SRL and SRA was highest under CK environment, and the positive correlation coefficients between RF and RLN (0.989) and between RLAL and RLAD (0.904) were highest under N4 environment. The negative correlation coefficients under N1, N2 and N3 treatments were − 0.915, − 0.889 and − 0.893, respectively. (4) The average length proportion, average surface area proportion, average volume proportion and the average tip number proportion of fine roots in 0−0.50 mm were all higher than the other treatments, and they were 86.3% and 86.1%, 67.6% and 66.7%, 40.2% and 38.1%, 98.6% and 98.4% in N3 and N4, respectively. While these parameters under CK were lowest, which were 80.9%, 59.4%, 32.2% and 97.2%, respectively.Conclusion(1) The root system of C. coggygria in soil nutrient-rich environment is closest to the herringbone pattern with few branches and a relatively simple structure. It also has an extending tendency towards deeper layers of soil. In contrast, C. coggygria develops increased branches and a high degree of secondary root overlap in slight nutrient stress soil. Under medium, severe and extreme nutrient stress conditions, the relatively simple root structure strategy is adopted, and the root system strengthens the ability of local nutrient utilization by forming short, thin and dense lateral branches (mainly fine roots). (2) The adjustment of coordination and trade-off relationships between geometric characteristic parameters of root architecture for economizing soil resource utilization is also an important aspect for C. coggygria to cope with different soil nutrient environments. (3) The differentiation of fine roots in 0−0.50 mm is markedly enhanced from soil nutrient-rich to extreme nutrient stress environment. Fine roots in 0−0.50 mm diameter are the significantly active organs for C. coggygria to absorb nutrients in severe stress environment. When the soil is extremely poor, a certain number of fine roots of 0.50−2.00 mm diameter are promoted production to reduce the carbon consumption caused by fine root turnover, and then to maintain the root resource utilization efficiency.
- Cotinus coggygria /
- root architecture /
- soil nutrient stress /
- adaptive strategy
1. 材料与方法
1.1 实验材料
以本实验室遗传转化获得的烟草转基因株系LMX5:: PtGA2ox1、35S:: PtGA20ox、35S:: PtGA2ox1及野生型烟草为研究材料(其中35S:: PtGA20ox、35S:: PtGA2ox1来自林木遗传育种实验室的保存材料),分别记作L:G2、35:G20、35:G2与WT。PtGA2ox1基因克隆于毛白杨,转基因受体为野生型烟草W38株系(Nicotiana tabacum cultivar Wisconsin 38)。所有植物材料均在不含任何激素的MS培养基上,组培室温度为25 ℃,光照周期为16 h光照/8 h黑暗,将继代培养2月苗龄的生根苗移栽到温室,在30 ℃自然光照下培养。
1.2 烟草形成层赤霉素特异性调控转基因株系的获得
1.3 基因表达分析及GAs含量的测定
分别提取转基因烟草L:G2、35:G2及WT植株茎部、叶片和根部组织的总RNA,反转录得到cDNA,根据差异片段序列设计引物,半定量RT-PCR反应条件:95 ℃变性3 min,随后进行以下40个循环:95 ℃变性3 s,60 ℃退火20 s,72 ℃延伸30 s。以Actin为内标基因,扩增引物序列为FW:5′-CACAAGCCAGCACTTCAACAG-3′,RV:5′-ATGCCTTAACCAGGAGGTGC-3′。将每个扩增反应做3次重复实验,每次均设置阴性对照,并利用软件Bio-Rad CFXManager 2.0读取相关数据。
分别取组织培养30 d的35:G20、35:G2、L:G2与WT植株的叶、茎、根3个部位的样品各3 g,将其放在研钵中进行研磨,用LC-MS(液相色谱−质谱联用仪)对样品进行测定分析[19],每个样本进行3次重复实验。
1.4 烟草的微嫁接
1.5 植株各部分生长性状的测定
挑选培养45 d的无菌生根苗L:G2、35:G2、35:G20与WT,分别对其茎部进行切片,用0.5%番红染液染色后对木质部进行显微观察并拍照。
将烟草转基因株系L:G2、35:G2和35:G20的顶芽扦插在无激素的MS培养基上,设置WT为对照,培养20 d后对各组的生根情况进行观察,再从4组株系中各选取30株,对其不定根的长度进行测量,计算平均值后与对照组一同进行t检验。
2. 结果与分析
2.1 转基因株系的获得及基因表达分析
