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王胤, 姚瑞玲

王胤, 姚瑞玲. 马尾松优良种源高效组培育苗技术体系构建[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2020, 42(6): 43-51. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190396
引用本文: 王胤, 姚瑞玲. 马尾松优良种源高效组培育苗技术体系构建[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2020, 42(6): 43-51. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190396
Wang Yin, Yao Ruiling. Establishment of an effective protocol for cultivation of tissue cultured seedlings in Pinus massoniana superior provenance[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(6): 43-51. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190396
Citation: Wang Yin, Yao Ruiling. Establishment of an effective protocol for cultivation of tissue cultured seedlings in Pinus massoniana superior provenance[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(6): 43-51. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190396


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(31960311、31360178),广西科技计划项目(桂科AD17195078、2017GXNSFAA198037、2018GXNSFDA281020、桂科AA17204087-1),广西林业科技项目(桂林科字[2016]第13号)

    王胤。主要研究方向:马尾松育种与栽培。Email:yinvvang@163.com 地址:530002 广西南宁市西乡塘区邕武路23号广西林科院


    姚瑞玲,博士,研究员。主要研究方向:林木生理代谢调控。Email:jullyudi@163.com 地址:同上

  • 中图分类号: S722.8

Establishment of an effective protocol for cultivation of tissue cultured seedlings in Pinus massoniana superior provenance

  • 摘要:
    结果(1)AC能显著提升成熟胚状体萌发培养效果,但过高浓度AC会导致培养效果减弱,其中以0.83 mol/L AC效果最佳。在附加AC基础上,利用高N、低NH4+/NO3比,K、Ca量适中的1/2MMS基本培养基能进一步提升萌发效果,萌发率可达94.1%。(2)0.42 mol/L AC能有效促进萌发体胚芽苗伸长,在4 μmol/L TDZ作用下,腋芽诱导效果好,有效芽增殖系数5.6/35 d,芽高9.2 cm/50 d。(3)经1.2 μmol/L NAA + 2 μmol/L PBZ处理60 d,单芽生根率达94.3%、根条数6.4,移栽3个月后成活率为95.8%。
    ObjectivePinus massoniana is a main tree species for ecological construction and timber in southern areas of China. However, the productivity of plantation is generally low resulting from the limitation of improved varieties, which leads to the slow development of industrialization in P. massoniana. It is necessary to develop an effective propagation system of elite germplasm for P. massoniana in order to promote the use of improved varieties, accelerate the industrial development, and enhance the competitiveness of industry.
    MethodIn this study, ‘Tongmiansong’ (TM), the backbone of P. massoniana breeding resources was used as the research object, zygotic embryos excised from immature cones were applied to explants, and mature somatic embryos (SE) obtained via somatic embryogenesis were used for testing materials. Concerning the technical bottlenecks of P. massoniana tissue culture, including low germination rate, poor shoot growth, and recalcitrance to rooting, effects of active charcoal (AC), basal media, and plant hormones on SE germination as well as reinvigoration and adventitious rooting of shoots were investigated in the present study.
    Result(1) AC significantly improved germination of TM mature SE, while a high level of AC was able to weaken their germination effects, and the best effect was observed at the 0.83 mol/L AC treatment. Based on the application of AC in the medium, the basal medium composed of high N, low ratio of NH4+/NO3, and moderate K and Ca furtherly enhanced the germination of SE, reaching 94.1% of germinating rate. (2) 0.42 mol/L AC effectively promoted the elongation of germinated SE. Under the treatment of 4 μmol/L TDZ, induction of axillary buds was better, achieving effective bud proliferation coefficient of 5.6/35 d, and shoot height of 9.2 cm/50 d. (3) After 60 days of 1.2 μmol/L NAA + 2 μmol/L PBZ application in the rooting medium, rooting rate was 94.3%, root number was 6.4, and survival rate was 95.8% after 3-month transplanting.
    ConclusionThe effective breeding system by tissue culture for TM was firstly established via a combined approach of somatic embryogenesis and organogeneis in this study, which would be used for the rapid propagation of elite germplasm for P. massoniana as well as for the research on genetic transformation, providing solid foundation for industrialization of improved varieties and molecular breeding in P. massoniana.
  • 赤霉素(GAs)是一种重要植物激素,在植物整个生命周期中对生长发育的各个阶段具有广泛的调控作用[1-2]。GAs通过促进细胞分裂和细胞伸长[3-6]进而促进茎部节间的伸长生长。李哲馨[7]的研究表明GAs在烟草茎部形成层发挥重要作用,对植株生长和木质部发育具有明显的促进作用。因此,GAs代谢调控在速生林林木育种中具有重要的应用潜力;然而,以往的研究都是基于施加外源活性GAs或全株组成型调控GAs含量的分析,并没有考虑活性GAs在活体内的运输特性对研究结果的影响,有研究表明移动的GAs对茎的次生生长与木质部形成层的发育具有直接的促进作用[8]。另外,由于GAs参与调控多个发育过程,特异下调茎部GAs含量在延缓茎部生长的同时,也会抑制不定根的发生[9],影响根尖的径向生长[10]。有研究表明茎部GAs在低温胁迫的响应过程中具有反馈调控作用[11-12],因此,开展对茎部特异性GAs含量的调控研究,为GAs代谢调控植物生长发育在林木育种中的实际应用提供理论基础。



