Population structures and dynamics of Abies nephrolepis and Picea koraiensis in the Changbai Mountains of northeastern China
摘要: 采用匀滑技术和谱分析等方法,在种群生命表和生存分析理论基础上,对长白山云冷杉针阔混交林臭冷杉种 群和红皮云杉种群的数量动态变化进行分析。结果表明:1)臭冷杉径级结构呈典型的倒J 型分布,幼苗和幼树在 种群中所占比重大,种群个体数随径级的增加而减少;红皮云杉结构近似呈倒J 型分布,幼苗所占比重较大。2)臭 冷杉种群的死亡率曲线和消失率曲线呈现出相同的变化趋势,均出现2 个高峰,一个出现在第4 龄级阶段,另一个 出现在第9 龄级阶段;红皮云杉种群的死亡率和消失率曲线也基本一致,每个龄级阶段的死亡率和消失率比较稳 定,没有太大差异。3)臭冷杉种群的存活曲线介于Deevey-II域型和Deevey-III型之间,更趋于Deevey-II型;红皮云杉 种群的存活曲线为Deevey-II型。4)臭冷杉和红皮云杉种群的生存率曲线都随着龄级的增加而减小,-积死亡率 曲线都随着龄级的增加而增大。5)臭冷杉种群死亡密度函数和危险率函数曲线变化基本一致,红皮云杉也具有类 似的变化。6)谱分析显示,臭冷杉种群天然更新存在明显的波动性,受基波的影响较大,说明臭冷杉种群在整个生 命过程中的数量动态变化,主要是受生物学特性的影响;红皮云杉种群天然更新也存在明显的波动,但受基波影响 较小。Abstract: We studied the population structures and dynamics of Abies nephrolepis and Picea koraiensis in the Changbai Mountains of northeastern China to compile the static life table of A. nephrolepis and P. koraiensis populations, and to determine the mortality rate curve, vanishing rate curve , survival rate curve and survival function curve. Based on the population life table and theory of survival analysis and using the age class structure represented by DBH class and smoothing out technique, the population dynamics was analyzed by spectral analysis. There were abundant seedlings and saplings of A. nephrolepis and its DBH class structure followed the typical shape of an inverse J, and the number of individuals decreased with increasing DBH class. While the DBH class of P. koraiensis approximately appeared an inverse J form, and there were more seedlings than others. Two peaks of mortality rate and vanishing rate existed in the A. nephrolepis lifespan: one in the 4th age class periods and the other in the 9th age class. The mortality rate and vanishing rate of P. koraiensis were stable and they were same basically. The survival curves of A. nephrolepis and P. koraiensis populations were Deevey type II. The survival analysis of the two populations showed that the population cumulative mortality rate was increasing all along, while the survival rate was decreasing all the time. Mortality density and hazard rate curve of A. nephrolepis population were same basically, so was P. koraiensis. Spectral analysis of A. nephrolepis and P. koraiensis populations showed that there was a marked periodic fluctuation in the process of natural regeneration, and the effect of fundamental wave of A. nephrolepis was most prominent, but the effect of fundamental wave of P. koraiensis was smaller.