
    盐碱胁迫对哈茨木霉T28 的生长及营养代谢的影响

    Effects of salt-alkali stress on growth and nutritional metabolism of Trichoderma harzianum T28

    • 摘要: 采用菌物学、生物化学等方法,对从以色列引进的哈茨木霉T28 进行盐碱胁迫研究,从菌株生长和营养代谢 的角度研究了该菌株对盐碱胁迫的响应。结果表明:在NaCl、Na2SO4和NaHCO3 胁迫条件下,菌株生长和营养代 谢与盐碱浓度呈明显的相关性,在cNaCl0.4 mol/ L 和cNa2SO4 0.2 mol/ L 胁迫的56 h 内,T28 均可长满平板(椎=90 mm),生物量为0.17 ~0.38 g/150 mL 和0.51 ~0.52 g/150 mL,碳利用率为16% ~43% 和8.4% ~8.7%,磷利用率 为3.3% ~4.7%和4.3% ~5.7%。菌株生长和对碳、磷相对利用率受抑制程度均较低;在NaHCO3 胁迫下,菌株生 长和营养代谢均受到较强的抑制。上述结果表明,T28 表现为较好的耐盐性和碱胁迫不耐受。


      Abstract: The response of Trichoderma harzianum strain T28 (introduced from Israel) to salt-alkali stress was researched using mycology and biochemistry. The research investigated strain growth and nutritional metabolism. The results showed that under the stresses of NaCl, Na2SO4 and NaHCO3, growth and nutritional metabolism were significantly correlated to salt-alkali concentrations. Within 56 hours, the diameters of T28 colonies for both cNaCl 0.4 mol/ L and cNa2SO4 0.2 mol/ L had reached 90 mm; the biomass readings were 0.17-0.38 g/150 mL and 0.51-0.52 g/150 mL; the utilization rates of carbon were 16%-43% and 8.4%-8.7%; and the utilization rates of phosphorus were 3.3%-4.7% and 4.3%-5.7% respectively. The inhibition on strain growth and utilization rates of carbon and phosphorus were lower. Under NaHCO3 stress, the inhibition on strain growth and utilization rates of carbon and phosphorus were higher. It is concluded that strain T28 shows a high tolerance to salt and intolerance to alkaline stress.


