

    Expert consulting system for the diagnosis, prevention and control of important forest diseases and insect pests

    • 摘要: 该文介绍了森林病虫害诊断防治的重要性和研建森林病虫害诊治专家咨询系统的意义,分析了森林保护专家对森林病虫害的诊治流程、知识组成以及专家系统中森林病虫害诊治知识表示方法,设计了森林病虫害诊治知识库、森林重大病虫害诊治专家咨询系统的结构和推理机制,给出了推理机制及推理求解过程,研制了基于Web的森林重大病虫害诊治专家咨询系统.该系统由知识库管理子系统、病虫害检索子系统、病虫害诊断子系统、病虫害防治药品信息子系统4个主要功能子系统构成.系统通过ASP发布在网上,可以进行远程操作.系统的使用将大大提高森林病虫害防治的管理水平.


      Abstract: This paper introduced the importance of diagnosing, preventing and controlling forest diseases and insect pests, and the meaning of building this expert consulting system. It analyzed the process for the forest protection experts to diagnose forest diseases, the composition of knowledge, and the indicating methods of diagnosing knowledge of the forest diseases and pests in the expert consulting system. We designed the structure, knowledge base and inference mechanism of the expert consulting system. Inference mechanism and problem solving process were given and the expert consulting system was developed based on web for the diagnosis, prevention and control of important forest diseases and insect pests. The system consists of four main subsystems, ie the subsystems of knowledge base management, the forest diseases and pests index, forest diseases and pests diagnosis and the prevention and control pesticide information of forest diseases and pests. The system is released on the Internet through ASP, which can be operated from long-distance. Using this system will prominently enhance the management of prevention and control of the forest diseases and insect pests.


