    周晴, 吴剑, 桑亚茹, 赵征洋, 刘美芹, 张平冬. 秋水仙碱处理诱导银灰杨2n花粉与杂种三倍体创制[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2020, 42(3): 119-126. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190363
    引用本文: 周晴, 吴剑, 桑亚茹, 赵征洋, 刘美芹, 张平冬. 秋水仙碱处理诱导银灰杨2n花粉与杂种三倍体创制[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2020, 42(3): 119-126. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190363
    Zhou Qing, Wu Jian, Sang Yaru, Zhao Zhengyang, Liu Meiqin, Zhang Pingdong. Pollen chromosome doubling induced by colchicine treatment and creation of hybrid triploids in Populus canescens[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(3): 119-126. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190363
    Citation: Zhou Qing, Wu Jian, Sang Yaru, Zhao Zhengyang, Liu Meiqin, Zhang Pingdong. Pollen chromosome doubling induced by colchicine treatment and creation of hybrid triploids in Populus canescens[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2020, 42(3): 119-126. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20190363


    Pollen chromosome doubling induced by colchicine treatment and creation of hybrid triploids in Populus canescens

    • 摘要:
      结果减数分裂时期、注射次数、减数分裂时期与注射次数的交互效应均对2n花粉诱导率具有极显著影响。利用0.5%的秋水仙碱溶液对发育至粗线期的花粉母细胞进行11次注射处理是秋水仙碱诱导银灰杨花粉染色体加倍的最佳处理组合,2n花粉平均诱导率最高可达(30.27 ± 8.69)%。与天然2n花粉粒相比,秋水仙碱诱导型2n花粉粒表面结构出现了明显的裂沟,说明秋水仙碱注射处理对2n花粉花粉壁形成具有一定的影响。选取含有一定2n花粉比例的花粉,分别与河北杨、银腺杨雌配子进行授粉杂交,共收获杂种苗木4 955株,检测出三倍体5株,其中,2株三倍体来源于河北杨 × 银灰杨的杂交组合;另3株三倍体来源于银腺杨 × 银灰杨的杂交组合。


      ObjectiveImproving the technical system of triploid breeding to generate new triploid germplasm can serve for developing new varieties with fast growing and higher resistance in P. canescens.
      MethodBased on the optimization of technical conditions for inducing pollen chromosome doubling, effects of colchicine on induced 2n pollen of surface structure and triploid production by crossing induced 2n pollen were conducted by taking P. canescens, P. hopeiensis and P. alba × P. glandulosa as experimental materials.
      ResultThe results showed that meiotic stages, injection times and the interaction between meiotic stage and injection time had highly significant effects on frequency of colchicine-induced 2n pollen. The optimum treatment combination to induce pollen chromosome doubling was to inject 11 times with 0.5% colchicine solution when pollen mother cells were at pachytene. The highest mean frequency of colchicine-induced 2n pollen was (30.27 ± 8.69)%. Compared with natural 2n pollen, some narrow furrows on the surface of the colchicine-indued 2n pollen were observed, suggesting that colchicine did, to some extent, affect the formation of cell wall of induced 2n pollen. 4 955 hybrid offsprings were obtained by crossing induced 2n pollen with female gametes of P. hopeiensis and P. alba × P. glandulosa, and five real triploids were detected by flow cytometric analysis and somatic chromosome counting. Among the five triploids, two triploids were derived from the cross combination between P. hopeiensis and P. canescens, and three triploids were derived from the cross combination between P. alba × P. glandulosa and P. canescens.
      ConclusionColchicine could not only induce pollen chromosome doubling to produce 2n pollen but also affect the formation of cell wall of colchicine-induced 2n pollen and resulted in narrow furrows on ectexine structure in P. canescens. Hybrid polyploid offsprings were successfully obtained by crossing colchicine-induced 2n pollen.