图 1 不同烟草植株及基因表达水平A是不同烟草植株,标尺长度为1 cm;B是转基因株系各组织中PtGA2ox1基因的表达水平;C是转基因株系不同组织中烟草NtGA2ox1基因本底表达水平,将35:G2植株中的PtGA2ox1基因的表达量设置为1。A is different tobacco plant with a scale length of 1 cm; B is the expression level of PtGA2ox1 gene in each tissue of transgenic lines; C is the background expression level of tobacco NtGA2ox1 gene in different tissues of transgenic lines, which will be in 35:G2 plants, the expression level of the PtGA2ox1 gene was set to 1.Figure 1. Different tobacco plants and gene expression levels通过测定转基因烟草L:G2、35:G2外源基因的表达水平(图1B、1C),发现L:G2、35:G2转基因植株的表达模式不同,PtGA2ox1转录水平只在L:G2的茎部出现了明显的上升趋势,而叶片和根部的上升趋势不明显。通过测定转基因烟草的叶片、根部及茎部中NtGA2ox1基因的本底表达水平,发现转基因烟草株系L:G2在叶片和根部受自身调控的NtGA2ox1基因表达水平与野生型WT对照比并无明显变化,而茎部NtGA2ox1基因的表达水平和野生型WT相比却明显降低;同时发现转基因烟草株系35:G2各组织中的NtGA2ox1基因表达水平与WT相比均有明显的下降。
在烟草中,主要活性赤霉素GA1在L:G2的茎部含量明显低于野生型WT植株,而非活性的GA8在茎部的含量与WT相比有显著的提高(图2);而转基因株系35:G20与WT相比,根、茎以及叶片内活性GAs(主要是GA1)含量显著提高,即植株整体GAs含量上调(图2);转基因植株35:G2茎、叶部分的活性GAs含量均有显著的下调,而非活性GAs含量增多,植株整体GAs含量下调,可能是GAs含量下降负反馈调节导致活性GA2-氧化酶含量下降 (图2)。
2.2 活性GAs在烟草茎中的运输特性
对35:G20//35:G2、35:G2//35:G20、及WT//WT 3组嫁接苗进行观察,发现接穗和砧木的表型性状与其各自基因型植株的性状并无较大差异(图3)。表明35:G20植株体内产生的大量活性GAs无法在嫁接植株中自由转运到35:G2中,而35:G2植株中的GA2-氧化酶也无法转化35:G20中的大量活性GAs;但培养在添加有GA4+7培养基中的WT//WT嫁接植株,相同生长时间内接穗和砧木的性状都受GAs影响,与35:G20表型相似,均表现为生长迅速,节间和叶片快速伸长,叶片颜色呈浅绿色细长的状态。
图 3 不同基因型组成的嫁接苗和不同基因型的烟草植株A.普通MS培养基中的WT//WT嫁接植株; B.添加有GA4+7的WT//WT嫁接植株; C.普通MS培养基中的35:G2//35:G20嫁接植株; D.普通MS培养基中的35:G20//35:G2嫁接植株; E.不同基因型的烟草植株。箭头代表嫁接处;A ~ D标尺长度为2 cm;E标尺长度为1 cm。The E scale is 1 cm in length; A,WT//WT grafted plants in normal MS medium; B,WT//WT grafted plants with GA4+7 were added; C, G2//35: G20 grafted plants in normal MS medium; D, 35:G20//35:G2 grafted plants in normal MS medium; E,different genotypes of tobacco plants. The arrow represents the graft; the A−D scale is 2 cm in length.Figure 3. Grafted seedlings of different genotypes and tobacco plants of different genotypes2.3 下调烟草形成层GAs对茎部木质部生长发育的影响
2.4 下调烟草形成层GAs对叶片生长的影响
2.5 下调烟草形成层GAs对不定根的影响
图 6 内源调控GAs含量对植株根生长发育的影响A、B为野生型和转基因植物不定根的平均数量和平均长度;C ~ F为不同转基因型植株根部,标尺长度为1 cm。C为WT株系;D为35:G2株系;E为35:G20株系;F为L:G2株系。A, B, the number and length of average adventitious roots of wild-type and transgenic plants. C−F, roots of different transgenic plants, the length of the scale is 1 cm. C, WT strain; D, 35: G2 strain; E, 35: G20 strain; F, L: G2 strain.Figure 6. Effects of endogenous regulation of GAs content on root growth and development of plants在植株的侧根生长性状方面(图6C ~ 6F),L:G2株系几乎没有侧根产生,而35:G2的侧根与野生型WT相比有明显的增多,进一步说明特异性下调形成层内活性GAs含量对植株生长发育具有一定的调控作用,会抑制侧根的发生。
3. 讨 论
图 4 不同养分处理中黄栌幼苗不同径级细根性状所占比例变化
FRLPG1. G1径级的细根长度比例;FRLPG2 + G3. G2 + G3径级的细根长度比例;FRAPG1. G1径级的细根表面积比例;FRAPG2 + G3. G2 + G3径级的细根表面积比例;FRVPG1. G1径级的细根体积比例;FRVPG2 + G3. G2 + G3径级的细根体积比例;FRTPG1. G1径级的细根根尖数量比例;FRAPG1. G2 + G3径级的细根根尖数量比例。FRLPG1, percentage of fine root length of G1; FRLPG2 + G3, percentage of fine root length of G2 + G3; FRAPG1, percentage of fine root surface area of G1; FRAPG2 + G3, percentage of fine root surface area of G2 + G3; FRVPG1, percentage of fine root volume of G1; FRVPG2 + G3, percentage of fine root volume of G2 + G3; FRTPG1, percentage of fine root tip number of G1; FRTPG2 + G3, percentage of fine root tip number of G2 + G3.
