Virtual prototype of straw-checkerboard sand barriers paving robot and ride comfort
摘要: 该文在基于Pro/E的草方格铺设机器人设计基础上,把Pro/E模型通过接口传到ADAMS软件中建立了草方格铺设机器人虚拟样机,讨论了虚拟样机建模中的流体系统建模、控制系统建模和工作环境建模问题,进行了机器人平顺性评价的虚拟试验,通过与相同实验情况下实际机器人道路试验相比较,验证了草方格铺设机器人虚拟样机具有较高的精度和可信度.Abstract: Based on Pro/E, straw-checkerboard sand barriers paving robot was designed and a virtual prototype model of the robot was built by transforming model from Pro/E to ADAMS.Problems of fluid system modeling, control system modeling and operating conditions modeling of the virtual prototype model were analyzed briefly. Virtual tests with respect to ride comfort were carried out with several typical operating conditions.The virtual tests in respect of kinematics and dynamics were carried out with several operating conditions and the virtual prototype was verified by comparing the results from practical tests.