Comprehensive benefit evaluation method and application of water landscape construction in urban built-up area: a case study of Weifang City, Shandong Province of eastern China
摘要:目的 城市建成区的水景观建设是与城镇发展和人民生活关系最为密切、功效发挥最为明显的重要生态工程,在新时代城市生态建设从高速增长向高质量发展迈进的背景下,以多学科综合的视角对其构建一套综合效益评价方法具有重要的理论与实践意义。方法 本文在分析水景观建设内涵的基础上,将城市建成区的水景观作为研究范围,提出将生态建设、生活游憩和生产发展作为综合效益评价的准则层,并确定了相关要素层;应用频度统计法、理论分析法和专家咨询法筛选出典型指标,构建了城市建成区水景观建设综合效益的评价指标体系;在此基础上通过层次分析法计算权重,进行单指标定量评价和多指标综合评价,对多准则集成获得的综合效益评价结果进行分级,形成了一套系统的综合效益评价方法;最后以潍坊市为例进行了应用研究。结果 (1)2004年,潍坊市建成区水景观建设的综合效益得分为17.11,提供了极少效益,3个子效益均处于极少效益等级。(2)2004—2012年,综合效益得分增长较快,子效益中生活游憩效益得分增长最为显著。2012年的综合效益得分达到53.46,提供了中等效益,3个子效益均达到中等效益等级。(3)2012—2018年,综合效益及子效益得分的增长速度减缓,2018年的综合效益得分为76.54,提供了较多效益,子效益中生活游憩效益和生态建设效益得分提高较快,生活游憩效益得分最高,3个子效益均达到较多效益等级。(4)2004—2018年,生态建设效益中的环境改善得分增长显著,生活游憩效益中的文化承载和活动支持得分增长较为显著,生产发展效益中的经济效益得分增长最为显著,是推动对应子效益增长的主要因素。结论 本研究评价方法的提出能够将城市建成区水景观建设的综合效益进行科学量化与比较,发现当前建设所存在的问题并明确未来建设方向,为我国城市水生态建设提供必要的评价标准和技术参考。Abstract:Objective The construction of water landscape in urban built-up area is an important ecological project that has the closest relationship with town development and people’s life, as well as having the most obvious effect. In the context of urban ecological construction progressing from high-speed growth to high-quality development in the new era, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to construct a comprehensive benefit evaluation method for the water landscape construction in urban built-up area from a multidisciplinary perspective.Method Based on the analysis of connotation of water landscape construction, this paper takes the water landscape in urban built-up area as the research scope, and puts forward ecological construction, life recreation and production development as the criterion layers for the comprehensive benefit evaluation. Meanwhile, relevant element layers were determined. Typical indicators were selected by the frequency statistics method, theoretical analysis method and expert consultation method, and an evaluation index system of the comprehensive benefit for water landscape construction in urban built-up area was constructed. On this basis, the weights were calculated by the analytic hierarchy process, the single index quantitative evaluation and multi-index comprehensive evaluation were carried out, the results of comprehensive benefit evaluation obtained by multi-criteria integration were graded, and a systematic evaluation method of the comprehensive benefit was formed. Finally, Weifang City was taken as an example for applied research.Result (1) In 2004, the comprehensive benefit score of water landscape construction in the built-up area of Weifang City was 17.11, which provided rare benefit, and all three sub-benefits were at the level of rare benefit. (2) From 2004 to 2012, the comprehensive benefit score increased rapidly, the score of life recreation benefit among the sub-benefits increased most significantly. In 2012, the comprehensive benefit score reached 53.46, which provided moderate benefit, and all three sub-benefits reached the level of moderate benefit. (3) From 2012 to 2018, the growth rate of comprehensive benefit score and scores of sub-benefits slowed down. In 2018, the comprehensive benefit score was 76.54, which provided major benefit. Among the scores of sub-benefits, the scores of life recreation benefit and ecological construction benefit increased rapidly, the score of life recreation benefit was the highest, and all three sub-benefits reached the level of major benefit. (4) From 2004 to 2018, the score of environmental improvement in the ecological construction benefit increased significantly, the scores of cultural load and activity support in the life recreation benefit increased significantly, and the score of economic benefit in the production development benefit increased the most, which were the main factors driving the growth of corresponding sub-benefits.Conclusion The evaluation method proposed in this study can scientifically quantify and compare the comprehensive benefit of water landscape construction in urban built-up area, discover the existing problems in the current construction and clarify future construction directions, providing the necessary evaluation standard and technical reference for the urban water ecological construction in China.
