    杜雪, 白彦锋, 杜志, 孟京辉. 湖南省马尾松天然次生林最优均衡曲线[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2023, 45(1): 21-29. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20210199
    引用本文: 杜雪, 白彦锋, 杜志, 孟京辉. 湖南省马尾松天然次生林最优均衡曲线[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2023, 45(1): 21-29. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20210199
    Du Xue, Bai Yanfeng, Du Zhi, Meng Jinghui. Optimal equilibrium curve of natural secondary forest of Pinus massoniana in Hunan Province of Central China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2023, 45(1): 21-29. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20210199
    Citation: Du Xue, Bai Yanfeng, Du Zhi, Meng Jinghui. Optimal equilibrium curve of natural secondary forest of Pinus massoniana in Hunan Province of Central China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2023, 45(1): 21-29. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20210199


    Optimal equilibrium curve of natural secondary forest of Pinus massoniana in Hunan Province of Central China

    • 摘要:
        目的  本研究以湖南省马尾松天然次生林为研究对象,在现有生长模型的支持下,对备选均衡曲线进行筛选,最终甄别出最优均衡曲线,作为马尾松天然次生林经营的量化导向目标。
        方法  本研究首先在综合分析马尾松天然次生林结构的基础上,依据湖南省马尾松天然林林分状况以及以往的研究结果,胸高断面积(B)的取值拟选择35、40和45 m2/hm2;连续两个径阶的林木株数比值(q值)选择1.2、1.3、1.4、1.5、1.6、1.7;最大保留径阶(Dmax)的取值选择40、45和50 cm,构建了54条潜在的基础均衡曲线簇。并在所构建的可变概率转移矩阵模型的支持下,对基础均衡曲线簇进行了模拟,筛选出最优均衡曲线。
        结果  转移矩阵模型支持下的80年的模拟结果显示均衡曲线12(B为35 m2/hm2Dmax为45 cm,q为1.7)在蓄积年生长量、蓄积量、采伐木平方平均直径以及树种组成稳定性方面表现出明显的优势,在达到均衡结构时,具有最大的蓄积量年增长量(iv),iv为1.18 m3/(a·hm2),同时该均衡曲线的其他评价指标也表现较为优秀,观测株数偏离均衡株数的方差值var为0.12 < 0.5,蓄积量V为268.13 m3/hm2,采伐木平方平均直径dg为17.99 cm。此外,该均衡曲线在模拟期后20年(2077—2097年),树种组成基本保持稳定,未见明显波动,因此作为最优均衡曲线。
        结论  现实林分经营模拟结果表明,如果按照最优均衡曲线进行森林结构的及时调整,森林的结构会逐步逼近均衡曲线,实现最终的均衡状态。同时,森林的树种组成也会发生相应的变化,经济价值高的硬阔树种以及栎类则会成为未来森林的主要组成部分,而马尾松的比例则逐步下降,到了后期马尾松会逐渐退化并被其他阔叶树替代。此外,大径阶树的株数增加,森林的价值逐步提升。


        Objective  In this study, with the support of existing growth models, the potential equilibrium curves for natural secondary forest of Pinus massoniana in Hunan Province of Central China were compared and the optimal equilibrium curves were finally identified as the quantatitative management target.
        Method  Based on the comprehensive analysis of the structure of Masson pine natural secondary forest and the results of previous studies, the values of basal area (B) in this study were to be selected as 35, 40 and 45 m2/ha, respectively. Ratio of tree number of two consecutive diameter classes (q) was selected as 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, respectively. The values of maximum retained diameter classes (Dmax) were 40, 45 and 50 cm, respectively, and 54 potential equilibrium curves were constructed. With the support of variable-parameter transition matrix models, these potental equilibrium curves were simulated and the optimal equilibrium curve was determined.
        Result  The 80-year simulation results produced by the transition matrix model showed that the equilibrium curve 12 (B was 35 m2/ha, Dmax was 45 cm, and q was 1.7) exhibited obvious better performance in terms of volume increament, stand volume, average DBH of harvested stems, and stable species compostion. When the equilibrium structure was reached, it had the largest annual growth of stock volume (iv) , iv was 1.18 m3/(year·ha). At the same time, other evaluation indicators of the equilibrium curve were also excellent. The variance of the stem number around the target (var) was 0.12 < 0.5, the stock volume V was 268.13 m3/ha, and the quadratic mean diameter of the removed trees (dg) was 17.99 cm. In addition, in the last 20 years of the simulation period (2077−2097), the composition of tree species basically remained stable, and no obvious fluctuation was observed. Therefore, equilibrium curve 12 was determined as the optimal equilibrium curve.
        Conclusion  The simulation results of the current forest stand show that if the forest structure is adjusted in time according to the equilibrium curve, the forest structure will gradually approach the equilibrium curve and finally achieve the equilibrium state. The composition of forest tree species will also change accordingly. The hard broadleaf trees of high economic value and oak will become the main part of the forest, while the proportion of Masson pine will gradually decrease. At later stages, the Masson pine will gradually deteriorate and be replaced by other broadleaved trees. Moreover, the number of large diameter trees will increase, and the value of the forest will gradually increase.


