

    Effects of reclaimed water irrigation on the distribution of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and chloride in turfgrass tissue

    • 摘要: 为了缓解城市水资源紧张的趋势,扩大污水资源化力度,确保高质量的都市草坪,该文研究了再生水灌溉对草坪植株体内养分分配的影响.结果表明,草坪草不同器官中氮磷钾及氯元素浓度分配状况相似,即叶片中养分元素浓度>茎中养分元素浓度>根状茎中养分元素浓度>根中养分元素浓度.再生水灌溉下草坪草地上部分养分元素内部间相关性较好,特别是叶片氮素与植株地上部分其他养分元素浓度的相关性都达显著或极显著水平.通过与清水灌溉下草坪草养分分配状况比较发现,采用再生水灌溉有利于氮素、钾素及氯素向植株地上部分分配;随着再生水供水量增加,地上部分植株氮素、钾素及氯素含量减少,而磷素含量增加.采用通径法研究了草坪草植株养分及草坪草质量之间的关系表明,叶片钾浓度、根状茎氯浓度、茎中磷浓度及叶片氯浓度是影响草坪草综合质量的主要影响因素,对草坪草综合质量直接作用较大.


      Abstract: In order to save the clean water resources for expanding the utilization of reclaimed water and insuring lawn good quality,the effects of reclaimed water irrigation on the distribution of nutrients in plant tissues were studied.The results showed that the distribution of nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium and chloride in turfgrass tissues was similar.Nutrient concentration in leaf was the largest,next was that in stem,nutrient content in root was the smallest.The correlation coefficients were higher for different shoots.The correlation was significant between the nutrient content of leaf and other nutrient content from above-ground organs of turf.It was beneficial to the remobilization of nitrogen,potassium and chloride to above-ground plant irrigated with reclaimed water by comparing fresh water irrigation.With the increase of water supply,the nutrient concentrations of nitrogen,potassium and chloride decreased,while the phosphorus concentration increased.The mutual relationship between turfgrass quality and the content of plant nutrient was analyzed using the method of path analysis.The results showed that potassium content of leaf,chloride content of rhizome,phosphorus content of stem and chloride content of leaf were the main factors influencing the integrated quality of turfgrass.These factors have big direct effects on the integrated quality of turfgrass.