- built-up area /
- water landscape /
- ecological construction /
- life recreation /
- production development
当前,国内外已经有学者针对城市水景观建设的评价展开了相关研究。参照有关学科水景观建设评价关键文献中的高频主题词,经过多次检索对比及向专家咨询[3],基于文献计量学的研究方法,在中国知网CNKI以“水景观效益”“水景观评价”“水生态文明评价”“人水和谐评价”“景观绩效”为主题词,在Web of Science数据库以“waterscape assessment”“riverfront assessment”“river restoration”“river rehabilitation”“landscape benefit”为主题词,分别对国内外相关文献进行检索和分析,得出国内相关文献主要集中于建筑科学与工程、环境科学与资源利用学科,城市水景观建设效益的评价体系研究涉及了市域尺度以水利工程学科为主导的、以生态恢复为主要目标的水生态文明城市建设评价体系[4-10]和人水和谐量化评价体系[11]的构建与应用,城市尺度以给排水和环境工程学科为主导的海绵城市建设绩效评价体系[12-14]和河道综合整治成效评价体系[15]的构建与应用,以及场地尺度以风景园林学科为主导的、以景观项目建成后效益评估为重点的景观绩效评价体系[16-23]和城市滨水空间生态系统服务供给指标体系[24]的构建与应用。
1. 评价体系构建
1.1 指标层次构建
1.2 指标体系建立原则
1.3 指标筛选步骤
表 1 城市建成区水景观建设综合效益评价指标体系Table 1. Evaluation index system of comprehensive benefit for water landscape construction in urban built-up area目标层
Target layer (O)准则层
Criterion layer (A)
weight at this level)要素层
Element layer (B)
weight at this level)指标层
Indicator layer (C)城市建成区水景观建设综合效益评价
Comprehensive benefit evaluation for water landscape construction in urban built-up areaA1 生态建设
A1 Ecological construction
(0.41)B1 生态修复
B1 Ecological restoration (0.44)C1 水系生态治理比例 Ecological control proportion of water system (%) C2 水体生态护岸比例 Proportion of water ecological revetment (%) C3 城市水域空间率 Urban water space ratio (%) C4 河流生态基流满足程度 Satisfaction degree of river ecological base flow (%) C5 水生生物完整性指数 Aquatic organism integrity index (%) C6 生物多样性指数 Biodiversity index B2 环境改善
B2 Environmental improvement (0.39)C7 滨水植被碳汇增长率 Carbon sink growth rate of waterfront vegetation (%) C8 温度改变率 Temperature change rate (%) C9 水面蒸发调节量增长率 Growth rate of water surface evaporation regulation (%) C10 水体滞尘量增长率 Growth rate of dust retention in water (%) C11 滨水环境噪音值 Noise value of waterfront environment(dB) C12 滨水空间透水铺装率 Permeable pavement rate of waterfront space (%) B3 水质净化
B3 Water quality purification (0.17)C13 景观水体水质达标率 Standard-reaching rate of landscape water quality (%) C14 城市径流净化率 Purification rate of urban runoff (%) A2 生活游憩
A2 Life recreation
B4 Landscape construction (0.56)C15 城市水景观辐射率 Radiation rate of urban water landscape (%) C16 城市滨水绿地率 Urban waterfront green space rate (%) C17 水景可见度 Visibility of waterscape (%) C18 滨水景观视觉质量 Visual quality of waterfront landscape C19 滨水景观满意度 Satisfaction of waterfront landscape (%) B5 活动支持
B5 Activity
support (0.32)C20 滨水出游率 Waterfront travel rate (%) C21 人均滨水绿地面积满足率 Satisfaction rate of per capita waterfront green space area (%) C22 城市滨水绿道连通率 Connectivity rate of urban waterfront greenway (%) C23 滨水步行交通占比 Proportion of waterfront pedestrian traffic (%) C24 提供活动设施的滨水空间占比 Proportion of waterfront space providing activity facilities (%) C25 滨水景观设施完善程度 Perfection degree of waterfront landscape facilities C26 滨水游憩活动类型多样性 Diversity of types of waterfront recreation activities C27 亲水景观舒适度 Comfort of hydrophilic landscape B6 文化承载
B6 Cultural
load (0.12)C28 滨水空间文化承载率 Cultural carrying rate of waterfront space (%) C29 城市水景观建设认知度 Awareness of urban water landscape construction C30 滨水宣传教育载体个数 Number of waterfront publicity and education carriers A3 生产发展
A3 Production development
(0.26)B7 成本节约
B7 Cost saving (0.33)C31 城市再生水利用率 Utilization rate of urban reclaimed water (%) C32 雨水资源利用率 Utilization rate of rainwater resources (%) C33 节水灌溉使用率 Utilization rate of water-saving irrigation (%) C34 废弃材料利用率 Utilization rate of waste materials (%) C35 节能型服务设施应用率 Application rate of energy-saving service facilities (%) C36 单位面积的人工成本(元/m2) Labor cost per unit area(CNY/m2) B8 经济效益
