Hydrological effects of forest litters and soil in the Simian Mountain of Chongqing City.
摘要: 该文对重庆四面山林地枯落物及土壤的水文效应进行了初步研究.结果表明:四面山林地枯落物的年蓄积量为6.8~20.21t/hm2,最大持水量在1.8~4.6mm之间,其中石栎林、天然阔叶林枯落物具有较强的持水作用,而马尾松林下枯落物的持水能力较弱.应用幂函数方程拟合了不同林分枯落物累积吸持水量与吸持时间之间的关系.土壤物理性质测定表明:四面山林地土壤具有较强的持水能力,1m深土壤的饱和持水量在7.84~18.87mm范围内变动.土壤入渗实验表明:林地土壤的入渗性能强于对照荒地.回归分析表明:土壤入渗速率与入渗时间之间存在显著的幂函数关系.Abstract: A prelimitary study of the hydrological effects of forest litters and soil in Simian Mountain was carried out.The results indicate that the annual accumulation of different forest litter is about 6.8~20.21 t/hm2 and the maximum water-holding volume ranges from 1.8 to 4.6mm. The water-holding ability of the litters of the Lithocarpus glaber and nature broad-leaved forests are more powerful than that of Pinus massoniana. Power function relation exists between the accumulated water-holding volume and time. An investigation of the physical properties of soil shows that the forest soils(1m deep) have a powerful water-holding ability with a range from 7.84 to 18.87 mm. Regression analysis shows that the soil infiltration rate is significantly correlated with time.