Carbon stock and its distribution of three typical forest types in southeastern Guizhou Province, southwestern China
摘要: 选取贵州黔东南地区3 种典型林分为研究对象,通过外业调查和室内测定,研究常绿阔叶次生林、马尾松和 柏木人工林的碳储量差异及在乔木层、林下层和土壤层的分布规律。结果表明:1)常绿阔叶次生林、马尾松和柏木 人工林乔木层碳储量分别为42.31、30.82 和8.34 Mg/ hm2 ,林下层碳储量表现为常绿阔叶次生林显著大于柏木人 工林和马尾松人工林,常绿阔叶次生林土壤层有机碳密度为112.60 Mg/ hm2 ,分别是马尾松和柏木人工林的1.8 和 4.8 倍。2)林分碳储量分布均表现为土壤层(0 ~30 cm) 乔木层 林下层,土壤碳储量占林分总碳储量的66% 以 上,乔木层碳储量占林分碳储量的26%以上。3)较少受到干扰的植被常绿阔叶次生林碳储量为155.87 Mg/ hm2 , 显著高于马尾松和柏木人工林,表明研究区植被恢复有较高的固碳潜力。研究区植被恢复应以马尾松人工林为 主,适当辅以乡土常绿阔叶树种,将有利于当地森林碳汇效益的增加。Abstract: The carbon stock and its distribution at tree, understory and soil layers were examined through field sampling and laboratory analysis in three typical forest types in the southeast of Guizhou Province, southwestern China. The results were as follows: 1) the carbon stocks of tree layers in the secondary evergreen broadforest(SEBF), Masson pine plantation(MPP) and wepping cypress plantation(WCP) were 42.31, 30.82 and 8.34 Mg/ hm2 respectively. The carbon storage of understory layer in SEBF was significantly higher than that in MPP and WCP. Carbon density of soil layers (0 -30 cm) in SEBF was 112.60 Mg/ hm2, which was about 1.8 and 4.8 times of that in MPP and WCP respectively. 2) The distribution of carbon storage showed the trend of soil layer tree layer understory layer in the three typical forests, carbon storage of soil layer and tree layer were more than 66% and 26% of the total carbon stocks respectively. And 3) as the undisturbed native vegetation, carbon stock of SEBF was 155.87 Mg/ hm2, which was significantly higher than MPP and WCP, this implied the high potential of carbon sequestration through vegetation restoration in the southeast of Guizhou Province. The Masson pine and native evergreen broadleaved tree species should be chosen to sequester more carbon during vegetation restoration in the research area.