B8 Economic benefit (0.34)C37 滨水绿地营业收入增长率 Operating income growth rate of waterfront green space (%) C38 滨水景观创造就业岗位增长率 Employment growth rate created by waterfront landscape (%) C39 滨水旅游总收入增长率 Growth rate of total revenue for waterfront tourism (%) C40 滨水土地开发率 Waterfront land development rate (%) C41 滨水房产价值增长率 Growth rate of waterfront real estate value (%) C42 滨水业态营业收入增长率 Growth rate of operating income for waterfront formats (%) C43 滨水业态数量、类型增长率 Growth rate of quantity and types for waterfront formats (%) B9 安全保障
B9 Safety
security (0.33)C44 滨水空间的社会安全提升度 Social safety improvement degree of waterfront space (%) C45 河道防洪达标率 Standard-reaching rate of flood control for river (%) C46 城市径流削减比例 Proportion of urban runoff reduction (%) C47 降雨滞蓄率 Rainfall retention rate (%) 注:表中的C18、C25、C26、C27和C29为定性指标;其余为定量指标,涉及增长率、改变率和提升度的指标均需设定基准年份进行计算。生产发展准则层中单位面积的人工成本、滨水绿地营业收入增长率、滨水旅游总收入增长率、滨水房产价值增长率和滨水业态营业收入增长率指标在计算时需排除通货膨胀的影响。Notes: C18, C25, C26, C27 and C29 in the table are qualitative indicators; the rest are quantitative indicators, and indicators related to growth rate, change rate and improvement degree need to be calculated by setting the base year. Indicators including labor cost per unit area, operating income growth rate of waterfront green space, growth rate of total revenue for waterfront tourism, growth rate of waterfront real estate value and growth rate of operating income for waterfront formats in the criterion layer of production development need to exclude the influence of inflation in the calculation. 2. 评价方法
UCBE )进行衡量,并由生态建设效益得分(UECB )、生活游憩效益得分(ULRB )和生产发展效益得分(UPDB )共同决定。由于水景观建设具有长时间、多阶段的特点,因此其效益的评价也是一个长期的动态过程。应用该方法分阶段评价能够得出水景观阶段性建设的经验与不足。2.1 权重计算
依据前文建立的指标体系,借助yaahp10.0软件,运用层次分析法构建层次结构模型,邀请包括城市规划、风景园林专业领域的9位专家学者和6位政府相关部门管理人员在内的15位专家成立专家组,向每位专家发放基于层次分析法原理的打分问卷,由专家针对3大准则层及其对应的各个要素层、指标层的重要性分别进行成对比较,按照1 ~ 9标度法赋分。然后,综合专家打分结果构建判断矩阵,并完成了一致性检验,最终确定了各层级权重(表1、表2)。
表 2 各指标层属性及权重Table 2. Attribute and weight of each indicator layer指标层
Indicator layer指标属性
Indicator attribute本级权重
Weight at
this level综合权重
Comprehensive weight水系生态治理比例 Ecological control proportion of water system 正向 Positive 0.22 0.04 水体生态护岸比例 Proportion of water ecological revetment 正向 Positive 0.08 0.01 城市水域空间率 Urban water space ratio 正向 Positive 0.16 0.03 河流生态基流满足程度 Satisfaction degree of river ecological base flow 正向 Positive 0.26 0.05 水生生物完整性指数 Aquatic organism integrity index 正向 Positive 0.12 0.02 生物多样性指数 Biodiversity index 正向 Positive 0.16 0.03 滨水植被碳汇增长率 Carbon sink growth rate of waterfront vegetation 正向 Positive 0.16 0.03 温度改变率 Temperature change rate 正向 Positive 0.16 0.03 水面蒸发调节量增长率 Growth rate of water surface evaporation regulation 正向 Positive 0.15 0.02 水体滞尘量增长率 Growth rate of dust retention in water 正向 Positive 0.15 0.02 滨水环境噪音值 Noise value of waterfront environment 逆向 Reverse 0.19 0.03 滨水空间透水铺装率 Permeable pavement rate of waterfront space 正向 Positive 0.19 0.03 景观水体水质达标率 Standard-reaching rate of landscape water quality 正向 Positive 0.67 0.05 城市径流净化率 Purification rate of urban runoff 正向 Positive 0.33 0.02 城市水景观辐射率 Radiation rate of urban water landscape 正向 Positive 0.28 0.05 城市滨水绿地率 Urban waterfront green space rate 正向 Positive 0.17 0.03 水景可见度 Visibility of waterscape 正向 Positive 0.13 0.02 滨水景观视觉质量 Visual quality of waterfront landscape 正向 Positive 0.17 0.03 滨水景观满意度 Satisfaction of waterfront landscape 正向 Positive 0.25 0.05 滨水出游率 Waterfront travel rate 正向 Positive 0.12 0.01 人均滨水绿地面积满足率 Satisfaction rate of per capita waterfront green space area 正向 Positive 0.20 0.02 城市滨水绿道连通率 Connectivity rate of urban waterfront greenway 正向 Positive 0.09 0.01 滨水步行交通占比 Proportion of waterfront pedestrian traffic 正向 Positive 0.08 0.01 提供活动设施的滨水空间占比 Proportion of waterfront space providing activity facilities 