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WANG Ying-yu, SONG Gui-long, HAN Lie-bao, LI Yi-qiang, XU Hong-yu, ZHAO Bin. Population characteristics on revegetation of Jingcheng Highway rock slope in the third recovery year.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(4): 74-80.
Citation: WANG Ying-yu, SONG Gui-long, HAN Lie-bao, LI Yi-qiang, XU Hong-yu, ZHAO Bin. Population characteristics on revegetation of Jingcheng Highway rock slope in the third recovery year.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(4): 74-80.

Population characteristics on revegetation of Jingcheng Highway rock slope in the third recovery year.

More Information
  • Received Date: December 31, 1899
  • Revised Date: December 31, 1899
  • Published Date: July 29, 2013
  • To understand the effects of site factors on plant populations of revegetation, plant populations of 3 years revegetation on rock slope were investigated in Jingcheng Highway, northern China. Results were showed as followings: 1) Total vegetation coverage in Jingcheng Highway slope reached above 80%. Difference significance of total coverage among different slope types was not as significant as that between individual category coverage. Coverage of trees and shrubs was increasing according to the following pattern: soil and rock slope rock slope, shady slope intermediate slope sunny slope, gentle slope steep slope. Coverage of trees and shrubs was increasing with slope pattern: sunny slope-intermediate slope-shady slope. For herbaceous plant, the pattern was reversed. 2) Site factors affected plant populations of revegetation obviously. For trees and shrubs category, Ailanthus altissima and Amorpha fruticosa were major plant species following by Robinia pseudoacacia. A. altissima had superiority in growing in shady slope, while A. fruticosa in sunny slope. For herbaceous plant, Astragalus adsurgens and Setaira viridis were the major species. A. adsurgens grew better in gentle slope, while S. viridis in steep slope. 3) Plant diversity of revegetation was affected by slope types. Plant diversity was negatively related to plant growing superiority. Slopes with leading growing superiority plant species showed lower plant diversity. Slope base types and sunlight factors were crucial to plant population characteristics and management response
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