

    Larix gmelinii monoterpene volatiles from slow-release micro-capsules affecting host selection behavior of Dendrolimus superans

    • 摘要: 单萜类植物挥发物挥发性较强,能够影响昆虫的行为。为了延长其作用时间,本研究选取落叶松单萜类挥发 物-蒎烯、月桂烯和莰烯,将其制成微胶囊悬浮剂喷施2 年生兴安落叶松树苗,同时直接用3 种挥发物喷施落叶松 苗,进行对比。在处理后的5 d 内,通过室内Y 形管嗅觉仪和室外笼罩试验,分别测定各处理落叶松苗对落叶松毛 虫雌成虫寄主选择行为的影响。结果显示:-蒎烯1 L/mL 和月桂烯1 L/mL, 对雌虫有显著引诱作用(P 0.01); 两者的微胶囊缓释剂有明显的引诱作用,效果可持续4 d;莰烯2 L/mL 有显著驱避作用(P 0.01);其微胶囊缓释 剂有明显的驱避作用,效果可持续4 d;在施用-蒎烯或月桂烯的各树苗上,雌虫产卵量显著高于对照,效果可持续 3 d;莰烯的各处理树苗上,落叶松毛虫雌虫产卵量显著低于对照,效果可持续3 d。这表明单萜类挥发物的微胶囊 悬浮剂与挥发物具有相同的作用效果,并可以有效延长挥发物的作用时间。


      Abstract: Plant terpene volatiles with many monoterpenes are highly volatile and can influence insect behaviors. In order to control the release of such active volatile compounds, and to maintain a certain active duration, three major Larix gmelinii needle related volatiles -pinene, myrcene and camphene were respectively formulated into slow-release microcapsules. The microcapsule suspension of each volatile compound was spayed onto 2-year-old L. gmelinii seedlings in comparison with those spayed with the corresponding solutions made straight from the volatile compounds. The attraction and oviposition behaviors of Dendrolimus superans female adults to and on these volatile treated larch seedlings were studied in an indoor Y-tube olfactometer and an outdoor caging bioassay, respectively, at each day for five days. Our results from lab Y-tube bioassay showed that -pinene at 1 L/mL and myrcene at 1 L/ mL from the solutions were significantly attractive to D. superans female adults (P 0.01) at day one. Seedlings sprayed with the slow-release microcapsule suspensions also showed significant attraction to D. superans female adults for four days. Camphene at 2 L/mL from the synthetic solution showed significant repellency(P 0.01) at day one, and seedlings sprayed with the slow-release microcapsule suspension also showed significant repellency effect for four days. The outdoor caging bioassays showed that microcapsule suspensions of -pinene and myrcene significantly increased female oviposition(number of eggs) whilst the microcapsule suspension of camphene significantly reduced the number of eggs laid on treated seedlings. These effects lasted for three days. Our data suggest that microcapsule of these highly volatile compounds such as monoterpenes with chitosan may provide a feasible control release formulation to extend their effective life-span (duration).


