

    Effect of silvicultural measures on tracheid shape properties of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica

    • 摘要: 对不同培育措施的人工林樟子松管胞形态特征指标进行测试和分析,探讨了培育措施对人工林樟子松木材管胞形态特征的影响.结果表明:不同的培育措施(初植密度、间伐强度、坡向、坡位)对樟子松人工林木材的绝大多数管胞形态特征指标有很大的影响,其中初植密度对管胞长度、管胞直径的影响差异显著;间伐强度和坡位对管胞直径的影响差异显著;坡向对管胞长度、管胞直径、长宽比的影响差异都达到显著水平;其余指标差异不显著.可选择1.5m× 1.0m、轻度间伐、阳坡、坡下林分进行定向培育,加快树木生长,从而培育高产、优质的樟子松用材林.


      Abstract: For different silvicultural measures, the tracheid shape properties of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica were measured and analyzed to investigate the influence of silviculture on tracheid shape properties of wood. The results showed that the effect of silvicultural measures on many tracheid shape properties of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica were remarkable. It indicated that the planting density had significant effects on the tracheid length and tracheid diameter, that thinning and hillslope position had marked effects on the tracheid diameter, and that exposure had significant effects on the tracheid length, tracheid diameter and tracheid length-width ratio.The silvicultural measures of 1.5 m×1.0 m density,small thinning,south slope,downslope were better for the Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantation.