    以本实验室遗传转化获得的烟草转基因株系LMX5:: PtGA2ox1、35S:: PtGA20ox、35S:: PtGA2ox1及野生型烟草为研究材料(其中35S:: PtGA20ox、35S:: PtGA2ox1来自林木遗传育种实验室的保存材料),分别记作L:G2、35:G20、35:G2与WT。PtGA2ox1基因克隆于毛白杨,转基因受体为野生型烟草W38株系(Nicotiana tabacum cultivar Wisconsin 38)。所有植物材料均在不含任何激素的MS培养基上,组培室温度为25 ℃,光照周期为16 h光照/8 h黑暗,将继代培养2月苗龄的生根苗移栽到温室,在30 ℃自然光照下培养。


    分别提取转基因烟草L:G2、35:G2及WT植株茎部、叶片和根部组织的总RNA,反转录得到cDNA,根据差异片段序列设计引物,半定量RT-PCR反应条件:95 ℃变性3 min,随后进行以下40个循环:95 ℃变性3 s,60 ℃退火20 s,72 ℃延伸30 s。以Actin为内标基因,扩增引物序列为FW:5′-CACAAGCCAGCACTTCAACAG-3′,RV:5′-ATGCCTTAACCAGGAGGTGC-3′。将每个扩增反应做3次重复实验,每次均设置阴性对照,并利用软件Bio-Rad CFXManager 2.0读取相关数据。

    分别取组织培养30 d的35:G20、35:G2、L:G2与WT植株的叶、茎、根3个部位的样品各3 g,将其放在研钵中进行研磨,用LC-MS(液相色谱−质谱联用仪)对样品进行测定分析[19],每个样本进行3次重复实验。


    挑选培养45 d的无菌生根苗L:G2、35:G2、35:G20与WT,分别对其茎部进行切片,用0.5%番红染液染色后对木质部进行显微观察并拍照。

    将烟草转基因株系L:G2、35:G2和35:G20的顶芽扦插在无激素的MS培养基上,设置WT为对照,培养20 d后对各组的生根情况进行观察,再从4组株系中各选取30株,对其不定根的长度进行测量,计算平均值后与对照组一同进行t检验。


    图  1  不同烟草植株及基因表达水平
    A是不同烟草植株,标尺长度为1 cm;B是转基因株系各组织中PtGA2ox1基因的表达水平;C是转基因株系不同组织中烟草NtGA2ox1基因本底表达水平,将35:G2植株中的PtGA2ox1基因的表达量设置为1。A is different tobacco plant with a scale length of 1 cm; B is the expression level of PtGA2ox1 gene in each tissue of transgenic lines; C is the background expression level of tobacco NtGA2ox1 gene in different tissues of transgenic lines, which will be in 35:G2 plants, the expression level of the PtGA2ox1 gene was set to 1.
    Figure  1.  Different tobacco plants and gene expression levels


