    张丹丹, 王冬梅, 任远, 周思思. 滨岸植被带对漂浮物拦截效果及其影响因素[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2015, 37(4): 98-103. DOI: DOI:10.13332/j.1000-1522.20140277
    引用本文: 张丹丹, 王冬梅, 任远, 周思思. 滨岸植被带对漂浮物拦截效果及其影响因素[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2015, 37(4): 98-103. DOI: DOI:10.13332/j.1000-1522.20140277
    ZHANG Dan-dan, WANG Dong-mei, REN Yuan, ZHOU Si-si. Interception effect of riparian vegetation zone on floats and factors affecting it[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2015, 37(4): 98-103. DOI: DOI:10.13332/j.1000-1522.20140277
    Citation: ZHANG Dan-dan, WANG Dong-mei, REN Yuan, ZHOU Si-si. Interception effect of riparian vegetation zone on floats and factors affecting it[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2015, 37(4): 98-103. DOI: DOI:10.13332/j.1000-1522.20140277


    Interception effect of riparian vegetation zone on floats and factors affecting it

    • 摘要: 河流中漂浮物的存在对水质以及船只的航行造成了严重威胁,而滨岸带植物对河流漂浮物可以起到很好的拦截过滤作用。通过对漓江桂林--阳朔段沿线调查,筛选出漓江岸滩上拦截漂浮物较多的3种典型植被,选择典型样地进行实地调查,对样地内植被形态参数及所拦截漂浮物进行研究,探讨3种植被对漂浮物的拦截效果,并定量分析影响漂浮物拦截效果的因素,对揭示漓江滨岸带非点源污染调控、提高水资源环境具有重要的理论意义和现实价值。结果表明:1)拦截的4类漂浮物中枯草类最多(85.32%),枯枝类其次(11.44%),塑料类第3(2.33%),其他类最少(0.91%)。2)3种植被拦截漂浮物能力表现为水杨梅一叶萩枫杨。3)柔韧性影响漂浮物的拦截效果,水杨梅枝条刚性最强,枝条刚性强时对拦截效果有增强效应。4)3种植被的漂浮物单株拦截量与其冠幅X、冠幅Y、冠幅面积、植被体积、迎水面积均显著相关(P0.01);与基径、高度、一级分枝数之间的相关关系种间差异较大,冠幅对漂浮物拦截量的多少起控制作用。5)在漓江滨岸带水流较缓、洪水压力较小、漂浮物较多的植被退化区域内优先考虑栽植水杨梅,可达到更好的植被恢复及漂浮物拦截效果。


      Abstract: The existence of floats in the rivers poses serious threats to water quality and ship navigation. Vegetation in riparian buffer play an important role in the interception and filter of floats. Based on the vegetation investigation along Li River from Guilin to Yangshuo, we screened out three typical vegetation which could intercept more floats. Then, we studied the morphological parameters of vegetation and the floats intercepted by them in the selected typical plots, investigated the interception effect of three vegetation on the floats, and quantitatively analyzed the factors affecting it. This has great significance for revealing the non-point pollution control of riparian buffer zones and improving the water resource environment. The results indicated that: 1) among the intercepted floats, the amount of dried grasses was the largest (85.32%), followed dried branches (11.44%), then plastics third (2.33%), and others the least (0.91%). 2) The interception effect of 3 vegetation ranked in Geum aleppicumSuffrutescent securinegaPterocarya stenoptera. 3) The pliability of branches affected interception effects. The rigidity of G. aleppicum’s branch was best, and high rigidity could enhance the interception effect. 4) The amount of floats intercepted by a single plant has significant correlations with crown width X, crown width Y, crown area, volume of vegetation, and riverside area of the plant (P0.01). The correlations of amount of floats with branch diameter, plant height, and number of the first grade branch were quite different by species. And crown width could determine the amount of intercepted floats. 5)It should be prioritized to plant G. aleppicum in the vegetation degradation area where has slower flow, less flood and more floats in riparian buffer zones of Lijiang River, which could achieve better vegetation restoration and interception effect on floats.