Figure 4. Changes of fine root trait proportions with different diameter grades of C. coggygria seedlings under different nutrient treatments
表 1 不同养分处理基质的化学性质与养分含量
Table 1 Chemical properties and nutrient contents of the tested soil under different nutrient treatments
TreatmentpH 有机质
Organic matter/(g·kg− 1)总氮
Total nitrogen/(g·kg− 1)速效磷
Available phosphorus/(mg·kg− 1)速效钾
Available potassium/(mg·kg− 1)CK 8.3 7.43 0.31 14.2 321 N1 8.8 2.73 0.17 4.3 183 N2 9.0 1.88 0.11 2.2 115 N3 9.1 1.67 0.08 2.0 106 N4 9.5 1.51 0.04 0.8 94 注:CK. 养分充足;N1. 轻度养分胁迫;N2. 中度养分胁迫;N3. 重度养分胁迫;N4. 极度养分胁迫。下同。Notes:CK, nutrient-rich condition; N1, slight nutrient stress condition; N2, medium nutrient stress condition;N3, severe nutrient stress condition; N4, extreme nutrient stress condition.The same below. 表 2 养分处理对黄栌幼苗根系拓扑结构影响的方差分析
Table 2 One-way ANOVA of the influences of nutrient treatments on root topological structure of C. coggygria seedlings
Root topological structure parameterdf F P a 4 6.57 < 0.001 μ 4 8.78 < 0.001 Pe 4 6.80 < 0.001 TI 4 3.89 0.005 DBI 4 3.31 0.013 注:a. 根系最长链接路径的链接数;μ.根系外部链接数;Pe.根系所有链接路径的链接数总和; TI. 拓扑指数;DBI. 叉状分枝指数。下同。Notes: a, the number of root longest link path; μ, the number of root external link; Pe, total number of all root link paths; TI, topological index; DBI, dichotomous branching index. The same below. 表 3 五个取样时期养分处理对黄栌幼苗根系构型几何特征参数影响的方差分析(P值)
Table 3 Two-way ANOVA of the influences of nutrient treatments on geometric characteristic parameters of root architecture of C. coggygria seedlings in the five sampling time (P value)
Geometric characteristic parameter of root architecture变异来源 Source of variation 取样时期
Sampling time养分处理
Nutrient stress treatment取样时期 × 养分处理
Sampling time × nutrient stress treatmentSRL 0.007 < 0.001 0.031 SRA < 0.001 < 0.001 0.036 RT < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 RF < 0.001 < 0.001 0.009 RBI < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 RTID < 0.001 < 0.001 0.013 RFN < 0.001 < 0.001 0.057 RLTL < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 RLAL < 0.001 < 0.001 0.067 RLAD < 0.001 < 0.001 0.049 RLN < 0.001 < 0.001 0.006 注:SRL. 比根长;SRA. 比表面积;RT. 根尖数量;RF. 分枝数量;RBI. 分枝密度;RTID. 根组织密度;RFN. 根细度;RLTL. 根链接总长度;RLAL. 根链接平均长度;RLAD. 根链接平均直径;RLN. 根链接数量。下同。Notes: SRL, specific root length; SRA, specific root surface area; RT, the number of root tip; RF, the number of root branches; RBI, root branch intensity; RTID, root tissue density; RFN, root fineness; RLTL, root link total length; RLAL, root link average length; RLAD, root link average diameter; RLN, the number of root link. The same below. 表 4 不同养分处理中黄栌幼苗根系构型几何特征参数的因子载荷矩阵
