Gene diversity and mating system of Pinus tabuliformis in finite population seed orchard.
摘要: 运用10对SSR引物对油松无性系种子园内3个配置区共63个无性系(无性系亲本之间有重复)及320个子代进行研究,选择第9配置区的亲子代群体进行固定配置与交配系统关系的研究。结果发现:有限种群固定配置油松种子园的无性系具有较高的遗传多样性,子代保留了亲本所有的等位基因,且子代群体的等位标记数多于亲本,说明子代与亲本具有同样高的遗传多样性,而且高于亲本;在分析第9配置区的交配系统时,在80%的置信度下,配置区内异交率达到了100%,这说明固定配置下油松种子园的交配系统以异交为主;邻居花粉距离(即距离小于7.07 m)传播的交配成功率为21.90%;传播距离40 m以内的交配成功率达到了71.43%,距离大于40 m的交配成功率达到了6.67%,说明固定配置区内的花粉空间传播范围比较均匀,花粉传播范围广泛。对于配置区间的基因交流研究,我们发现各配置区均有来自其他2个配置区不同程度上的花粉影响,说明各配置区间的基因交流相对充分。另外,我们发现种子园的外来花粉影响率达到了11.88%。Abstract: A total of 63 clone parents (there was repeat in the clonal parents) and 320 open-pollination progenies were identified by 10 polymorphic SSR loci from three configuration areas of a Pinus tabuliformis seed orchard. We chose the parent and progeny population of ninth configuration area as for our study on the relationship between fixed configuration and mating system. The results showed there was a high genetic diversity in the seed orchard, progeny population had all alleles detected in parent population, and even had some new alleles absent in parent population. In the analysis of the mating system at 80% confidence level, the exchange rate of the configuration area had reached 100%, indicating that most of the mating system of P. tabuliformis seed orchard was based on outcrossing under the fixed configuration. The average neighbor mating rate (7.07 m) was 21.90%; the rate within and beyond 40 m was 71.43% and 6.67%, respectively, indicating that the distribution of pollen in the fixed configuration was relatively uniform, and the range of pollen dispersal was widespread. As to the study of gene exchange between the configuration areas, we found that each of configuration area was affected by pollen from the other two configuration areas to different degrees, indicating that the gene exchange between each configuration area was relatively sufficient. In addition, we found the rate of contamination by pollen outside the seed orchard was as high as 11.88%.