

    Dynamic determination of shear modulus of thin wood composite materials.

    • 摘要: 为实现薄板木质材料剪切模量的快捷检测,提出了一种悬臂梁自由振动的方法——悬振法,即通过测量试件在悬臂自由振动时的第一阶固有频率和衰减振动波形的对数减幅系数,来检测材料的剪切模量。利用自行研制的薄板类木质材料力学性能快速测量仪,对4种材质、6种规格的薄板木质材料试件进行了检测试验,且将测得的剪切模量与试件的弯曲弹性模量进行了相关性分析。结果表明:悬振法测得的剪切模量与材料弯曲弹性模量间存在非常显著的线性相关关系。


      Abstract: Shear modulus of thin wood composite materials is one of several important indicators characterizing mechanical properties. However, there is not an easy method to obtain this value. This paper explores the use of a newly developed cantileverbeam free vibration test apparatus to detect the shear modulus of thin wood composite materials by measuring the first order free vibration cantilever specimens and its logarithmic decrement of vibration to calculate shear modulus. Six sets of commercially purchased thin wood composite materials having three different fiber types were tested. The results indicate that there is a significant linear correlation between shear modulus and bending modulus of elasticity obtained from cantileverbeam free vibration method.


