
    兴安落叶松树皮超临界CO2 萃取物的成分研究

    Chemical composition of extracts from Larix gmelinii bark extracted by SFE-CO2

    • 摘要: 为了对林业副产物兴安落叶松树皮利用更加充分,采用超临界CO2 萃取工艺对兴安落叶松树皮进行萃取,并 通过气相色谱-质谱联用技术对萃取物成分进行全面分析。结果表明:经150 min 超临界CO2 萃取可基本将3.00 kg 兴安落叶松树皮中的油脂萃取干净,萃取物得率可达3.325%;通过气质联用技术共鉴定出44 种物质,含量较高的 几种化合物是5,6-二羟基-胡萝卜素(36.30%)、树脂酸及其衍生物(27.60%)、泪杉醇(17.14%)、香叶基芳樟醇 (12.51%)。该萃取物成分与普通松脂有明显的区别,具有良好的开发利用前景。


      Abstract: In order to avoid the great resource waste and sufficiently utilize the Larix gmelinii bark, supercritical carbon dioxide extraction was used to extract the liposoluble substance from L. gmelinii bark. The liposoluble substance was thoroughly extracted from 3.00 kg bark in 150 min and the yield of extracts was 3.325%. The extracts were examined by GC-MS, and 44 components were identified. The terpenes and their oxo-derivatives were major chemicals in the extracts. The relative content of components was determined with peak area normalization method, the major constituents of the extracts were 5, 6-ol-Carotene(36.30%), resin acids and their derivatives (27.60%), manool (17.14%), geranyl linalool (12.51%), all of these constituents were of high economic value. They are either bioactive substances, or the important chemical intermediates of fine chemicals and spice chemical. The SFE-CO2 extracts from L. gmelinii bark are different from the normal resin, which are worth further research and are considered with great prospects.