Table 4 Component matrix for geometric characteristic parameters of root architecture of C. coggygria seedlings under different nutrient treatments
Geometric characteristic parameters of root architecture贡献率
Contribution rate/%SRL SRA RT RF RTID RFN RLN RBI RLTL RLAL RLAD CK 1 0.427 0.218 0.879 0.896 0.242 0.751 0.939 0.103 0.947 − 0.238 − 0.479 54.1 2 0.863 0.955 − 0.122 0.148 − 0.900 0.364 0.070 0.099 0.090 − 0.034 − 0.220 21.0 3 0.172 0.144 0.236 0.281 − 0.002 0.241 0.281 0.913 0.035 − 0.944 − 0.765 14.4 N1 1 0.122 − 0.093 0.783 0.926 0.279 0.577 0.918 0.185 0.981 − 0.244 − 0.408 53.4 2 0.294 0.104 0.429 0.315 0.169 0.572 0.361 0.909 0.077 − 0.935 − 0.875 26.4 3 0.916 0.979 − 0.252 − 0.017 − 0.893 − 0.004 − 0.087 0.123 − 0.057 − 0.046 − 0.105 11.1 N2 1 0.349 0.005 0.869 0.855 0.388 0.830 0.882 0.161 0.917 − 0.202 − 0.563 50.0 2 − 0.003 0.065 0.321 0.416 − 0.220 − 0.091 0.400 0.945 0.133 − 0.945 − 0.637 24.0 3 0.924 0.981 − 0.047 − 0.036 − 0.810 0.175 − 0.040 0.048 − 0.060 − 0.100 − 0.250 14.6 N3 1 0.274 0.148 0.872 0.931 0.059 0.405 0.941 0.191 0.948 − 0.205 − 0.205 49.4 2 0.758 0.936 − 0.086 0.133 − 0.946 0.082 0.082 0.059 0.160 0.064 − 0.139 21.4 3 − 0.042 0.005 0.202 0.279 − 0.059 − 0.009 0.267 0.950 − 0.008 − 0.944 − 0.626 15.3 4 0.568 0.288 0.308 0.129 0.221 0.890 0.179 − 0.094 0.173 − 0.153 − 0.678 9.6 N4 1 0.113 0.028 0.830 0.935 − 0.058 0.113 0.941 0.436 0.967 − 0.244 − 0.223 45.5 2 0.888 0.967 − 0.122 0.111 − 0.899 0.152 0.052 − 0.003 0.149 0.069 − 0.068 24.3 3 0.057 − 0.003 0.331 0.303 0.067 0.151 0.323 0.744 0.013 − 0.938 − 0.881 15.2 4 0.425 0.194 0.288 − 0.046 0.371 0.955 0.044 − 0.432 − 0.001 − 0.097 − 0.381 11.2 表 5 不同养分处理中黄栌幼苗根系构型几何特征参数间的Pearson相关系数
Table 5 Pearson’s correlation coefficients between geometric characteristic parameters of root architecture of C. coggygria seedlings under different nutrient treatments
TreatmentSRA RT RF RTID RFN RLN RBI RLTL RLAL RLAD SRL CK 0.951** 0.312** 0.523** − 0.606** 0.746** 0.484** 0.268** 0.446** − 0.290* − 0.543** N1 0.921** − 0.019 0.158 − 0.666** 0.350** 0.112 0.352** 0.073 − 0.301** − 0.423** N2 0.901** 0.239* 0.238* − 0.561** 0.510** 0.245* 0.114 0.222 − 0.175 − 0.456** N3 0.924** 0.332** 0.426** − 0.545** 0.685** 0.415** 0.021 0.464** − 0.067 − 0.480** N4 0.946** 0.121 0.201 − 0.627** 0.562** 0.187 − 0.076 0.244* − 0.051 − 0.294* SRA CK 0.136 0.363** − 0.791** 0.535** 0.310** 0.241* 0.286* − 0.227 − 0.422** N1 − 0.247* − 0.078 − 0.861** − 0.023 − 0.131 0.190 − 0.143 − 0.129 − 0.151 N2 0.000 0.020 − 0.808** 0.105 0.015 0.109 − 0.018 − 0.152 − 0.241* N3 0.141 0.299** − 0.788** 0.377** 0.268* 0.062 0.338** − 0.027 − 0.350** N4 − 0.032 0.125 − 0.777** 0.314** 0.087 − 0.089 0.167 0.031 − 0.137 RT CK 0.766** 0.295** 0.647** 0.883** 0.241* 0.770** − 0.472** − 0.567** N1 0.827** 0.493** 0.622** 0.909** 0.466** 0.779** − 0.627** − 0.653** N2 0.869** 0.259* 0.596** 0.932** 0.389** 0.837** − 0.491** − 0.617** N3 0.858** 0.158 0.510** 0.918** 0.295** 0.828** − 0.448** − 0.492** N4 0.814** 0.162 0.384** 0.896** 0.477** 0.738** − 0.556** − 0.556** RF CK 0.023 0.699** 0.978** 0.453** 0.941** − 0.463** − 0.601** N1 0.298** 0.646** 0.986** 0.518** 0.948** − 0.533** − 0.625** N2 0.188 0.549** 0.989** 0.555** 0.926** − 0.503** − 0.620** N3 − 0.046 0.507** 0.991** 0.454** 0.926** − 0.455** − 0.467** N4 − 0.141 0.128 0.987** 0.646** 0.931** − 0.506** − 0.467** RTID CK − 0.003 0.112 − 0.099 0.080 − 0.002 0.024 N1 0.365** 0.367** 0.050 0.327** − 0.137 − 0.189 N2 0.340** 0.214 − 0.164 0.277* 0.160 0.014 N3 0.134 0.004 − 0.102 − 0.056 − 0.052 0.031 N4 0.209 − 0.064 − 0.118 − 0.175 − 0.144 − 0.125 RFN CK 0.721** 0.273* 0.644** − 0.381** − 0.727** N1 0.664** 0.516** 0.573** − 0.555** − 0.798** N2 0.578** 0.096 0.583** − 0.151 − 0.635** N3 0.549** 0.018 0.535** − 0.199 − 0.658** N4 0.204 − 0.222 0.133 − 0.230* − 0.532** RLN CK 0.408** 0.936** − 0.490** − 0.623** N1 0.522** 0.933** − 0.581** − 0.657** N2 0.522** 0.925** − 0.514** − 0.636** N3 0.426** 0.926** − 0.466** − 0.486** N4 0.626** 0.913** − 0.540** − 0.510** RBI CK 0.180 − 0.832** − 0.657** N1 0.266* − 0.915** − 0.820** N2 0.257* − 0.889** − 0.671** N3 0.159 − 0.893** − 0.545** N4 0.429** − 0.712** − 0.582** RLTL CK − 0.263* − 0.471** N1 − 0.318** − 0.468** N2 − 0.260* − 0.497** N3 − 0.191 − 0.371** N4 − 0.235* − 0.258* RLAL CK 0.854** N1 0.908** N2 0.807** N3 0.706** N4 0.904** 注:**和*分别代表在α = 0.01和α = 0.05水平上显著。Notes: ** and * represent significant difference at α = 0.01 and α = 0.05 level, respectively. -
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1. 王为,雷俊杰,简佶沛,王利宝. 基于云平台智能灌溉控制系统的油茶苗水分管理研究. 现代农业科技. 2023(20): 110-113+121 . 百度学术
2. 董诗芬,王自洪,李丽华,李看清. 不同覆盖措施对初植腾冲红花油茶生长的影响研究. 林业调查规划. 2022(03): 118-121+142 . 百度学术
3. 谢胤,余祖华,尹必期,王自洪,寸明辉,徐志映,吴兴波,杨忠品. 腾冲红花油茶主要营养器官含水率年内变化分析. 林业与环境科学. 2021(01): 25-28 . 百度学术
4. 胡玉玲,蔡芳丽,卢海燕,罗海秀,贺姣凤. 油茶林地夏季水分管理对油茶产量指标的影响. 江苏林业科技. 2018(03): 23-27+45 . 百度学术
5. 刘嘉翔,赵丹,杨建伟,史宝胜. 不同土壤水分条件下北京山梅花生长与耗水特性研究. 河北农业大学学报. 2018(05): 84-89 . 百度学术
6. 何小三,徐林初,龚春,王玉娟,刘新亮,赵攀,左继林,俞元春. 干旱胁迫对‘赣无12’苗期光合特性的影响. 中南林业科技大学学报. 2018(12): 52-61 . 百度学术
7. 樊星火,樊文勇,黄辉,施重阳,郑永红. 夏季不同灌溉方式对油茶叶片生理指标和花期的影响. 林业科技通讯. 2017(12): 12-14 . 百度学术