Analysis of the effects of disturbance on artificially inducing broadleaved Korean pine forests showed that tending the secondary forests for 32 years,by using twice upper storey cutting(selectively cut and remained the trees in the upper layers),parts of Korean pine grew into main storey and became the dominant populations.Korean pine distributed in every storey.To the stock volume,the largest one is in the first storey,and medium in the second storey,least in the third storey.The ratio of volume was 5∶3∶2 before the second cutting in the upper storey and 4∶4∶2 afterwards.The same ratio changes were also found in large(
DBH>20 cm),medium(
DBH was from 14 to 18 cm) and small logs(
DBH<14 cm) before and after cutting.Meanwhile,diameter class distribution in each plot is continuous with more medium and small diameter trees,showing perfect forest form.It is much ideal uneven-aged broadleaved Korean pine forest.The abundance index,Shannon-Wiener index,evenness in arbor,shrub and herb layer by selectively cutting trees in the upper layer are higher than those of clear cutting the upper trees,slightly different comparing to the control.To the artificially inducing broadleaved Korean pine forests,selectively cutting trees in the upper layer is prior to clear cutting in protecting the diversity of higher plants.