正向 Positive 0.21 0.02 滨水景观设施完善程度 Perfection degree of waterfront landscape facilities 正向 Positive 0.14 0.01 滨水游憩活动类型多样性 Diversity of types of waterfront recreation activities 正向 Positive 0.10 0.01 亲水景观舒适度 Comfort of hydrophilic landscape 正向 Positive 0.06 0.01 滨水空间文化承载率 Cultural carrying rate of waterfront space 正向 Positive 0.40 0.02 城市水景观建设认知度 Awareness of urban water landscape construction 正向 Positive 0.20 0.01 滨水宣传教育载体个数 Number of waterfront publicity and education carriers 正向 Positive 0.40 0.02 城市再生水利用率 Utilization rate of urban reclaimed water 正向 Positive 0.26 0.02 雨水资源利用率 Utilization rate of rainwater resources 正向 Positive 0.25 0.02 节水灌溉使用率 Utilization rate of water-saving irrigation 正向 Positive 0.15 0.01 废弃材料利用率 Utilization rate of waste materials 正向 Positive 0.10 0.01 节能型服务设施应用率 Application rate of energy-saving service facilities 正向 Positive 0.15 0.01 单位面积的人工成本 Labor cost per unit area 逆向 Reverse 0.09 0.01 滨水绿地营业收入增长率 Operating income growth rate of waterfront green space 正向 Positive 0.07 0.01 滨水景观创造就业岗位增长率 Employment growth rate created by waterfront landscape 正向 Positive 0.08 0.01 滨水旅游总收入增长率 Growth rate of total revenue for waterfront tourism 正向 Positive 0.26 0.02 滨水土地开发率 Waterfront land development rate 正向 Positive 0.16 0.01 滨水房产价值增长率 Growth rate of waterfront real estate value 正向 Positive 0.22 0.02 滨水业态营业收入增长率 Growth rate of operating income for waterfront formats 正向 Positive 0.10 0.01 滨水业态数量、类型增长率 Growth rate of quantity and types for waterfront formats 正向 Positive 0.11 0.01 滨水空间的社会安全提升度 Social safety improvement degree of waterfront space 正向 Positive 0.25 0.02 河道防洪达标率 Standard-reaching rate of flood control for river 正向 Positive 0.35 0.03 城市径流削减比例 Proportion of urban runoff reduction 正向 Positive 0.20 0.02 降雨滞蓄率 Rainfall retention rate 正向 Positive 0.20 0.02 注:表中权重通过层次分析法(AHP)计算获得。Note: weights in the table are calculated by AHP. 2.2 单指标定量评价
2.2.1 定量指标的评价标准
UIND ),取值范围为[0, 100]。特征值的确定主要是依据国内外研究成果、行业相关标准规范中的评分标准、国家或地区相关发展规划的目标值,或参考人们对指标的期望值与现状水平,结合专家咨询、数据分析和计算,对相应值进行设定。定量指标中正向指标的得分随指标值的提升而提升,例如水体生态护岸比例;逆向指标的得分随指标值的提升而降低,例如滨水环境噪音值。本文在人水和谐评价单指标定量描述方法[11]的基础上,将各指标得分转换为百分制,能够更加直观地显示指标间的水平差异。针对每个定量指标分别选取最差值a、较差值b、及格值c、较优值d和最优值e共5个特征值[11],相应得分取
UIND = 0、UIND = 30、UIND =60、UIND = 80和UIND = 100,则能通过5个特征点(a,0)、(b,30)、(c,60)、(d,80)和(e,100)确定两类指标得分的表达式及变化曲线。正向指标、逆向指标得分的分段函数表达式如式(1)和式(2)所示:
UINDi={0xi⩽ (1) {U_{{\rm{IN}}{{\rm{D}}_i}}} = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {100}&{{x_i} \leqslant {e_i}}\\ {80 + 20\left( {\dfrac{{{d_i} - {x_i}}}{{{d_i} - {e_i}}}} \right)}&{{e_i} < {x_i} \leqslant {d_i}}\\ {60 + 20\left( {\dfrac{{{c_i} - {x_i}}}{{{c_i} - {d_i}}}} \right)}&{{d_i} < {x_i} \leqslant {c_i}}\\ {30 + 30\left( {\dfrac{{{b_i} - {x_i}}}{{{b_i} - {c_i}}}} \right)}&{{c_i} < {x_i} \leqslant {b_i}}\\ {30\left( {\dfrac{{{a_i} - {x_i}}}{{{a_i} - {b_i}}}} \right)}&{{b_i} < {x_i} \leqslant {a_i}}\\ 0&{{a_i} < {x_i}} \end{array}} \right. (2) 式中:
{U_{{\rm{IN}}{{\rm{D}}_i}}} 为第i项指标标准化后的得分值,{x_i} 为第i项指标的原始值,{a_i} 、{b_i} 、{c_i} 、{d_i} 、{e_i} 分别为第i项指标的最差值、较差值、及格值、较优值和最优值。2.2.2 定性指标的评价标准
2.3 多指标综合评价
Y_j^i(T) ,并使用{U_{{\rm{IN}}{{\rm{D}}_j}}}\left( {Y_j^i(T)} \right) 描述其得分。各要素层得分以及生态建设、生活游憩、生产发展3个准则层效益得分的计算公式如下:{U_{{\rm{FEL}}_{kj}^{}}}(T) = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{m_j^{}} {{r_{ji}}} {U_{{\rm{IN}}{{\rm{D}}_j}}}\left( {Y_j^i(T)} \right) (3) {U_{{\rm{ECB}}}}(T) = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{{n_1}} {{x_j}} {U_{{\rm{FEL}}_{{\rm{1}}j}^{}}}(T) (4) {U_{{\rm{LRB}}}}(T) = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{{n_2}} {{y_j}} {U_{{\rm{FEL}}_{{\rm{2}}j}^{}}}(T) (5) {U_{{\rm{PDB}}}}(T) = \sum\limits_{i = {\rm{1}}}^{{n_{\rm{3}}}} {{z_j}} {U_{{\rm{FEL}}_{{\rm{3}}j}^{}}}(T) (6) 式中:
