    杜瑶, 田彪, 张健, 刘红光, 罗斌. 中密度纤维板磨削时的砂带磨损研究及寿命评判[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2021, 43(10): 126-134. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20210192
    引用本文: 杜瑶, 田彪, 张健, 刘红光, 罗斌. 中密度纤维板磨削时的砂带磨损研究及寿命评判[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2021, 43(10): 126-134. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20210192
    Du Yao, Tian Biao, Zhang Jian, Liu Hongguang, Luo Bin. Research on abrasive belt wear and working life evaluation during sanding medium density fiberboard[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2021, 43(10): 126-134. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20210192
    Citation: Du Yao, Tian Biao, Zhang Jian, Liu Hongguang, Luo Bin. Research on abrasive belt wear and working life evaluation during sanding medium density fiberboard[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2021, 43(10): 126-134. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20210192


    Research on abrasive belt wear and working life evaluation during sanding medium density fiberboard

    • 摘要:
        目的  砂带磨削作为中密度纤维板生产加工过程中必不可少的工序,直接影响着加工效率和表面质量。目前有关木质材料磨削方面的研究基础较为薄弱,多借鉴金属磨削且多以实木为研究对象,针对人造板砂带磨削的研究极少。在实际生产中,砂带的选择和更换大多依靠工人的经验判断。本研究可以为实际生产中的砂带选择和更换提供科学依据和理论支撑,促进木材加工技术和砂带制造技术向高效智能化方向发展。
        方法  本研究以中密度纤维板为试验材料,测试砂带磨削时的磨削效率和表面粗糙度,结合三维形貌图和电镜图,分析砂带磨损对材料去除率和表面粗糙度的影响,并对砂带寿命做出合理预测。
        结果  MDF磨削初期磨粒尖锐,材料去除率较高,但随磨粒破碎和脱落,材料去除率下降速度较快;磨削中期材料去除率趋于动态稳定,磨削后期随着磨粒进一步钝化、局部片状脱落,材料去除率再次降低。随着磨削次数增加,磨粒在持续磨损过程中逐渐钝化、顶端直径增大,在试件表面留下渐宽的磨削痕迹,试件表面粗糙度参数SaSdr数值呈下降趋势,磨削前后期粗糙度参数值较分散,中期的粗糙度参数值相对集中、收敛性好。而砂带表面粗糙度参数SaSku数值在磨削前后期相对集中,磨削中期比较分散。在试验所用120目砂带的情况下,以材料去除率为评价指标时,累计磨削长度23 096 m为砂带的使用寿命终点;以磨削表面粗糙度参数Sa为评价指标时,累计磨削长度18 375 m为砂带的使用寿命终点。
        结论  砂带磨损至失效大致可以分为3个阶段,磨削效率与参与磨削的磨粒尖锐度和有效磨粒数量成正比。砂带磨损对磨削表面粗糙度影响较大。磨削加工目的不同,依据不同的考察指标,砂带寿命评判结果有差异,可以通过材料去除率和表面粗糙度的变化趋势对砂带寿命进行合理预测。


        Objective  As an indispensable process in the production and processing of medium density fiberboard (MDF), abrasive belt sanding directly affects the processing efficiency and surface quality. At present, the research foundation on the sanding of wood materials is relatively weak, and most of them use metal grinding and solid wood as the research object. There are very few researches on the abrasive belt sanding of wood-based panels. In actual production, the selection and replacement of abrasive belts mostly rely on the experience of workers. The research can provide scientific basis and theoretical support for the selection and replacement of abrasive belts in actual production, and promote the development of wood processing technology and abrasive belt manufacturing technology in the direction of high efficiency and intelligence.
        Method  This study used MDF as the experimental material to test the sanding efficiency and surface roughness during abrasive belt sanding. Combining with the three-dimensional topography, the study analyzed the effects of abrasive belt wear on the material removal rate and surface roughness, and made predictions on the life of the abrasive belt.
        Result  In the initial stage of MDF sanding, the abrasive grains were sharp and the material removal rate was high, but as the abrasive grains breaking and falling off, the material removal rate decreased faster. The material removal rate in the middle period of sanding tended to be dynamic and stable. In the later period of sanding, the material removal rate decreased again as the abrasive grains were further passivated and partially flaked off. As the number of sanding increased, the abrasive grains gradually became passivated and the diameter of the tip increased during the continuous wear process, leaving a widening sanding mark on the surface of the specimen, and the Sa and Sdr of surface roughness of the specimen showed a downward trend. The roughness parameter values in the early and late stages of sanding were relatively scattered, which in the middle stage were relatively concentrated and had good convergence. While the Sa and Sku of the surface roughness of the abrasive belt was relatively concentrated in the early and late sanding stage, and the value in the middle stage was relatively scattered. In the case of the 120-mesh abrasive belt used in the test, when the material removal rate was used as the evaluation index, the cumulative sanding length of 23 096 m was the end of service life of the abrasive belt. When the Sa of surface roughness was used as evaluation index, the cumulative sanding length of 18 375 m was the end of the service life of abrasive belt.
        Conclusion  Abrasive belt wear to failure can be roughly divided into three stages. The sanding efficiency is directly proportional to the sharpness of the abrasive particles involved in the sanding and the number of effective abrasive particles. Abrasive belt wear has a greater impact on the surface roughness of sanding. When the purpose of the sanding process is different, the evaluation results of the abrasive belt life are different according to different inspection indicators. The life of the abrasive belt can be reasonably predicted by the changing trend of the material removal rate and the surface roughness.


