

    Structure and dynamic characteristics of Betula albo-sinensis populations in two regions in the Qinling Mountains of northwestern China

    • 摘要:
        目的  红桦是我国特有的桦木科高大落叶乔木,也是我国暖温带森林主要建群种之一,具有观赏、经济和生态价值。通过对秦岭两地区红桦种群结构与动态特征研究,阐明红桦种群年龄结构特征及种群数量动态变化,建立种群发展预测模型,揭示红桦种群自然更新障碍原因,为今后红桦种群的保护和恢复提供理论依据。
        方法  对陕西省宁陕县火地塘林场和甘肃省礼县洮坪林场红桦种群调查与统计,绘制红桦种群静态生命表,分析种群年龄结构及数量动态变化,建立种群发展预测模型,同时结合种群动态数量化法和数量时间序列分析法揭示红桦种群的发展趋势。
        结果  两地种群年龄结构均在Ⅲ龄级时个体数最多,种群主要由幼龄个体组成;两地种群均是前期先衰退后增长,中期短暂衰退后增长,在Ⅵ ~ Ⅶ 龄级急剧衰退;洮坪种群比火地塘种群更早进入衰退期,其种群更易受到环境因子的影响;两地红桦种群的存活曲线都趋向于Deevey-Ⅱ 型。
        结论  火地塘和洮坪两地红桦种群的年龄结构均呈不规则的金字塔型,种群发展主要靠中老龄个体维持;两地红桦种群现阶段都为增长型种群,且都对生境因子具有较高的敏感性,洮坪种群尤为明显;在未来两地红桦种群均不同程度地缺乏幼苗,自然更新较困难。针对此问题,提出保护和恢复红桦种群的策略:人工培育幼苗移植到种群的林窗内;对幼龄林采用“3年5次”的抚育方式,对中龄林采用整枝、修剪、除灌等方式进行抚育;对于郁闭度达0.9以上的林分,适当间伐,每公顷保留1 500株左右,提高种群的自然更新能力。


        Objective  Betula albo-sinensis, a tall deciduous tree of the Betulaceae, unique to our country, is one of the main constructive species of warm temperate forests in China, with ornamental, economic as well as ecological values. Through the research on the structure and dynamic characteristics of red birch populations in two regions in the Qinling Mountains of northwestern China, clarifying the age structure characteristics and population dynamic changes, establishing the population development prediction model, and revealing the reason for the natural regeneration obstacle, we provided a theoretical basis for protection and restoration.
        Method  The two B. albo-sinensis populations in Huoditang Forest Farm (Ningshan County, Shaanxi Province) and Taoping Forest Farm (Li County, Gansu Province) were investigated and counted. Then the static life table was drawn, the population age structure and quantitative dynamic changes were analyzed, and a population development prediction model was established. Meanwhile, the development trend was revealed by the population dynamics quantification method and quantitative time series analysis method.
        Result  The age structure of the populations in the two regions was the most individuals at age Ⅲ, and the populations were mainly composed of young individuals. They both first declined and then increased in the early stage, then increased after a short decline in the middle term, and sharply dropped off at the age of Ⅵ−Ⅶ . The Taoping population was more susceptive to environmental factors, entered the decline period earlier than the Huoditang population. Their survival curves tended to be the Deevey-Ⅱ type.
        Conclusion  The age structure of the B. albo-sinensis populations in Huoditang and Taoping both presents irregular pyramids, and the population development is mainly maintained by middle-aged and elderly individuals. They are both growing populations at the current stage and highly dependent on habitat factors, especially obvious for Taoping. In the future, natural regeneration would be untoward for them because of lacking seedlings to various degrees. In response to these problems, several strategies to protect and restore: artificially cultivate seedlings and transplant them into the gaps of the populations; adopt the “5 times in 3 years” tending method for young forests, and the pruning, pruning, mowing, removing irrigation and the like for middle-aged forests. As for stands with a canopy density of more than 0.9, appropriate thinning is required to keep about 1 500 plants per hectare to improve the natural regeneration capacity of the populations.


