

    Comparison in drought resistance of tree species in coastal protective forests

    • 摘要: 经过对胶南市4种乔木树种刺槐、麻栎、火炬树和山合欢以及4种灌木树种杜梨、胡颓子、胡枝子和紫穗槐的水分生理指标蒸腾速率和叶片水势以及它们的影响因子的测定与分析,结果表明:①4种乔木的日平均蒸腾速率为:山合欢<刺槐<火炬树<麻栎;4种灌木的日平均蒸腾速率为:紫穗槐<胡枝子<胡颓子<杜梨.②4种乔木的日平均叶水势为:山合欢<刺槐<火炬树<麻栎;4种灌木的日平均水势为:紫穗槐<胡枝子<胡颓子<杜梨.③各树种水分利用效率乔木树种中山合欢最高,灌木树种中紫穗槐最高.④从4种乔木和4种灌木的水分消耗与水分摄取分析中,反映出它们的抗旱性顺序排列为:山合欢>刺槐>火炬树>麻栎;紫穗槐>胡枝子>胡颓子>杜梨.


      Abstract: Four tree species(Robinia pseudoacacia, Quercus acutissima, Rhus typhma, Albizia kalkora) and four shrub species(Pyrus betulaefolia, Elaeagnus angustifolia, Lespedeza bicolor, Amorpha fruticosa) were selected in this research, and their leaf water potential, transpiration rates and environmental factors were measured in Jiaonan City, Shandong Province.The results indicate that:1) the order of the daily average transpiration rates of the trees is A.kalkora < R.pseudoacacia < R.typhma < Q.acutissima, and that of the shrubs is A.fruticosa <L.bicolor<E.angustifolia<P.betulaefolia;2) the order of the daily average leaf water potential among trees is A.kalkora < R.pseudoacacia <R.typhma < Q.acutissima, while that of the shrubs is A.fruticosa <L.bicolor<E.angustifolia<P.betulaefolia;3) the biggest water use efficiency is A.kalkora for trees and A.fruticosa for shrubs;4) comparison of drought resistance indicates that A.kalkora > R.pseudoacacia>R.typhma > Q.acutissima for trees, while A.fruticosa >L.bicolor> E.angustifolia >P.betulaefolia for shrubs in general.


