

    Effect of insoluble APP on properties of wood-plastic composites

    • 摘要: 为了分析聚磷酸铵在热压过程中提高木塑复合材料性能的原理,利用Coats-Redfern方法计算了经阻燃处理的木纤维在热压温度范围内(170~190℃)的表观活化能,利用红外光谱对阻燃和未处理木纤维热压后特征官能团的变化进行了比较,并制备无胶纤维板和木塑胶合板进行性能评价和验证。结果表明:1)阻燃木纤维的表观活化能比未处理木纤维的低;2)热压后,阻燃木纤维中羰基、甲基、醚键等基团都有量的变化;3)阻燃无胶纤维板有较高的抗弯强度;4)阻燃木塑胶合板有较高的干状胶合强度。可见,聚磷酸铵的加入提高了热压过程中木纤维的表面活性,改善了木塑界面的相容性,宏观表现为提高了木塑复合材料的物理力学性能。


      Abstract: In the preparation of wood-plastic composites (WPCs) with flame retardant treatment, the addition of insoluble ammonium polyphosphate (APP) can increase the physical and mechanical properties of WPC. To analyze the effect of APP on WPC during the hot pressing process, we calculated the apparent activation energy of wood fibers at temperatures ranging from 170℃ to 190℃ using a Coats-Redfern method. We analyzed the changes of functional groups in treated and untreated fibers after hot pressing by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). Finally, wood fiberboard and wood-plastic plywood were prepared to verify our conclusions. Results showed that: 1) the apparent activation energy of flame retardant fibers was lower than that of blank fibers; 2) the amounts of carbonyl and methyl groups and the number of ether linkages in treated fibers changed; 3) flame-retardant wood fiberboard had higher bending strength than wood-plastic plywood, but the plywood had a higher dry strength. From these results we can conclude that the addition of APP increases surface activity of fibers and interface compatibility between wood and plastic under hot processes. In general, WPCs with the addition of APP have improved physical and mechanical properties.


