

    Effects of cutting intensity on photosynthetic physiological characteristics of natural and transplanted Pinus koraiensis seedlings

    • 摘要:
        目的  阔叶红松林是我国东北东部山区的地带性顶级植被,但由于20世纪50年代以来不合理的开发利用多被天然次生林、过伐林和人工林所取代。人工促进红松天然更新可加快林下红松恢复,加速阔叶红松林演替进程,因此对于红松光合生理机制的研究具有十分重要的意义。
        方法  为探讨人工促进红松天然更新的可行性及不同采伐强度对红松人工移植苗的生理影响,本研究选择3种不同采伐强度的样地(样地采伐强度分别为对照0、17%、35%),就红松人工移植苗和红松天然苗两种幼苗进行光合生理对比试验。
        结果  (1)6年生红松人工移植苗与6年生红松天然苗的光合效率及大多数叶绿素荧光参数无显著差异,包括净光合速率、水分利用效率、碳同化量子效率、最大光化学效率、实际光化学效率、电子传递效率、开放的PSⅡ激发能捕获效率、非光化学猝灭系数;(2)从光响应参数来看,红松人工移植苗的光补偿点和暗呼吸速率高于红松天然苗,但二者差异不显著;(3)不同采伐强度中,红松人工移植苗和红松天然苗在35%采伐强度(郁闭度0.6)下的最大光化学效率最低(P < 0.05),表明两种红松幼苗在35%采伐强度下受到一定程度的胁迫;(4)随着采伐强度的增大,红松人工移植苗的净光合速率、最大净光合速率、光化学猝灭系数、光饱和点呈先升后降的趋势,在17%采伐强度(郁闭度0.8)下达最大值。
        结论  6年生红松人工移植苗与6年生红松天然苗的光合生理差异不显著,冠下更新的红松人工移植苗可以很好地适应林下环境;林冠下红松更新不提倡伐后郁闭度0.6条件下造林,可在伐后郁闭度0.8条件下补植红松幼苗。


        Objective  The mixed-broadleaved Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) forest is a zonal climax in mountainous area in eastern part of northeastern China, however, due to the unreasonable utilization in the 1950s, most of the mixed-broadleaved Korean pine forests in China were replaced by natural secondary forests, over-cutting forests and planted forests. The recovery of understory Korean pine and succession process of mixed-broadleaved Korean pine forests can be accelerated by artificial promotion of natural regeneration of P. koraiensis, so it is very important to study the photosynthetic physiological mechanism of P. koraiensis.
        Method  In order to explore the feasibility of artificial promotion of natural regeneration of P. koraiensis and the physiological effects of different cutting intensities on transplanted P. koraiensis seedlings, three sample plots with different cutting intensities (the cutting intensities of the sample plots were 0, 17% and 35%) were selected in this study, and the photosynthetic physiology of the transplanted P. koraiensis seedlings and the natural P. koraiensis seedlings was compared.
        Result  (1) There was no significant difference in photosynthetic efficiency and most chlorophyll fluorescence parameters between 6-year-old transplanted seedlings of P. koraiensis and 6-year-old natural seedlings of P. koraiensis, including net photosynthetic rate, water use efficiency, carbon assimilation quantum efficiency, maximum photochemical efficiency, actual photochemical efficiency, electron transfer efficiency, open PSII excitation energy capture efficiency, and non-photochemical quenching coefficient. (2) From the perspective of light response parameters, the light compensation point and dark respiration rate of transplanted P. koraiensis seedlings were higher than those of natural P. koraiensis seedlings, but the difference was not significant. (3) The maximum photochemical efficiency of transplanted and natural P. koraiensis seedlings under 35% cutting intensity (canopy density 0.6) was the lowest (P < 0.05), indicating that the two P. koraiensis seedlings were subjected to a certain degree of stress under 35% cutting intensity. (4) The net photosynthetic rate, maximum net photosynthetic rate, photochemical quenching coefficient and light saturation point of the transplanted seedlings of P. koraiensis increased first and then decreased with the increase of cutting intensity, reaching the maximum at 17% cutting intensity (canopy density 0.8).
        Conclusion  There is no significant difference in photosynthetic physiology between 6-year-old transplanted seedlings of P. koraiensis and 6-year-old natural seedlings of P. koraiensis. The transplanted P. koraiensis seedlings under canopy could well adapt to the forest environment; the regeneration of P. koraiensis under canopy does not advocate afforestation under the condition of post-cutting canopy density of 0.6, and P. koraiensis seedlings can be transplanted under the condition of post-cutting canopy density of 0.8.