    在烟草中,主要活性赤霉素GA1在L:G2的茎部含量明显低于野生型WT植株,而非活性的GA8在茎部的含量与WT相比有显著的提高(图2);而转基因株系35:G20与WT相比,根、茎以及叶片内活性GAs(主要是GA1)含量显著提高,即植株整体GAs含量上调(图2);转基因植株35:G2茎、叶部分的活性GAs含量均有显著的下调,而非活性GAs含量增多,植株整体GAs含量下调,可能是GAs含量下降负反馈调节导致活性GA2-氧化酶含量下降 (图2)。

    图  2  转基因植株根部、茎部、叶片中GAs的含量
    A. 转基因植株根部GAs的含量;B. 转基因植株茎部GAs的含量;C. 转基因植株叶片中GAs的含量。A, content of GAs in roots of transgenic plants; B, content of GAs in the stem of transgenic plants; C, content of GAs in leaves of transgenic plants.
    Figure  2.  GAs content in stems, roots and leaves of transgenic plants

    对35:G20//35:G2、35:G2//35:G20、及WT//WT 3组嫁接苗进行观察,发现接穗和砧木的表型性状与其各自基因型植株的性状并无较大差异(图3)。表明35:G20植株体内产生的大量活性GAs无法在嫁接植株中自由转运到35:G2中,而35:G2植株中的GA2-氧化酶也无法转化35:G20中的大量活性GAs;但培养在添加有GA4+7培养基中的WT//WT嫁接植株,相同生长时间内接穗和砧木的性状都受GAs影响,与35:G20表型相似,均表现为生长迅速,节间和叶片快速伸长,叶片颜色呈浅绿色细长的状态。

    图  3  不同基因型组成的嫁接苗和不同基因型的烟草植株
    A.普通MS培养基中的WT//WT嫁接植株; B.添加有GA4+7的WT//WT嫁接植株; C.普通MS培养基中的35:G2//35:G20嫁接植株; D.普通MS培养基中的35:G20//35:G2嫁接植株; E.不同基因型的烟草植株。箭头代表嫁接处;A ~ D标尺长度为2 cm;E标尺长度为1 cm。The E scale is 1 cm in length; A,WT//WT grafted plants in normal MS medium; B,WT//WT grafted plants with GA4+7 were added; C, G2//35: G20 grafted plants in normal MS medium; D, 35:G20//35:G2 grafted plants in normal MS medium; E,different genotypes of tobacco plants. The arrow represents the graft; the A−D scale is 2 cm in length.
    Figure  3.  Grafted seedlings of different genotypes and tobacco plants of different genotypes


    图  4  内源调控GAs含量对植株木质部发育的影响
    PV. 初生导管组织;C. 形成层;X. 木质部;P. 韧皮部。标尺长度为100 μm。PV, primary ductal tissue; C, forming layer; X, xylem; P, phloem. Scale length is 100 μm.
    Figure  4.  Effects of modification of endogenous GAs levels on xylem development


    图  5  内源调控GAs含量对植株叶片发育的影响
    每行分别为各植株的全株叶片;标尺长度为1 cm。Each row is the whole plant leaf of each plant; the length of the scale is 1 cm.
    Figure  5.  Effects of endogenous regulation of GAs content on leaf development of plants


    图  6  内源调控GAs含量对植株根生长发育的影响
    A、B为野生型和转基因植物不定根的平均数量和平均长度;C ~ F为不同转基因型植株根部,标尺长度为1 cm。C为WT株系;D为35:G2株系;E为35:G20株系;F为L:G2株系。A, B, the number and length of average adventitious roots of wild-type and transgenic plants. C−F, roots of different transgenic plants, the length of the scale is 1 cm. C, WT strain; D, 35: G2 strain; E, 35: G20 strain; F, L: G2 strain.
    Figure  6.  Effects of endogenous regulation of GAs content on root growth and development of plants

    在植株的侧根生长性状方面(图6C ~ 6F),L:G2株系几乎没有侧根产生,而35:G2的侧根与野生型WT相比有明显的增多,进一步说明特异性下调形成层内活性GAs含量对植株生长发育具有一定的调控作用,会抑制侧根的发生。



