

    Multi-scale analysis on spatial patterns and tree species diversity in different forest types in Changbai Mountains, northeastern China

    • 摘要: 物种空间分布如何影响群落多样性格局目前还不清楚。以长白山针阔混交林、椴树红松林和云冷杉林3 个 5.2 hm2 样地为基础,采用Ripley爷s K 函数分析了树种的空间分布,在种群水平上检验了不同树种对局域多样性格 局的影响。研究结果显示:1)针阔混交林、椴树红松林和云冷杉林样地中绝大多数树种在小尺度上呈聚集分布;针 阔混交林样地中簇毛槭、色木槭和蒙古栎在大尺度( 30 m)上呈现随机或均匀分布;椴树红松林和云冷杉林样地 中树种空间分布受研究尺度影响较小,在不同空间尺度上树种空间格局基本一致。2)在物种组织水平上,同一树 种对不同林分的多样性格局影响存在差异。但在群落组织水平,针阔混交林、椴树红松林和云冷杉林却具有一致 的多样性格局组建规律。多样性促进种比例随着空间尺度的增加而减少,中性种比例随着空间尺度的增加而增 大。中小尺度上多样性促进种在群落构建中起主导作用,而在大尺度上中性种决定了群落多样性格局。3)绝大多 数树种的空间分布与其多样性维持作用之间没有明显关联性。少数针叶树种臭松、红松和鱼鳞松在空间聚集分布 的尺度范围越大时,其对局域群落多样性呈非促进效应的尺度范围相对也越大。建议未来从物种聚集效应角度出 发进一步探讨群落多样性的形成和维持机制。


      Abstract: So far, the effects of spatial distribution of tree species on the community diversity patterns are not well known yet. In this study, the effects of tree species on local diversity patterns were validated at tree population level. Data from three 5.2 hm2 sample plots, a conifer and broadleaf mixed forest, a Tilia- Korean pine forest and a spruce-fir forest in Changbai Mountains were used for analysis. Ripley's K function was used to examine the spatial distribution of tree species. Our result revealed that: 1) most of studied species were aggregated at the small scales in three research plots. Acer barbinerve, Acer mono and Quercus mongolica were distributed randomly or uniformly at the large spatial scales ( 30 m) in the conifer-broadleaf mixed forest. The spatial scales had little effect on the distribution pattern of the Tilia- Korean pine forest and the spruce-fir forest, and the spatial patterns were almost the same at different spatial scales; 2) at species level, the same tree species had different effects on diversity patterns in different forests. However, at community level, the same pattern of diversity assemblage was observed in the conifer-broadleaf mixed forest, the Tilia-Korean pine forest and the spruce-fir forest. In general, the proportion of diversity accumulators decreased while that of diversity neutrals increased with increasing spatial scales. The diversity accumulators played leading role in community assemblage at the small and medium scales. However, diversity neutrals determined the pattern of community diversity at larger spatial scales; 3) there was no obvious correlation between spatial distribution and diversity maintenance for most of tree species. Meanwhile, for some coniferous species such as Abies nephrolepis, Pinus koraiensis and Picea asperata, the larger range of spatial scales they were aggregated, the larger range of spatial scales they acted as repellers and neutrals. We suggest that the forming and maintaining mechanism of community diversity should be studied from the point of species aggregation effects in the future.


