
    3 种草坪草叶片的水分吸收特性研究

    Characters of leaf water absorption for three turfgrasses.

    • 摘要: 采用草坪草活体浸水试验方法,研究3 种草坪草叶片在降雨截留发生时对截留在叶片表面水分的吸收过程, 并通过小尺度草坪及其与叶面积的关系获得了草坪草群体的最大吸水能力。结果表明,叶片吸水速率随时间变化 呈现幂函数关系,前期增长迅速,后期增长缓慢。3 种草坪草单位叶面积和单位干物质的最大吸水量存在差异,高 羊茅的单位叶面积叶片饱和质量最大,而单位干物质饱和质量最大的是早熟禾。得到了3 种草坪群体冠层叶片吸 水量与修剪高度之间的关系。


      Abstract: The absorption on leaf surface of three turfgrasses was measured through an experiment performed by living organism, and also the relationships between leaf area and total amount of water absorption were obtained by a small-scale turf. The results showed that the relationship between water absorption rate and time accorded with power function, it was high at the beginning, and then gradually leveled off. Total amount of water absorption at per leaf area and per dry weight were different. In the amount of saturated leaf weight, per unit of leaf area of tall fescue was the highest, while per unit dry matter of Kentucky bluegrass was the highest. In addition, the equation between water absorption amount of lawn canopy leaves and mowing height was derived and validated.


