

    Model for forecasting the electric field intensity of UHF wireless frequency band in plantations

    • 摘要: 人工林无线电波传播场强模型是合理设计人工林环境无线电遥测遥控等通信电路的理论依据.该文在分析无线电波传播机理的基础上确定了人工林UHF频段传播损耗的三大组成部分及相应的计算方法,提出了人工林中某接收点处电场强度的预测模型.经过对北京西山人工侧柏林中不同参数的场强测试数据进行分析,校验了所建模型具有很高的精度.


      Abstract: The model for forecasting the electric field intensity is considered to be increasingly important as a basis for designing telemetry and wireless remote control circuit used in the plantations.In this paper,the three parts of UHF(ultra-high frequency) wireless propagation loss in the plantations,ie the free space propagation loss,the ground propagation loss and the tree propagation loss were proposed based on the theory of electromagnetic propagation mechanisms.The model for forecasting the electric field intensity was developed.Experimental results,performed in oriental arborvitae plantations in Beijing Xishan Mountain Area,show that the model is bias free with high accuracy.