{U_{{\rm{FEL}}_{kj}^{}}}(T) 为T时刻第k个准则层的第j个要素层得分;{{{m}}_{{j}}} 为第j个要素层的指标个数;{{{r}}_{{{j}}i}} 为第i项指标在第j个要素层中的本级权重;{U_{{\rm{ECB}}}}(T) 为T时刻的生态建设效益得分;{U_{{\rm{LRB}}}}(T) 为T时刻的生活游憩效益得分;{U_{{\rm{PDB}}}}(T) 为T时刻的生产发展效益得分;{n_{\rm{1}}} 、{n_{\rm{2}}} 、{n_{\rm{3}}} 分别为3个准则层对应的要素层个数;{x_j} 、{y_j} 、{z_j} 分别为3个准则层中第j个要素层的本级权重。2.4 综合效益评价与分级
{U}_{\rm{CBE}}(T) ,以量化某一时刻水景观建设提供的综合效益。其公式如下:{U}_{\rm{CBE}}(T)={U}_{\rm{ECB}}(T)\times {w}_{1}+{U}_{\rm{LRB}}(T)\times {w}_{2}+{U}_{\rm{PDB}}(T)\times {w}_{3} (7) 式中:
{w_1} 、{w_2} 、{w_3} 分别为生态建设、生活游憩和生产发展3个准则层的本级权重。{U}_{\rm{CBE}}(T) 代表T时刻的综合效益得分,取值范围为[0, 100]。{U}_{\rm{CBE}}(T) 越高,则该时刻水景观建设提供的综合效益越多,反之则越少。在此基础上,采用等分法[38]将综合效益划分为5个等级(表3),能够直观解释不同建设阶段的综合效益量化结果。表 3 综合效益等级划分Table 3. Classification of the comprehensive benefit grade综合效益等级
Level of the comprehensive benefit极少效益
Rare benefit较少效益
Minor benefit中等效益
Moderate benefit较多效益
Major benefit极多效益
Numerous benefit{U_{{\rm{CBE}}}}的取值范围 Value range of {U_{{\rm{CBE}}}} 0 \leqslant {U}_{\rm{CBE} } < 20 20 \leqslant {U}_{\rm{CBE} } < 40 40 \leqslant {U}_{\rm{CBE}} < 60 60 \leqslant {U}_{\rm{CBE} } < 80 80 \leqslant {U}_{\rm{CBE} } \leqslant 100 为了实现综合效益等级与阶段建设的关联,本文提出将水景观建设阶段分为初始期、提升期和完善期。初始期应优先解决水景观的生态问题,力求在建设后使综合效益达到极少或较少等级;提升期应持续开展生态建设,并通过滨水景观的营建,满足多数市民的游憩休闲需求,在产生经济效益的同时,基本实现资源节约,使综合效益提升至中等或较多等级;完善期应依托之前的建设成果,在生态层面开展针对性建设,并通过滨水绿地布局和景观设施的优化,提升游憩体验,进一步丰富周边业态,提升城市经济活力,推进全方位的成本节约,全面保障水景观及周边区域的环境与社会安全,最终使综合效益提升至极多等级。
3. 评价方法应用
3.1 研究区域概况
表 4 2004、2012和2018年潍坊市建成区水景观建设相关指标Table 4. Related indicators of water landscape construction in the built-up area of Weifang City in 2004, 2012 and 2018指标 Indicator 2004 2012 2018 城市建成区面积/hm2 Area of the urban built-up area/ha 11 500 15 700 17 985 已治理河道长度 Length of renovated river/km 5 35 60 已完成景观水面面积/hm2 Area of completed landscape water surface/ha 33 218 333 已建成滨水绿地面积/hm2 Area of built waterfront green space/ha 34 321 633 3.2 综合效益定量评价
表 5 潍坊市建成区水景观建设综合效益得分计算结果Table 5. Calculation results for the scores of comprehensive benefit of waterlandscape construction in the built-up area of Weifang City评价项
Evaluation item2004 2012 2018 要素层 Element layer 得分 Score 要素层 Element layer 得分 Score 要素层 Element layer 得分 Score 生态建设效益
Ecological construction benefit生态修复
Ecological restoration14.64 (18.72) 生态修复
Ecological restoration46.65 (51.04) 生态修复
Ecological restoration69.34 (74.78) 环境改善
Environmental improvement22.09 环境改善
Environmental improvement58.70 环境改善
Environmental improvement83.15 水质净化
Water quality purification21.53 水质净化
Water quality purification44.85 水质净化
Water quality purification68.25 生活游憩效益
Life recreation benefit风景营建
Landscape construction14.94 (14.53) 风景营建
Landscape construction52.11 (54.34) 风景营建
Landscape construction77.68 (78.41) 活动支持
Activity support15.54 活动支持
Activity support57.11 活动支持
Activity support80.69 文化承载
Cultural load9.87 文化承载
Cultural load57.32 文化承载
Cultural load75.72 生产发展效益
Production development benefit成本节约
Cost saving12.30 (17.87) 成本节约
Cost saving41.58 (56.15) 成本节约
Cost saving65.29 (76.95) 经济效益
Economic benefit25.71 经济效益
Economic benefit67.70 经济效益
Economic benefit89.30 安全保障
Safety security15.36 安全保障
Safety security58.81 安全保障
Safety security75.88 综合效益得分
Score of comprehensive benefit17.11 53.46 76.54 注:括号内数字分别是生态建设效益、生活游憩效益和生产发展效益在2004、2012和2018年的得分。Notes: figures in brackets are the scores of ecological construction benefit, life recreation benefit, and production development benefit in 2004, 2012 and 2018, respectively. 数据来源主要包括统计年鉴、文件资料和有关网站、相关文献及规划设计文本,以及通过谷歌地图目视解译和计算得出的结果。少量难以直接获取的数据通过实地调研、问卷调查和访谈咨询获得。其中,涉及的统计年鉴、文件资料和有关网站主要包括《中国城市建设统计年鉴》《山东统计年鉴》《潍坊统计年鉴》《潍坊年鉴》《潍坊市国民经济和社会发展统计公报》《潍坊市水利发展“十三五”规划》《山东省潍坊市现代水网建设规划》以及政府门户网站、安居客等房产信息服务网站等。问卷调查采取网络问卷的方式,在问卷星平台制作问卷并发放,其中插入了调研拍摄或相关资料中2004、2012和2018年3个年份的水景观照片,方便人们对各年情况进行回顾,较为便捷,且能够通过设置前置问题确保调查对象符合需要。调查对象包括对潍坊市水景观情况较为了解的城市规划、风景园林等相关专业领域的专家学者和在校学生、政府相关部门管理人员、当地居民和曾有潍坊市水景观游览经历的游客。调查共计发放136份问卷,将随意作答、重复填写同一选项的问卷剔除后,得到有效问卷126份,有效率92.65%。