  • 图  1   桐棉松体胚发生途径植株再生

    A.体胚诱导;B. 体胚增殖;C. 成熟培养;D. 诱导阶段胚性细胞显微观察;E. 增殖阶段胚性细胞显微观察;F. 成熟培养胚性细胞显微观察;G. 形成优势、成熟胚的胚性细胞团;H. 成熟体细胞胚;I. 体胚萌发培养;J. 生长中的萌发体胚;K. 再生体萌苗;L. 体胚苗移栽。标尺: 2 cm(A), 1cm(B, I−L), 0.5 cm(C), 2 mm(G, H), 500 μm(D, E), 200 μm(F). A, induction of somatic embryos; B, proliferation of somatic embryos; C, maturation culture; D, microscopic observation on induced somatic embryos; E, microscopic observation on proliferated somatic embryos; F, microscopic observation on somatic embryos during mature culture; G, embryogenic cells with dominative and mature somatic embryos; H, mature somatic embryos; I, germination of somatic embryos; J, growth of germinated somatic embryos; K, regenerated somatic seedlings; L, transplanting of somatic seedlings. Scale bars: 2 cm (A), 1cm (B, I−L), 0.5 cm (C), 2 mm (G, H), 500 μm (D, E), 200 μm (F).

    Figure  1.   Plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis in Pinus massoniana ‘Tongmiansong’

    图  2   通过芽苗复壮与不定根诱导的桐棉松萌发体胚离体植株再生

    A.切除胚根的萌发体胚;B. 切根处理后的萌发体胚复壮培养;C. 复壮的体胚苗;D. 复壮体胚苗腋芽诱导;E. 形成丛生芽的复壮体胚苗;F. 复壮体胚苗的大量增殖与扩繁;G. 形成发达根系的生根苗;F. 生根苗苗圃移栽;I. 移栽3个月后成活的生根苗。标尺: 10 cm(F), 5 cm(I), 2 cm(H), 1cm(A−E, G). A, germinated somatic embryos with radicle cutting; B, reinvigoration of germinated somatic embryos after radicle cutting; C, reinvigorated shoots originated from somatic embryos; D, induction of axillary buds for reinvigorated shoots originated from somatic embryos; E, clustered shoots from reinvigorated shoots originated from somatic embryos; F, massive proliferation of reinvigorated shoots originated from somatic embryos; G, rooted shoots with robust root system; H, transplanting of rooted shoot in the nursery; I, survival seedlings after 3-month transplanting. Scale bars: 10 cm (F), 5 cm (I), 2 cm (H), 1 cm (A−E, G).

    Figure  2.   In vitro regeneration of plants originated from germinated somatic embryos of Pinus massoniana ‘Tongmiansong’ through shoot reinvigoration and adventitious root induction

    图  3   活性炭对桐棉松体胚萌发的影响

    不同小写字母表示不同AC浓度处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among varied AC concentration treatments at P < 0.05 level.

    Figure  3.   Effects of active charcoal on germination of somatic embryos in Pinus massoniana ‘Tongmiansong’

    图  4   活性炭对桐棉松萌发体胚芽苗生长的影响

    不同小写字母表示不同AC浓度处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among varied AC concentration treatments at P < 0.05 level.

    Figure  4.   Effects of active charcoal on growth of shoots from germinated somatic embryos in Pinus massoniana ‘Tongmiansong’

    表  1   基本培养基对桐棉松体胚萌发的影响

    Table  1   Effects of basal media on germination of somatic embryos in Pinus massoniana ‘Tongmiansong’

    基本培养基 Basal media萌发率 Germination rate/%萌发芽苗生长情况 Growth of shoots from germinated somatic embryos
    1/2LP 68.5 ± 2.1b 叶片颜色深绿,顶芽形成缓慢,有褐化现象
    Leaves are dark green, the formation of top shoots is slow, and the browning of shoots is occasionally observed
    1/2DCR 10.7 ± 2.2e 生长缓慢,叶片颜色发黄,褐化严重
    Growth of shoots is slow, their leaves are yellow, and the browning of shoots is serious
    1/2GD 37.7 ± 2.6d 叶片短小、颜色发黄,顶芽形成困难,褐化现象明显
    Leaves are short and yellow, the formation of top shoots is difficult, and the browning of shoots is obvious
    1/2MS 42.4 ± 3.2c 叶片呈浅绿色,形成顶芽水渍化现象明显
    Leaves are light green, and the formed top shoots are easy to be water-soaking
    1/2MMS 94.1 ± 2.8a 叶片颜色翠绿,顶芽形成快、生长健壮,无褐化、玻璃化现象
    Leaves are green, the formation of top shoots is efficient, and the shoots are robust without browning and vitrification
    注:同一列中不同小写字母表示不同基本培养基间差异显著(P < 0.05)。Note: different lowercase letters from the same column indicate significant differences among varied basal media at P < 0.05 level.
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    表  2   细胞分裂素对桐棉松萌发体胚芽苗增殖和生长的影响

