Eight newly recorded vascular plants for flora of Beijing were reported in this paper, including
Ajania parviflora,
Galeopsis bifida,
Hylodesmum oldhamii,
Ostrya japonica,
Potentilla betonicifolia,
Rubia sylvatica,
Stellaria bungeana var.
stubendorfii, and
Stellaria cherleriae. With good material and less population,
Ostrya japonica is suggested to upgrade protection level. Meanwhile, the morphological characteristics of newly found Orchidaceae species
Holopogon pekinensis in Beijing were described in Chinese to deepen the understanding of the public to the endangered species. Furthermore, we conducted textual research of literature and specimen and field investigation of
Cypripedium calceolus and
Actinidia kolomikta recorded in
Flora of Beijing, and confirmed they were
shanxiense and
polygama, respectively. Our study provides important information for the investigation and conservation of rare and endangered plants in Beijing.