4. 结论与讨论
致谢 本论文在撰写过程中,得到了潍坊市自然资源和规划局党组成员、林业局局长孙守勤同志的大力支持,特此致谢!
表 1 城市建成区水景观建设综合效益评价指标体系
Table 1 Evaluation index system of comprehensive benefit for water landscape construction in urban built-up area
Target layer (O)准则层
Criterion layer (A)
weight at this level)要素层
Element layer (B)
weight at this level)指标层
Indicator layer (C)城市建成区水景观建设综合效益评价
Comprehensive benefit evaluation for water landscape construction in urban built-up areaA1 生态建设
A1 Ecological construction
(0.41)B1 生态修复
B1 Ecological restoration (0.44)C1 水系生态治理比例 Ecological control proportion of water system (%) C2 水体生态护岸比例 Proportion of water ecological revetment (%) C3 城市水域空间率 Urban water space ratio (%) C4 河流生态基流满足程度 Satisfaction degree of river ecological base flow (%) C5 水生生物完整性指数 Aquatic organism integrity index (%) C6 生物多样性指数 Biodiversity index B2 环境改善
B2 Environmental improvement (0.39)C7 滨水植被碳汇增长率 Carbon sink growth rate of waterfront vegetation (%) C8 温度改变率 Temperature change rate (%) C9 水面蒸发调节量增长率 Growth rate of water surface evaporation regulation (%) C10 水体滞尘量增长率 Growth rate of dust retention in water (%) C11 滨水环境噪音值 Noise value of waterfront environment(dB) C12 滨水空间透水铺装率 Permeable pavement rate of waterfront space (%) B3 水质净化
B3 Water quality purification (0.17)C13 景观水体水质达标率 Standard-reaching rate of landscape water quality (%) C14 城市径流净化率 Purification rate of urban runoff (%) A2 生活游憩
A2 Life recreation
B4 Landscape construction (0.56)C15 城市水景观辐射率 Radiation rate of urban water landscape (%) C16 城市滨水绿地率 Urban waterfront green space rate (%) C17 水景可见度 Visibility of waterscape (%) C18 滨水景观视觉质量 Visual quality of waterfront landscape C19 滨水景观满意度 Satisfaction of waterfront landscape (%) B5 活动支持
B5 Activity
support (0.32)C20 滨水出游率 Waterfront travel rate (%) C21 人均滨水绿地面积满足率 Satisfaction rate of per capita waterfront green space area (%) C22 城市滨水绿道连通率 Connectivity rate of urban waterfront greenway (%) C23 滨水步行交通占比 Proportion of waterfront pedestrian traffic (%) C24 提供活动设施的滨水空间占比 Proportion of waterfront space providing activity facilities (%) C25 滨水景观设施完善程度 Perfection degree of waterfront landscape facilities C26 滨水游憩活动类型多样性 Diversity of types of waterfront recreation activities C27 亲水景观舒适度 Comfort of hydrophilic landscape B6 文化承载
B6 Cultural
load (0.12)C28 滨水空间文化承载率 Cultural carrying rate of waterfront space (%) C29 城市水景观建设认知度 Awareness of urban water landscape construction C30 滨水宣传教育载体个数 Number of waterfront publicity and education carriers A3 生产发展
A3 Production development
(0.26)B7 成本节约
B7 Cost saving (0.33)C31 城市再生水利用率 Utilization rate of urban reclaimed water (%) C32 雨水资源利用率 Utilization rate of rainwater resources (%) C33 节水灌溉使用率 Utilization rate of water-saving irrigation (%) C34 废弃材料利用率 Utilization rate of waste materials (%) C35 节能型服务设施应用率 Application rate of energy-saving service facilities (%) C36 单位面积的人工成本(元/m2) Labor cost per unit area(CNY/m2) B8 经济效益
B8 Economic benefit (0.34)C37 滨水绿地营业收入增长率 Operating income growth rate of waterfront green space (%) C38 滨水景观创造就业岗位增长率 Employment growth rate created by waterfront landscape (%) C39 滨水旅游总收入增长率 Growth rate of total revenue for waterfront tourism (%) C40 滨水土地开发率 Waterfront land development rate (%) C41 滨水房产价值增长率 Growth rate of waterfront real estate value (%) C42 滨水业态营业收入增长率 Growth rate of operating income for waterfront formats (%) C43 滨水业态数量、类型增长率 Growth rate of quantity and types for waterfront formats (%) B9 安全保障
