Effects of stock density on carbon storage in Fraxinus mandshurica plantations
摘要: 为了解林分密度对水曲柳人工林碳储量的影响规律,在黑龙江省帽儿山地区,选择不同造林密度(2 200、2 500、4 400、10 000株/hm2)的13年生水曲柳人工林,采用样地调查的方法在每种密度处理各设置3块样地,进行了林分碳储量与乔木层年净固碳量的测定。结果表明:水曲柳林分密度增加,其乔木层、凋落物层、土壤层以及生态系统碳储量均随之增大,而林下植被层碳储量随林分密度的增加而减小。其中不同密度林分的乔木层、林下植被层、土壤层以及生态系统碳储量差异均显著(P<0.05),而凋落物层在各密度之间差异不显著(P>0.05)。4种密度水曲柳林分碳储量的空间分配均表现为:土壤层>乔木层>凋落物层>林下植被层,土壤层和乔木层碳储量分别占生态系统总碳储量的79.6%~82.4%和14.1%~17.0%,是人工林碳库的主要组成部分。此外,水曲柳人工林乔木层的年净固碳量随林分密度的增加而增大,造林密度为2 200株/hm2林分的年净固碳量明显低于其他密度林分(P<0.05)。上述结果说明提高造林密度对增加幼龄林分碳储量具有显著作用。Abstract: Stock density is the important factor influencing the carbon storage of forest, but currently we know little about the effects of stock density on carbon storage of forest. In order to investigate the effects of stock density on carbon storage in Fraxinus mandshurica plantations, we measured carbon storage and annual carbon accumulation in 13-year-old Fraxinus mandshurica plantations with different densities(2 200, 2 500, 4 400, 10 000 tree/ha)in Maoershan area of Heilongjiang Province, northeastern China. We adopted the method of sample-plot survey to set three plots respectively in each treatment, and estimated the carbon storage of stand and the annual net carbon fixation of tree layer. The results showed that the carbon storage in tree, litter, soil layers and ecosystem increased with stock density increasing, while the carbon storage in understory vegetation layer decreased with stand density increasing, in which there was a significant difference(P < 0.05)in tree, understory vegetation layer, soil layer and ecosystem with different densities on carbon storage, but there was no significant difference(P>0.05)in litter layer. The spatial allocation of carbon storage in plantations with four densities was soil layer > tree layer > litter layer > understory vegetation layer. The carbon storage in soil and tree layer, which were main components in carbon pool of plantations, accounted for 79.6%-82.4% and 14.1%-17.0% of the ecosystem, respectively. In addition, the annual net carbon fixation in tree layer increased with stock density increasing, which was obviously lower(P < 0.05)in plantations with 2 200 tree/ha than others. Above results suggest that improving planting density plays a significant role in increasing carbon storage of young stands.
- Fraxinus mandshurica plantations /
- carbon storage /
- stock density /
- ecosystem
表 1 不同林分密度水曲柳林基本状况
Table 1 Basic state of Fraxinus mandshurica plantations with different densities
Density type初植密度/(株·hm-2)
Planting density/(tree·ha-1)现存密度/(株·hm-2)
Existing density/(tree·ha-1)平均胸径/cm
Mean DBH/cm平均树高/m
Mean tree height/m郁闭度
Crown densityⅠ 2 200 1 325 8.8 10.3 0.7 Ⅱ 2 500 2 141 8.1 9.9 0.9 Ⅲ 4 400 2 766 7.4 9.2 0.9 Ⅳ 10 000 4 125 6.5 8.3 0.9 表 2 不同林分密度水曲柳人工林乔木层碳储量
Table 2 Carbon storage of tree layer in Fraxinus mandshurica plantations with different stock densities
t·hm-2 t·ha-1 密度类型Density type 干Stem 枝Branch 叶Leaf 根Root 总量Total Ⅰ 12.81±0.34a(65.2%) 2.74±0.12a(13.9%) 0.61±0.01a(3.1%) 3.51±0.11a(17.8%) 19.67±0.59a(100%) Ⅱ 17.14±0.65ab(65.8%) 3.47±0.16a(13.3%) 0.82±0.03b(3.2%) 4.61±0.19ab(17.7%) 26.04±1.02ab(100%) Ⅲ 18.07±1.00b(66.3%) 3.52±0.24a(12.9%) 0.88±0.05b(3.2%) 4.80±0.29b(17.6%) 27.27±1.58b(100%) Ⅳ 20.02±2.40b(66.9%) 3.67±0.55a(12.3%) 0.99±0.11b(3.3%) 5.22±0.67b(17.5%) 29.90±3.73b(100%) 表 3 不同林分密度水曲柳人工林土壤层碳储量
Table 3 Carbon storage of soil layer in Fraxinus mandshurica plantations with different densities
t·hm-2 t·ha-1 密度类型Density type 0~20 cm 20~40 cm 40~60 cm 总量Total Ⅰ 69.72±2.07a 28.67±0.44a 16.95±0.64a 115.34±3.14a Ⅱ 73.68±5.99ab 35.80±2.05a 16.67±0.60a 126.15±6.12ab Ⅲ 80.11±1.53ab 38.86±2.34a 16.77±1.16a 135.74±2.05ab Ⅳ 85.05±12.14b 36.26±4.05a 18.37±0.65a 139.68±5.46b 表 4 不同林分密度水曲柳人工林年净固碳量
Table 4 Annual carbon accumulation in Fraxinus mandshurica plantations with different stock densities
t·hm-2·a-1 t·ha-1·year-1 密度类型Density type 干Stem 枝Branch 叶Leaf 根Root 凋落物Litter 总计Total Ⅰ 0.97±0.02a 0.21±0.01a 0.05±0.00a 0.27±0.01a 1.12±0.06a 2.62±0.10a Ⅱ 1.29±0.04b 0.26±0.01a 0.06±0.00ab 0.35±0.01b 1.32±0.03b 3.28±0.08b Ⅲ 1.37±0.07b 0.27±0.02a 0.07±0.00b 0.36±0.02b 1.48±0.05c 3.56±0.16b Ⅳ 1.48±0.16b 0.28±0.04a 0.07±0.01b 0.38±0.05b 1.52±0.03c 3.73±0.26b -
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