    周成理, 史军义, 陈晓鸣, 易传辉, 石雷. 枯叶蛱蝶规模化人工繁育研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2006, 28(5): 107-113.
    引用本文: 周成理, 史军义, 陈晓鸣, 易传辉, 石雷. 枯叶蛱蝶规模化人工繁育研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2006, 28(5): 107-113.
    ZHOU Cheng-li, SHI Jun-yi, CHEN Xiao-ming, YI Chuan-hui, SHI Lei. Large-scale artificial breeding of Kallima inachus Doubleday[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2006, 28(5): 107-113.
    Citation: ZHOU Cheng-li, SHI Jun-yi, CHEN Xiao-ming, YI Chuan-hui, SHI Lei. Large-scale artificial breeding of Kallima inachus Doubleday[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2006, 28(5): 107-113.


    Large-scale artificial breeding of Kallima inachus Doubleday

    • 摘要: 通过对成虫繁殖的空间条件、补充营养、卵期保育和幼虫饲育技术等的研究,找出了枯叶蛱蝶规模化繁育中的关键条件.在2头/m2的成虫密度条件下,雌蝶在一个高3 m、占地50 m2的网室空间内平均产卵量达到245.7粒;10%~20%蜂糖水溶液能满足成虫营养需要,雌蝶平均产卵量为236.8~243.3粒;在蜂糖水中加入5%乙醇后,雌蝶平均产卵量最高达到279.8粒;将每日产下的卵收集起来在小玻璃瓶内保育,在卵临近孵化时将小瓶夹在寄主叶片附近;幼虫1~2龄期间在室外寄主上套袋放养,放养虫口密度为100~150头/袋;3~5龄期在室内饲养,饲养密度为600~800头/m2,室内温度控制在19~28℃;健康蛹不需要附着在物体下亦能正常羽化,但不宜在低温下贮存.


      Abstract: Some essential conditions for the large-scale breeding of Kallima inachus Doubleday were studied,including the spatial need and the supplementary nutrients for reproduction,and those for egg hatching,larva growing and pupa emerging.At the density of 2 adults/m2,each female adult laid 245.7 eggs on average in a net garden of 50 m2 and 3 m high;10%—20% concentration of water solution of honey was adequate for the adults to reproduce,with the average egg-laying of 236.8-243.3 per female,and an addition of alcohol of 5% concentration in the food can tempt them to feed,with the average egg-laying rising up to 279.8 per female.Eggs laid everyday must be collected into small glass bottles in time to prevent the damage from natural enemies,afterward put aside the foliage of host plant nearing hatching.Larvae of 1st and 2nd instars should be raised on live host plants and protected by a nylon bag,with a density of 100—150 larvae per bag and those of 3rd to 5th instars could be raised indoors,and the proper density should be 600—800 larvae/m2,the temperature should be controlled between 19—28℃.Pupae emerged perfectly when picked off from the objects they attached,but should not be preserved at low temperatures.