B9 Safety
security (0.33)C44 滨水空间的社会安全提升度 Social safety improvement degree of waterfront space (%) C45 河道防洪达标率 Standard-reaching rate of flood control for river (%) C46 城市径流削减比例 Proportion of urban runoff reduction (%) C47 降雨滞蓄率 Rainfall retention rate (%) 注:表中的C18、C25、C26、C27和C29为定性指标;其余为定量指标,涉及增长率、改变率和提升度的指标均需设定基准年份进行计算。生产发展准则层中单位面积的人工成本、滨水绿地营业收入增长率、滨水旅游总收入增长率、滨水房产价值增长率和滨水业态营业收入增长率指标在计算时需排除通货膨胀的影响。Notes: C18, C25, C26, C27 and C29 in the table are qualitative indicators; the rest are quantitative indicators, and indicators related to growth rate, change rate and improvement degree need to be calculated by setting the base year. Indicators including labor cost per unit area, operating income growth rate of waterfront green space, growth rate of total revenue for waterfront tourism, growth rate of waterfront real estate value and growth rate of operating income for waterfront formats in the criterion layer of production development need to exclude the influence of inflation in the calculation. 表 2 各指标层属性及权重
Table 2 Attribute and weight of each indicator layer
Indicator layer指标属性
Indicator attribute本级权重
Weight at
this level综合权重
Comprehensive weight水系生态治理比例 Ecological control proportion of water system 正向 Positive 0.22 0.04 水体生态护岸比例 Proportion of water ecological revetment 正向 Positive 0.08 0.01 城市水域空间率 Urban water space ratio 正向 Positive 0.16 0.03 河流生态基流满足程度 Satisfaction degree of river ecological base flow 正向 Positive 0.26 0.05 水生生物完整性指数 Aquatic organism integrity index 正向 Positive 0.12 0.02 生物多样性指数 Biodiversity index 正向 Positive 0.16 0.03 滨水植被碳汇增长率 Carbon sink growth rate of waterfront vegetation 正向 Positive 0.16 0.03 温度改变率 Temperature change rate 正向 Positive 0.16 0.03 水面蒸发调节量增长率 Growth rate of water surface evaporation regulation 正向 Positive 0.15 0.02 水体滞尘量增长率 Growth rate of dust retention in water 正向 Positive 0.15 0.02 滨水环境噪音值 Noise value of waterfront environment 逆向 Reverse 0.19 0.03 滨水空间透水铺装率 Permeable pavement rate of waterfront space 正向 Positive 0.19 0.03 景观水体水质达标率 Standard-reaching rate of landscape water quality 正向 Positive 0.67 0.05 城市径流净化率 Purification rate of urban runoff 正向 Positive 0.33 0.02 城市水景观辐射率 Radiation rate of urban water landscape 正向 Positive 0.28 0.05 城市滨水绿地率 Urban waterfront green space rate 正向 Positive 0.17 0.03 水景可见度 Visibility of waterscape 正向 Positive 0.13 0.02 滨水景观视觉质量 Visual quality of waterfront landscape 正向 Positive 0.17 0.03 滨水景观满意度 Satisfaction of waterfront landscape 正向 Positive 0.25 0.05 滨水出游率 Waterfront travel rate 正向 Positive 0.12 0.01 人均滨水绿地面积满足率 Satisfaction rate of per capita waterfront green space area 正向 Positive 0.20 0.02 城市滨水绿道连通率 Connectivity rate of urban waterfront greenway 正向 Positive 0.09 0.01 滨水步行交通占比 Proportion of waterfront pedestrian traffic 正向 Positive 0.08 0.01 提供活动设施的滨水空间占比 Proportion of waterfront space providing activity facilities 正向 Positive 0.21 0.02 滨水景观设施完善程度 Perfection degree of waterfront landscape facilities 正向 Positive 0.14 0.01 滨水游憩活动类型多样性 Diversity of types of waterfront recreation activities 正向 Positive 0.10 0.01 亲水景观舒适度 Comfort of hydrophilic landscape 正向 Positive 0.06 0.01 滨水空间文化承载率 Cultural carrying rate of waterfront space 正向 Positive 0.40 0.02 城市水景观建设认知度 Awareness of urban water landscape construction 正向 Positive 0.20 0.01 滨水宣传教育载体个数 Number of waterfront publicity and education carriers 正向 Positive 0.40 0.02 城市再生水利用率 Utilization rate of urban reclaimed water 正向 Positive 0.26 0.02 雨水资源利用率 Utilization rate of rainwater resources 正向 Positive 0.25 0.02 节水灌溉使用率 Utilization rate of water-saving