

    Preliminary study of epoxy/polyester powder coating applied to reed-based particle board

    • 摘要:
        目的  研究芦苇刨花板表面特性及其对于环氧聚酯粉末涂料涂饰效果的影响作用,为芦苇刨花板的粉末涂料涂饰提供理论和技术参考依据。
        方法  选用环氧聚酯粉末涂料,采用静电喷涂方式涂布于砂光处理的芦苇刨花板基材表面,在130 ℃条件下固化3 min制备了粉末涂料涂饰的饰面芦苇刨花板。在表征涂料固化行为和芦苇刨花板表面性能基础上,研究了砂光处理对板材表面性能与粉末涂料涂饰效果的影响。
        结果  环氧聚酯粉末涂料平均粒径为31.5 μm,在130 ℃条件下固化良好;砂光处理可以有效除去芦苇刨花板表层的预固化层和劣化物质,随着砂带目数的提高,芦苇刨花板表面的粗糙度和润湿性均有所改善,实验所选的范围内,240目砂光处理的效果最好;随着砂带目数的提高,粉末涂料在基材表面的流动性得到改善,所形成的涂层也更加平整,涂层平均厚度为125.4 μm,漆膜附着力为0级,铅笔硬度可达3H以上。
        结论  芦苇刨花板基材经过80目、120目、180目、240目砂带逐级砂光处理后与环氧聚酯粉末涂料结合性能良好,外观质量较优,该方法可以用于芦苇刨花板的粉末涂料涂饰。


        Objective  In order to provide a basis for the powder coating of reed-based particle board, this study explored the surface characteristics of reed-based particle board and its influence on the finishing effect of epoxy polyester powder coating.
        Method  A kind of epoxy polyester powder coatings had been selected in this article, which was applied to reed-based particle board by electrostatic spraying, and cured at 130 ℃ in 3 min. On the basis of characterizing the curing behavior of coating and the surface properties of reed-based particle board, the effect of sanding treatment on the surface properties of the panel and the finishing properties of powder coatings was studied.
        Result  The particle size of selected powder coatings which could cure at 130 ℃ was 31.5 μm on average. The sanding process could remove the procuring layer and the increasing of sandpaper mesh could improve the roughness and wettability of the reed-based panel. The effect of treatment of sanding mesh 240 was the best within the selected range of the experiment. The average thickness of coating formed by finishing was 125.4 μm. The coating adhesion grade of the powder coating was 0, and the hardness was more than 3 H. With the increase of sand mesh, the leveling property of powder coating on substrate surface was improved.
        Conclusion  Reed-based particle board with the treatment of sanding mesh 80, 120, 180 and 240 has good bonding performance and appearance quality with epoxy polyester powder coating. This method can be used for reed-based particle board powder coating.


