

    Planting Chinese pine in the loess hilly and gully region in rainy season

    • 摘要: 在陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区以春季栽植的2年生油松为对照,开展了雨季栽植2年生和1年生油松试验.通过测定春季、雨季栽植油松后45 d的气候、土壤水分,调查栽后4年内啮齿类动物的危害状况和油松的存活率、生长状况后得知:雨季的降水量比春季大,空气相对湿度高,风速低,气温与地温高,土壤含水量高,蒸发量在栽植后26 d内较低,利于油松缓苗和生长;雨季栽植躲过了栽植当年啮齿类动物的春季危害高峰,苗木存活率高.从栽植当年到栽植后第4年,雨季栽植的油松存活率一直比春季栽植的高,雨季栽植的2年生苗木树体生长量比春季栽植的2年生苗木生长量大,雨季栽植的1年生苗木树体生长量与春季栽植的2年生苗木基本相同.雨季栽植油松能够显著提高苗木的存活率,促进苗木生长.


      Abstract: Compared with planted two-year-old seedlings of Chinese pine in spring time,the experimentation of planted two-year-old and one-year-old seedlings of Chinese pine in rainy time in the loess hilly and gully regions of northern Shaanxi Province had been done.The climate of 45 days from planted date and the soil humidity had been observed in spring time and rainy season.Harm status of rodent,Chinese pine's survival rate,and Chinese pine's growth status of four years from planted year had been investigated.The results showed that the precipitation in rainy season was more than that in spring time,the air relative humidity was higher,the evaporation of 26 days from the planted date was lower,and wind speed was lower;the air temperature,soil temperatures,and the soil humidity were higher in rainy season than those in spring time.The habitat in rainy season was benefiting the seedlings to revive and grow.The seedlings planted in rainy season had avoided rodent harm peak in spring time in the planted year,so the seedlings' survival rate was higher.From the planted year to four years later,the seedlings' survival rate planted in rainy season was higher than that planted in spring time,and the growth amount of two-year-old seedlings was more than that planted in spring time,that of one-year-old seedlings was almost same as that planted in spring time.Planted Chinese pine in rainy season could obviously improve seedlings' survival rate,and promote seedlings' growth.


