

    Scale dependence of species diversity pattern in a near-mature forest in Jiaohe of Jilin Province

    • 摘要: 生境过滤和扩散限制是影响群落多样性格局组建的主要生态学过程,研究了物种多样性格局组建过程中不 同生态学过程起作用的空间尺度。利用单物种-面积模型检验了其中40 种木本植物对邻域物种丰富度的影响,并 且利用同质性泊松、异质性泊松、同质性托马斯和异质性托马斯过程分析了单物种-面积关系偏离中性状况的显著 性。研究结果表明,毛榛、鼠李、早花忍冬、茶条槭和花曲柳在0 ~50 m 空间尺度上为生物多样性促进种;糠椴和千 金榆分别在0 ~25 m 和0 ~35 m 尺度上为生物多样性抑制种;其他绝大多数树种表现为中性种。扩散限制对群落 多样性格局组建影响较大,而生境过滤作用影响相对较小。异质性托马斯过程同时剔除了生境过滤和扩散限制影 响,分析结果显示0 ~20 m 尺度上促进种在群落中占据支配地位;在20 m 尺度上中性种比例随着空间尺度增加 而增大,在群落多样性构建过程中占据主导地位;群落中抑制种比例较低,并且随着空间尺度变化幅度不大。因 此,生态位分化和中性作用共同决定了群落多样性结构的构建过程,二者的相对重要性与空间尺度密切相关。


      Abstract: Both habitat filtering and dispersal limitation are the key ecological processes affecting the structuring of community diversity pattern. The spatial scales at which different ecological processes work were determined in the structuring of species diversity pattern. The effect of 40 woody species on the local species richness was examined by individual species-area relationship model. The significance of deviation of individual species-area relationship from neutral condition was analyzed by homogeneous Poisson process, heterogeneous Poisson process, homogeneous Thomas process and heterogeneous Thomas process. The results revealed that Corylus mandshurica, Rhamnus davurica, Lonicera praeflorens, Acer ginnala and Fraxinus rhynchophylla were diversity accumulators at 0-50 m spatial scales. Tilia mandshurica at 0-25 m scale and Carpinus cordata at 0-35 m scale were diversity repellers, while most of other species were neutrals. The dispersal limitation greatly affected the structuring of community diversity pattern; however, the effect of habitat filtering was relative small. Heterogeneous Thomas model could simultaneously exclude the effects of habitat filtering and dispersal limitation. The results indicated that diversity accumulators were dominant at 0-20 m spatial scales in forest community. The proportion of diversity neutrals at scale 20 m increased with the increasing spatial scales, and the diversity neutrals dominated the structuring of the community diversity. Diversity repellers kept in a very low proportion at all scales. Thus, the niche differentiation and neutral processes jointly determined the structuring processes of community diversity, and the relative importance of both was closely correlated with the spatial scales.