irrigation 正向 Positive 0.15 0.01 废弃材料利用率 Utilization rate of waste materials 正向 Positive 0.10 0.01 节能型服务设施应用率 Application rate of energy-saving service facilities 正向 Positive 0.15 0.01 单位面积的人工成本 Labor cost per unit area 逆向 Reverse 0.09 0.01 滨水绿地营业收入增长率 Operating income growth rate of waterfront green space 正向 Positive 0.07 0.01 滨水景观创造就业岗位增长率 Employment growth rate created by waterfront landscape 正向 Positive 0.08 0.01 滨水旅游总收入增长率 Growth rate of total revenue for waterfront tourism 正向 Positive 0.26 0.02 滨水土地开发率 Waterfront land development rate 正向 Positive 0.16 0.01 滨水房产价值增长率 Growth rate of waterfront real estate value 正向 Positive 0.22 0.02 滨水业态营业收入增长率 Growth rate of operating income for waterfront formats 正向 Positive 0.10 0.01 滨水业态数量、类型增长率 Growth rate of quantity and types for waterfront formats 正向 Positive 0.11 0.01 滨水空间的社会安全提升度 Social safety improvement degree of waterfront space 正向 Positive 0.25 0.02 河道防洪达标率 Standard-reaching rate of flood control for river 正向 Positive 0.35 0.03 城市径流削减比例 Proportion of urban runoff reduction 正向 Positive 0.20 0.02 降雨滞蓄率 Rainfall retention rate 正向 Positive 0.20 0.02 注:表中权重通过层次分析法(AHP)计算获得。Note: weights in the table are calculated by AHP. 表 3 综合效益等级划分
Table 3 Classification of the comprehensive benefit grade
Level of the comprehensive benefit极少效益
Rare benefit较少效益
Minor benefit中等效益
Moderate benefit较多效益
Major benefit极多效益
Numerous benefit{U_{{\rm{CBE}}}} 的取值范围 Value range of{U_{{\rm{CBE}}}} 0 \leqslant {U}_{\rm{CBE} } < 20 20 \leqslant {U}_{\rm{CBE} } < 40 40 \leqslant {U}_{\rm{CBE}} < 60 60 \leqslant {U}_{\rm{CBE} } < 80 80 \leqslant {U}_{\rm{CBE} } \leqslant 100 表 4 2004、2012和2018年潍坊市建成区水景观建设相关指标
Table 4 Related indicators of water landscape construction in the built-up area of Weifang City in 2004, 2012 and 2018
指标 Indicator 2004 2012 2018 城市建成区面积/hm2 Area of the urban built-up area/ha 11 500 15 700 17 985 已治理河道长度 Length of renovated river/km 5 35 60 已完成景观水面面积/hm2 Area of completed landscape water surface/ha 33 218 333 已建成滨水绿地面积/hm2 Area of built waterfront green space/ha 34 321 633 表 5 潍坊市建成区水景观建设综合效益得分计算结果
Table 5 Calculation results for the scores of comprehensive benefit of waterlandscape construction in the built-up area of Weifang City
Evaluation item2004 2012 2018 要素层 Element layer 得分 Score 要素层 Element layer 得分 Score 要素层 Element layer 得分 Score 生态建设效益
Ecological construction benefit生态修复
Ecological restoration14.64 (18.72) 生态修复
Ecological restoration46.65 (51.04) 生态修复
Ecological restoration69.34 (74.78) 环境改善
Environmental improvement22.09 环境改善
Environmental improvement58.70 环境改善
Environmental improvement83.15 水质净化
Water quality purification21.53 水质净化
Water quality purification44.85 水质净化
Water quality purification68.25 生活游憩效益
Life recreation benefit风景营建
Landscape construction14.94 (14.53) 风景营建
Landscape construction52.11 (54.34) 风景营建
Landscape construction77.68 (78.41) 活动支持
Activity support15.54 活动支持
Activity support57.11 活动支持
Activity support80.69 文化承载
Cultural load9.87 文化承载
Cultural load57.32 文化承载
Cultural load75.72 生产发展效益
Production development benefit成本节约
Cost saving12.30 (17.87) 成本节约
Cost saving41.58 (56.15) 成本节约
Cost saving65.29 (76.95) 经济效益
Economic benefit25.71 经济效益
Economic benefit67.70 经济效益
Economic benefit89.30 安全保障
Safety security15.36 安全保障
Safety security58.81 安全保障
Safety security75.88 综合效益得分
Score of comprehensive benefit17.11 53.46 76.54 注:括号内数字分别是生态建设效益、生活游憩效益和生产发展效益在2004、2012和2018年的得分。Notes: figures in brackets are the scores of ecological construction benefit, life recreation benefit, and production development benefit in 2004, 2012 and 2018, respectively. -
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