

    Development of Chinese pine tree-ring width chronology in Fuling Mausoleum, Shenyang of northeastern China

    • 摘要: 该文以沈阳福陵的油松为样本建立了油松年轮宽度年表(标准化年表、差值年表和自回归年表).分析表明:年表与冬季(上年11—2月)和初春(4—5月)低温的关系密切,其中与上年11月、1月的低温显著相关;年表与1、2月的降水量显著相关,还与1、9月的水汽压显著相关;上年10月—上年11月9、月、5—6月份的相对湿度对油松的影响突出;蒸发量对油松生长起显著的负效应,其中5月最明显,但1、2月的蒸发量与油松当年的年轮宽度正相关.油松年表的窄轮和窄化突变佐证了公元1650年以来的35次主要的旱灾年.油松年轮宽度年表和过去太阳活动、地磁的活动均存在共同的准周期变化.


      Abstract: In this paper,a Chinese pine master tree-ring width chronology(including three chronologies:standard chronology,residual chronology and arstan chronology) for Fuling Mausoleum in Shenyang,northeastern China was developed.Close relations between Chinese pine tree-ring width chronologies and local low temperature variables in winter(prior November-February)as well as in early spring(April-May) were found,and the correlations between the chronologies and January along with February temperatures were more significant than that of the other time;there were significant correlations between chronologies and the precipitation of January as well as February,and there were also significant correlations between chronologies and the water vapor pressure of January and September;relative humidity of prior October-prior November,September and May-June of the same year had significant influence on Chinese pine tree-ring width;the evaporation had significant negative effects on Chinese pine growth during almost the whole time,and this effect was most significant in May,however,positive effects in January and February also existed.Nearly 35 extreme drought years producing narrow or narrowing rings were recorded in the chronologies from year 1650 to present. Some significant common periodicity bands between Chinese pine tree-ring width chronologies and solar activity,geomagnetic sudden commencement were also detected.


