    马丰丰, 潘高, 李锡泉, 韩云娟. 桂西南喀斯特山地木本植物群落种间关系及CCA排序[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2017, 39(6): 32-44. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20160379
    引用本文: 马丰丰, 潘高, 李锡泉, 韩云娟. 桂西南喀斯特山地木本植物群落种间关系及CCA排序[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2017, 39(6): 32-44. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20160379
    MA Feng-feng, PAN Gao, LI Xi-quan, HAN Yun-juan. Interspecific relationship and canonical correspondence analysis within woody plant communities in the karst mountains of Southwest Guangxi, southern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2017, 39(6): 32-44. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20160379
    Citation: MA Feng-feng, PAN Gao, LI Xi-quan, HAN Yun-juan. Interspecific relationship and canonical correspondence analysis within woody plant communities in the karst mountains of Southwest Guangxi, southern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2017, 39(6): 32-44. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20160379


    Interspecific relationship and canonical correspondence analysis within woody plant communities in the karst mountains of Southwest Guangxi, southern China

    • 摘要: 基于桂西南喀斯特山地木本植物群落11个样方(20 m×20 m)取样调查,运用生态位理论、种间关系原理、双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)和典范对应分析(CCA)方法,探讨主要木本植物间的种间联结性和相关性及其与环境因子之间的关系。结果表明:桂西南喀斯特山地木本植物群落中麻栎、枫香、蚬木占优势地位,罗伞树-鹅掌柴、九节-琴叶榕、澄广花-鱼骨木的生态位重叠度分别在3种木本植物群落中最大。麻栎次生林群落总体种间关系表现为不显著正关联,χ2检验统计显示正关联种对数有50对,负关联种对数有52对,无关联种对数有3对,正负关联比为0.96,检验显著率为6.67%。枫香次生林群落总体种间关系表现为不显著负关联,χ2检验统计显示正关联种对数有96对,负关联种对数有113对,无关联种对数有1对,正负关联比为0.85,检验显著率为8.10%。蚬木次生林群落总体种间关系表现为显著正关联,正关联种对数有19对,负关联种对数有17对,正负关联比为1.12,检验显著率为8.33%。CCA前瞻选择显示土壤pH值、全磷、坡向、土壤全钾、海拔是影响桂西南喀斯特山地木本植物群落物种组成与分布最重要的因子,总体上可以对76.95%的环境因子进行解释。物种间的正联结性越显著,其生态位重叠程度越高,反之,物种间的负联结性越显著,其生态位重叠程度则越低。


      Abstract: The interspectific associations of main woody plant species and the relationships between environmental factors and plant communities were investigated in the karst mountains of Southwest Guangxi, southern China. Eleven sampling plots (20 m×20 m in size each) were established in three forest communities (Quercus acutissima forest, Liquidambar formosana forest, and Excentrodendron hsienmu forest) in the study site, and statistic methods including niche theory, interspecific relation principle, two-way indicator species analysis and canonical correspondence analysis were used. The results showed that Quercus acutissima, Liquidambar formosana, and Excentrodendron hsienmu were dominant species in the study area. The largest niche overlap was observed between Ardisia quinquegona and Schefflera octophylla, between Psychotria rubra and Ficus pandurata, and between Orophea hainanensis and Canthium dicoccum for the Quercus acutissima natural secondary forest, Liquidambar formosana natural secondary forest and Excentrodendron hsienmu natural secondary forest, respectively. No significant positive correlations were found in terms of the overall interspecific associations among dominant woody plant species in Quercus acutissima natural secondary forest. The χ2 test showed that the number of species pairs in positive association was 50, the number of species pairs in negative association was 52, and the number of species pairs in non-association was 3, the association ratio was 0.96, and the significance rate of test was 6.67%. The overall interspecific associations were negative correlations among dominant woody plant species in Liquidambar formosana natural secondary forest, but the correlations were not significant. The χ2 test showed that the number of species pairs in positive association was 96, the number of species pairs in negative association was 113, the number of species pairs in non-association was 1, the association ratio was 0.85, and the significance rate of test was 8.10%. The overall interspecific associations were significantly positive correlations among dominant woody plant species in Excentrodendron hsienmu natural secondary forests. The χ2 test showed that the number of species pairs in positive association was 19, the number of species pairs in negative association was 17, the association ratio was 1.12, and the significance rate of test was 8.33%. By CCA analysis, soil pH, total phosphorus, slope aspect, soil total potassium and elevation were the most important factors affecting species composition and distribution in plant communities in the study area, which accounted for about 76.95% of the variation. Our study indicates that the more significantly positive the associations between plant species are, the higher the degree of niche overlap is. In contrast, the more significantly negative the associations between plant species are, the lower the degree of niche overlap is.


