

    Optimization of the ultrasonic assisted extraction technique of polysaccharide from mulberry leaves via response surface analysis

    • 摘要: 针对桑叶多糖的超声波辅助提取,首先通过单因素试验选取影响因素与水平,然后在单因素试验的基础上采用四因素三水平的响应面分析法,依据回归分析确定较优提取工艺条件.结果表明,其较优工艺条件为:提取温度81.5℃,超声波时间30 min,超声波功率100 W,水料比为10 mL/g.采用该工艺条件,桑叶多糖的提取得率达到2.99%.


      Abstract: To investigate the extraction technology of polysaccharide from mulberry leaves,experiment factors and levels were firstly selected by one-factor test,then the method of response surface analysis(RSA) with four factors and three levels was adopted and the factors influencing the technological parameters were determined by means of regression analysis.The results showed that the optimum conditions for the ultrasonic assisted extraction technique of polysaccharide from mulberry leaves were:extraction temperature was 81.5℃,working time was 30 minutes,ultrasonic power was 100 W,ratio of water to material was 10 mL/g,and the extraction rate of polysaccharide from mulberry leaves was 2.99%.


