

    Some new-recorded vascular plants for flora of Beijing

    • 摘要: 本文报道了北京地区植物区系新记录物种8种,分别为束伞亚菊、鼬瓣花、羽叶长柄山蚂蝗、铁木、白萼委陵菜、林生茜草、林繁缕和兴安繁缕。铁木材质优良,种群数量少,建议提升保护等级。同时对刚刚在北京地区发现的兰科新种北京无喙兰形态特征给予中文描述,提高公众对该濒危物种的认识。本文还对《北京植物志》记载的杓兰和狗枣猕猴桃进行文献、标本考证与野外调查,确认其分别为山西杓兰和葛枣猕猴桃。本研究为北京市珍稀濒危植物资源调查和保护提供了重要信息。


      Abstract: Eight newly recorded vascular plants for flora of Beijing were reported in this paper, including Ajania parviflora, Galeopsis bifida, Hylodesmum oldhamii, Ostrya japonica, Potentilla betonicifolia, Rubia sylvatica, Stellaria bungeana var. stubendorfii, and Stellaria cherleriae. With good material and less population, Ostrya japonica is suggested to upgrade protection level. Meanwhile, the morphological characteristics of newly found Orchidaceae species Holopogon pekinensis in Beijing were described in Chinese to deepen the understanding of the public to the endangered species. Furthermore, we conducted textual research of literature and specimen and field investigation of Cypripedium calceolus and Actinidia kolomikta recorded in Flora of Beijing, and confirmed they were C. shanxiense and A. polygama, respectively. Our study provides important information for the investigation and conservation of rare and endangered plants in Beijing.


