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赖月, 康嘉奇, 谢怀南, 戈晓宇

赖月, 康嘉奇, 谢怀南, 戈晓宇. 半湿润地区公园绿地径流收集灌溉利用成本研究——以迁安市滨湖东路集雨型绿地为例[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2022, 44(5): 115-123. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200392
引用本文: 赖月, 康嘉奇, 谢怀南, 戈晓宇. 半湿润地区公园绿地径流收集灌溉利用成本研究——以迁安市滨湖东路集雨型绿地为例[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2022, 44(5): 115-123. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200392
Lai Yue, Kang Jiaqi, Xie Huainan, Ge Xiaoyu. Runoff collection and irrigation utilization cost of park green space in semi humid area: a case study of the green space of East Binhu Road in Qian’an City, Hebei Province of northern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2022, 44(5): 115-123. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200392
Citation: Lai Yue, Kang Jiaqi, Xie Huainan, Ge Xiaoyu. Runoff collection and irrigation utilization cost of park green space in semi humid area: a case study of the green space of East Binhu Road in Qian’an City, Hebei Province of northern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2022, 44(5): 115-123. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200392


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(31800606),北京市共建项目(2015BLUREE01)

    赖月。主要研究方向:风景园林规划与理论。Email:754204379@qq.com 地址:100083北京市海淀区清华东路35号北京林业大学园林学院


    戈晓宇,博士,副教授。主要研究方向:风景园林规划与理论。Email:gexiaoyu@bjfu.edu.cn 地址:同上

  • 中图分类号: S731.2

Runoff collection and irrigation utilization cost of park green space in semi humid area: a case study of the green space of East Binhu Road in Qian’an City, Hebei Province of northern China

  • 摘要:
      目的  为探索半湿润地区城市公园绿地海绵城市建设的可行性和经济性,为设计师和决策者提供经济层面的决策参考,本文以雨水径流收集灌溉利用的成本效益为研究内容,以河北省迁安市滨湖东路已建成集雨型绿地为研究对象,研究半湿润地区公园绿地径流收集灌溉利用成本。
      方法  根据场地径流量确定雨水调蓄池容积,基于2014—2021年逐日实测降雨数据和2022—2024年预测降雨数据,利用容积法测算年收集径流量,对比绿地完全用自来水灌溉成本和用收集径流与自来水共同灌溉成本,得到节约成本,并对比建设成本和维护成本得出建设效益。
      结果  基于2014—2021年的实际降雨数据和2022—2024年的预测降雨数据与建设成本测算,在汇水面积为155.37 hm2、灌溉面积为151.410 hm2时,以解决径流为目的,从长期效益出发,调蓄池规模最佳选择方案为3 000 m3,年平均节约灌溉费用101 114.15元,年平均效益65 424.15元。
      结论  半湿润地区径流收集灌溉利用具有一定效益,基于某个时间段内植物的灌溉需求量作为径流收集的标准,可明显减少建设成本,增加径流利用效率。
      Objective  In order to explore the feasibility and economy of urban park green space sponge city construction in semi humid area and provide economic decision-making reference for designers and decision makers, this paper takes the cost-effectiveness of rainwater runoff collection and irrigation as the research content, and takes the built rainwater collection green space on Binhu East Road, Qian’an City, Hebei Province of northern China as the research object to study the cost of rainwater collection and irrigation of park green space in semi humid area.
      Method  The volume of rainwater storage tank was determined according to the site runoff. Based on the daily measured rainfall data from 2014 to 2021 and the predicted rainfall data from 2022 to 2024, the volume method was used to calculate the annual collected runoff. The cost savings were obtained by comparing the cost of green land irrigation with tap water and the cost of irrigation with collected runoff and tap water, and the construction benefits were obtained by comparing the construction cost and maintenance cost.
      Result  Based on the actual rainfall data from 2014 to 2021, the predicted rainfall data from 2022 to 2024 and the calculation of construction cost, when the catchment area was 155.37 ha and the irrigation area was 151.410 ha, for the purpose of solving runoff and from the perspective of long-term benefits, the best scheme for the scale of regulating and storage tank was 3 000 m3, and the average annual irrigation cost was 101114.15 CNY, the average annual benefit was 65 424.15 CNY.
      Conclusion  Runoff collection and irrigation utilization in semi humid areas has certain benefits. Taking the irrigation demand of plants in a certain period of time as the standard of runoff collection can significantly reduce the construction cost and increase the runoff utilization efficiency.
  • 图  1   研究区域平面图

    Figure  1.   Plan of the study area

    图  2   2014—2024年年平均调蓄池收集量与节约成本

    Figure  2.   Annual average collection volume of regulation and storage tank and cost savings from 2014 to 2024

    表  1   滨湖东路东侧绿地雨水径流控制量

    Table  1   Amount of rainwater runoff control on the east side of Binhu East Road