    Table  2   Effects of cytokinins on proliferation and growth of shoots originated from germinated somatic embryos in Pinus massoniana ‘Tongmiansong’

    Hormone concentration/
    (µmol·L− 1
    Proliferation coefficient of effective shoots
    Height of clustered shoots/cm
    Shoot growth
    0 0dA 0eA 未形成丛芽,针叶短小、颜色深绿,茎节间短,植株矮小
    Cluster shoots are not found, leaves are short and dark green, internodes of shoots are short, and the whole plant is dwarf
    2 0.9 ± 0.2cA 1.1 ± 0.5dA 4.8 ± 0.4bB 8.1 ± 0.8bA 多呈单芽,大部分芽节间短、针叶密且呈深绿色
    Most of shoots are single, their internodes are short, and leaves are compact and dark green
    Cluster shoots are rare, leaves are tenuous and light green
    4 2.9 ± 0.7bB 5.6 ± 0.7aA 7.8 ± 0.8aB 9.2 ± 0.8aA 丛芽多,芽苗节间长,叶片颜色翠绿,生长健壮
    Plenty of cluster shoots are observed, with long internodes, green leaves, and they grow well
    Plenty of cluster shoots are investigated, with long and green leaves, long internodes, and the whole shoots are thriving
    6 4.1 ± 0.5aA 3.3 ± 1.0bA 5.0 ± 0.8bB 6.7 ± 0.9cA 短簇状丛生芽较多,茎节间短,叶片颜色发黄,有褐化现象
    Short cluster shoots are usually found, with short internodes, yellow leaves, and the browning of shoots is observed
    Cluster shoots are sufficient, leaves of top shoots are short, and part of leaves are yellow
    8 2.5 ± 0.8bA 2.1 ± 0.7cA 3.6 ± 0.8cA 3.7 ± 0.4dA 丛芽呈短簇状,叶子卷曲,短小,褐化、玻璃化现象明显
    Cluster shoots are short and small, leaves are cured and short, and the vitrification of shoots is remarkable
    Cluster shoots are shorts, leaves are yellow, and the vitrification of shoots is occasionally found
    注:同一列中不同小写字母表示不同激素浓度处理间差异显著,同一行中不同大写字母表示两种激素处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。Notes: different lowercase letters from the same column indicate significant differences among varied hormone concentration treatments, while different capital letters from the same row indicate significant differences between two hormone treatments at P < 0.05 level.
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    表  3   生长调节剂对桐棉松萌发体胚复壮芽苗生根能力的影响

    Table  3   Effects of plant growth regulators on rooting capacity of reinvigorated shoots originated fromgerminated somatic embryos in Pinus massoniana ‘Tongmiansong’

    Hormone treatment
    Rooting rate/%
    Rooting time/d
    Number of roots
    Root length/cm
    Survival rate/%
    对照 Control 0c
    NAA 87.7 ± 4.5b 28.7 ± 2.1a 2.3 ± 0.4d 0.6 ± 0.2b 50.3 ± 3.6d
    NAA + IAA 91.4 ± 2.7ab 20.8 ± 1.5c 4.2 ± 0.7b 2.1 ± 0.4a 83.4 ± 3.2b
    NAA + IBA 90.5 ± 2.2ab 24.0 ± 2.3b 3.5 ± 0.8c 2.7 ± 0.4a 70.8 ± 4.6c
    NAA + PBZ 94.3 ± 3.8a 18.6 ± 1.2c 6.4 ± 0.7a 2.3 ± 0.6a 95.8 ± 2.4a
    注:同一列中不同小写字母表示不同激素处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。Note: different lowercase letters from the same column indicate significant differences among varied hormone treatments at P < 0.05 level.
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  • 收稿日期:  2019-10-17
  • 修回日期:  2019-11-19
  • 网络出版日期:  2020-05-28
  • 发布日期:  2020-06-30


