

    Advancements in expansin genes of plants.

    • 摘要: 扩展蛋白基因(expansin genes)是一个相对保守的基因家族,由α、β、γ和δ 4个亚家族组成。作为植物细胞壁的重要组成部分,扩展蛋白以酶催化的作用方式,使细胞壁组分间疏松,细胞伸展,细胞的柔韧性增强,以此缓解各种环境因子对细胞的压力。目前研究发现:扩展蛋白参与了植物生长发育过程中的许多环节,如种子萌发、根毛的起始和延长、叶子生长发育、叶柄脱落、花粉管延长、果实成熟等。同时,扩展蛋白还参与了抗旱、抗病、耐高温等诸多抗逆性反应。扩展蛋白基因多属于诱导表达,易受激素、温度、干旱、病原菌、机械损伤等各种内外界环境因素的影响。


      Abstract: Expansin gene is a kind of conserved multigene family with four sub-families α, β, γ and δ. As an important component in plant cell wall, expansin refers to a nonenzymatic protein with unique "loosening" effects on plant cell walls to accelerate the cell extension, increase its flexibility, and release the pressure by environment factors. The advancements of expansins support that expansins are involved in most of the physiological process in plants, such as seed germination, root hair promotion and extension, leaf formation, petiole off, pollen tube growth, fruit ripening,and other developmental process where cell wall loosening occurs. It is also involved in the process of drought, heat or disease resistance in plants. Mostly, expansin genes express inducible by the environmental factors, such as hormone, temperature, drought, pathogen and injuring.