    Design rainfall/mm
    Name of catchment area
    Catchment area/ha
    综合雨量径流系数Comprehensive rainfall
    runoff coefficient
    Design storage capacity/m3
    42.6 外部汇水面(汇流入东侧场地)External catchment surface (flow into the east site) 地块1 Plot 1 15.30 0.15 ~ 0.80 4 330.93 40 361.71
    地块2 Plot 2 60.42 0.15 ~ 0.80 18 118.41
    地块3 Plot 3 35.10 0.15 ~ 0.80 10 660.65
    Binhu East Road
    10.00 0.80 3 408.00
    Fu’an Street
    3.40 0.80 1 158.72
    Huixing Street
    4.40 0.80 1499.52
    29.6 内部汇水面
    Internal catchment surface
    Binhu East Road greenland (east side)
    26.75 0.15 1 185.48
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    表  2   各类园林植物系数相关指标

    Table  2   Indexes related to the coefficients of various garden plants

    Vegetation type
    Type factor(Ks
    Density factor(Kd
    小气候因子Microclimate factor(Kmc
    Good growth
    Average growth
    Bad growth
    Good growth
    Average growth
    Bad growth
    Good growth
    Average growth
    Bad growth
    乔木 Tree 0.90 0.50 0.20 1.30 1.00 0.50 1.40 1.00 0.50
    灌木 Shrub 0.70 0.50 0.20 1.10 1.00 0.50 1.30 1.00 0.50
    Ground-cover plant
    0.90 0.50 0.20 1.10 1.00 0.50 1.20 1.00 0.50
    0.90 0.50 0.20 1.30 1.00 0.60 1.40 1.00 0.50
    Cool season grass
    0.80 1.00 1.00 0.60 1.20 1.00 0.80
    注:表2来源于参考文献[25]。Note: Tab. 2 is cited from reference [25].
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    表  3   各园林植物的园林系数

    Table  3   Landscape coefficients of each garden plant

    Vegetation type
    Type factor (Ks
    Density factor(Kd
    小气候因子Microclimate factor(Kmc园林系数
    Garden coefficient(KL
    乔木 Tree 0.90 1.30 1.40 1.64
    灌木 Shrub 0.70 1.10 1.30 1.00
    Ground-cover plant
    0.90 1.10 1.20 1.19
    0.90 1.30 1.40 1.64
    Cool season grass
    0.80 1.00 1.20 0.96
    注:表3来源于参考文献[25]。Note: Tab. 3 is cited from reference [25].
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    表  4   LID设施及其配件造价维护表

    Table  4   Cost maintenance table of lid facilities and their accessories

    Construction unit price/CNY
    Maintenance unit price/(CNY·year−1)
    雨水调蓄池 Rainwater storage tank 388 690.70 16 575.00
    自控自吸泵 Self-control self-priming pump 6 750.00 1 270.00
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    表  5   2014—2024年年平均调蓄池收集量与节约成本

    Table  5   Annual average collection volume of regulation and storage tank and cost savings from 2014 to 2024

    年平均调蓄池收集量Average annual storage pool collection/m3年平均径流利用率
    Average annual runoff utilization rate/%
    Average annual cost saving/(CNY·year−1)
    方案1 Plan 1 34 123.38 44.95 71 908.34
    方案2 Plan 2 58 951.48 36.84 101 114.15
    方案3 Plan 3 78 271.25 30.35 109 667.28
    方案4 Plan 4 93 944.53 25.63 110 661.16
    方案5 Plan 5 106 598.61 22.66 110 661.16
    方案6 Plan 6 116 944.00 20.69 110 661.16
    方案7 Plan 7 125 803.95 19.24 110 661.16
    方案8 Plan 8 133 404.79 18.14 110 661.16
    方案9 Plan 9 139 876.88 17.31 110 661.16
    方案10 Plan 10 145 352.78 16.66 110 661.16
    方案11 Plan 11 150 115.53 16.14 110 661.16
    方案12 Plan 12 154 119.79 15.72 110 661.16
    方案13 Plan 13 157 221.16 15.42 110 661.16
    方案14 Plan 14 160 084.80 15.18 110 661.16
    方案15 Plan 15 162 763.84 14.96 110 661.16
    方案16 Plan 16 165 218.39 14.76 110 661.16
    方案17 Plan 17 167 532.34 14.58 110 661.16
    方案18 Plan 18 169 215.16 14.47 110 661.16
    方案19 Plan 19 170 851.52 14.35 110 661.16
    方案20 Plan 20 172 450.50 14.25 110 661.16
    方案21 Plan 21 173 464.57 14.17 110 661.16
    方案22 Plan 22 174 277.92 14.12 110 661.16
    方案23 Plan 23 174 893.48 14.07 110 661.16
    方案24 Plan 24 175 358.54 14.04 110 661.16
    方案25 Plan 25 175 629.89 14.02 110 661.16
    方案26 Plan 26 175 766.26 14.01 110 661.16
    方案27 Plan 27 175 902.62 14.00 110 661.16
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  • 收稿日期:  2020-12-10
  • 修回日期:  2021-12-03
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  • 网络出版日期:  2022-04-11
  • 发布日期:  2022-05-24


