

    Impact of climate on individual tree radial growth based on generalized additive model

    • 摘要: 基于吉林省汪清林业局落叶松鄄云冷杉林长期固定样地25 年观测数据,采用广义可加模型方法,建立了包含 气候因子的单木胸径生长模型,研究气候因子对单木胸径生长的影响及不同树种的响应差异。结果表明:生长 季逸5 益积温、生长季最低气温、年平均总降水量、月气温差以及年平均气温与年平均总降水量之比5 个气候因子 对该类型的落叶松、红松、冷杉、云杉、慢阔和中阔6 个树种(组)的单木的年平均胸径生长量都有显著的影响,但不 同树种组的气候响应变量和程度不同。对含气候和林分因子的全模型、仅含林分因子的部分模型以及仅含气候因 子的部分模型进行了统计分析,结果显示:3 类模型分别能解释50.8%、45.7% 和29.5% 的胸径生长变异,说明在 局部尺度气候因子对胸径生长的解释能力有限;影响胸径生长的主要因子是单木的期初胸径、大于对象木的断面 积之和、林分每公顷株数和林分断面积平均胸径。


      Abstract: The generalized additive model (GAM) was used to investigate the effects of climate on individual tree radial growth and tree species' responses to climate. The data was collected from long-term permanent plots of larch-spruce-fir forests repeatedly measured for 25 years in Wangqing Forestry Bureau, Jilin Province of northeastern China. Our results showed that accumulated temperature in growing season, mean minimum temperature during growing season, annual total precipitation, mean temperature difference between the coldest and warmest months and the ratio of annual temperature and annual total precipitation significantly explained the variation in radial growth, but varied in the response variables and magnitude of different tree species (larch, spruce, fir, Korean pine and two hardwood groups). The full model, reduced model 1 (stand variables) and 2 (climate variables) could explain 50.8%, 45.7% and 29.5% of the variation in radial growth, respectively. It is concluded that climate has limited capacity in explaining the variation in radial growth, while the size, competition among individuals and stand density are the main drivers to radial growth on the local scale.


