

    Variation of seed characters in Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis ) multi-clonal populations

    • 摘要: 选取红松4个种子园共60个无性系,对红松种实性状进行变异分析、相关分析,揭示红松种实性状在无性系来源群体间和无性系间的变异特征及规律。结果显示,红松种实性状存在丰富的变异,遗传多样性水平较高,居群间平均表型分化系数为29.82%,小于居群内变异(70.18%),居群内变异是红松种实性状的主要来源。除种长、种宽、长宽比外其余性状在居群间差异显著(P0.05),红松种实各性状在种子园内无性系间差异均极显著(P0.01)。广义遗传率为61.54%~94.81%,受遗传控制程度较强,通过优良无性系选择,能获得较高的遗传增益(4.70%~74.52%)。相关分析结果表明,在不同的立地条件下,千粒质量与种仁质量、种皮质量,出仁率与种仁质量/种皮质量、粗纤维含量、碳水化合物含量,种仁质量与种长、种宽、种皮质量,碳水化合物含量与油脂含量、蛋白质含量及多糖含量,油脂含量与出仁率、种仁质量/种皮质量、蛋白质含量、多糖含量,长宽比与油脂含量、蛋白质含量、多糖含量的相关关系非常稳定。通径分析与多元逐步回归分析均表明,长宽比和碳水化合物含量均为4个种子园中影响油脂含量的主要因素,其中,长宽比的直接作用最大。因此,根据红松种实性状对种子园无性系再选择,提高营养成分指标,提高种质资源品质,具有实际的应用价值。


      Abstract: In this study we measured the variations of seed characters and analyzed the correlations among 60 clones of Pinus koraiensis from 4 seed orchards in order to reveal the characteristics and patterns of variations among populations and clones. The results showed that there were rich variations among the seed characters with high level of genetic diversity; the average phenotype differentiation coefficient among population was 29.82% which was less than that within the population (70.18%), indicating that the variation within population was main source for P. koraiensis seed characters. The rest of seed characters except seed length, seed width and the ratio of length to width differed significantly among the populations (P0.05), moreover the P. koraiensis seed characters among clones in one seed orchard also differed extremely significantly (P0.01). Broad heritability ranged from 61.54% to 94.81%, and it was mostly affected by the genetic control. We could get high genetic gain (4.70%-74.52%) by selecting superior clones. The analysis showed that, under the different site conditions, the correlation was very stable between the followings: TKW and kernel mass as well seed coat mass; kernel rate and kernel mass/seed coat mass, crude fiber as well as carbohydrate; kernel mass and seed length, seed width as well as seed coat mass; carbohydrate and the contents of crude fat, protein and polysaccharide; fat content and kernel rate, kernel mass/seed coat mass, protein, as well as polysaccharide; ratio of length to width and the contents of crude fat, protein as well as polysaccharide. The results from pathway analysis and multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that ratio of length to width and carbohydrate content were main factors affecting the fat content in all 4 seed orchards, and the effect of ratio of length to width was greatest. Therefore, this study can offer the practical application values such as re-selecting better clones in seed orchards based on the P. koraiensis seed characters, increasing the values of nutritional contents and improving the quality of the germplasm resources


