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苑正赛, 乔艳辉, 王丽, 王相娥, 姚俊修, 李善文, 韩友吉, 董玉峰

苑正赛, 乔艳辉, 王丽, 王相娥, 姚俊修, 李善文, 韩友吉, 董玉峰. 镉胁迫对黑杨派无性系生物量及镉离子含量的影响[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2021, 43(12): 38-46. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200234
引用本文: 苑正赛, 乔艳辉, 王丽, 王相娥, 姚俊修, 李善文, 韩友吉, 董玉峰. 镉胁迫对黑杨派无性系生物量及镉离子含量的影响[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2021, 43(12): 38-46. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200234
Yuan Zhengsai, Qiao Yanhui, Wang Li, Wang Xiang’e, Yao Junxiu, Li Shanwen, Han Youji, Dong Yufeng. Effects of cadmium stress on biomass and cadmium ion content of Sect. Aigeiros clones[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2021, 43(12): 38-46. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200234
Citation: Yuan Zhengsai, Qiao Yanhui, Wang Li, Wang Xiang’e, Yao Junxiu, Li Shanwen, Han Youji, Dong Yufeng. Effects of cadmium stress on biomass and cadmium ion content of Sect. Aigeiros clones[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2021, 43(12): 38-46. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20200234


基金项目: 山东省重点研发计划项目(2017GNC11115),林业科技发展项目(KJZXZZ2019015、KJZXSA202003),林木遗传育种国家重点实验室开放基金项目(K2020203)。

    苑正赛。主要研究方向: 林木遗传育种。Email:yzs98222@163.com 地址:271018山东省泰安市泰山区岱宗大街61号山东农业大学


    姚俊修,博士,高级工程师。主要研究方向:林木遗传育种。Email:yjx95289528@163.com 地址:250014山东省济南市历下区文化东路42号山东省林业科学研究院

    李善文,博士,研究员。主要研究方向:林木遗传育种。Email:lishanwen66@163.com 地址:同上

  • 中图分类号: S722.3

Effects of cadmium stress on biomass and cadmium ion content of Sect. Aigeiros clones

  • 摘要:
      目的  研究重金属镉(Cd)对黑杨派无性系生物量及镉离子含量的影响,探讨无性系对Cd胁迫的响应机制,为治理日渐严重的土壤重金属污染治理提供依据。
      方法  对黑杨派的5个无性系进行沙培试验,分别测定其生长量、不同器官生物量及Cd2+ 含量,评价不同无性系抗Cd胁迫的能力。
      结果  随着Cd2+ 质量浓度增加,胁迫后苗高与地径均呈下降趋势,各无性系苗高性状较地径对Cd胁迫更为敏感;胁迫后叶片数量整体呈下降趋势。通过对不同无性系叶片生物量均值分析发现,无性系I-107、L-35、中菏1号排在前3位,除15 mg/L Cd2+ 质量浓度外,在其他质量浓度胁迫下差异均达显著水平。随着Cd2+ 质量浓度增加,不同无性系茎生物量与根生物量变化趋势一致,整体先降低,后升高再降低。对不同质量浓度Cd2+ 胁迫下茎与根生物量的均值进行分析,发现无性系I-107、鲁林9号、L-35的茎生物量排在前3位,I-107、鲁林16号、L-35的根生物量排在前3位。各无性系茎中Cd2+ 含量随Cd2+ 质量浓度的增加均有不同程度升高,其中无性系I-107较对照增长率最大,其次为鲁林9号。在最高质量浓度胁迫下,鲁林9号的茎中Cd2+ 含量较其他无性系差异达显著水平。不同无性系叶片和根中Cd2+ 含量随质量浓度增加均有不同程度升高,在最高质量浓度胁迫下,无性系I-107、中菏1号、鲁林9号中叶片Cd2+ 含量较对照增长率排在前3位。无性系中菏1号、I-107、L-35中根Cd2+ 含量较对照增长率排在前3位。总生物量呈先升高再降低的趋势,总Cd2+ 含量呈先升高再降低再升高的趋势。
      结论  利用主成分分析对5个无性系生长量、生物量及Cd2+ 含量进行综合评价,发现无性系I-107、鲁林9号和L-35的抗重金属Cd能力较强,可为重金属Cd污染土壤的治理与修复提供试验材料。
      Objective  In order to study the effects of heavy metal stress on biomass and cadmiumion content of Sect. Aigeiros clones, the response mechanism of clones to Cd stress was discussed, which provided a theoretical basis for the increasingly serious soil heavy metal pollution problem.
      Method  Sand culture experiments were carried out on five Sect. Aigeiros clones, growth, biomass and cadmium content of different organs were measured to evaluate the resistance of different clones to Cd stress.
      Result  With the increase of Cd2+ mass concentration, the seedling height and ground diameter decreased under Cd stress, the height traits of tested clones were more sensitive to Cd stress than the ground diameter; the number of leaves decreased after Cd stress. Based on the analysis of the mean value of leaf biomass of different clones, it was found that clones ‘I-107’ , ‘L-35’ and ‘Zhonghe 1’ were in the top three, except for the mass concentration of Cd2+ being 15mg/L, the difference was significant under other mass concentrations. With the increase of Cd2+ mass concentration, the variation trend of stem biomass and root biomass of different clones was the same, the whole trend was first decreased, then increased and then decreased. The average of stem and root biomass under different mass concentrations of Cd stress were analyzed, the stem biomass of ‘I-107’ , ‘Lulin 9’ and ‘L-35’ were in the top three, and the root biomass of ‘ I-107’, ‘Lulin 16’ and ‘L-35’ were in the top three. The Cd content in stems of different clones increased with the increase of Cd2+ mass concentration, and ‘I-107’had the highest growth rate compared with the control, followed by ‘Lulin 9’. Under the highest mass concentration, the difference between ‘Lulin 9’and other clones was significant. The Cd content in leaves and roots of different clones increased with the increase of Cd2+ mass concentration. Under the highest mass concentration, the content of Cd2+ in the leaves of ‘I-107’ , ‘Zhonghe 1’ and ‘Lulin 9’ was in the top three compared with the growth rate of the control; and the content of Cd2+ in roots of ‘Zhonghe 1’,‘I-107’and ‘L-35’ was in the top three compared with the growth rate of control. The total biomass increased first and then decreased; the total Cd content increased first, then decreased and then increased.
      Conclusion  The growth, biomass and Cd content of five clones were comprehensively evaluated by principal component analysis, ‘I-107’ ,‘Lulin 9’ and ‘L-35’ had strong resistance to Cd, which could be used as ideal clones for remediation of cadmium-contaminated soils.
  • 图  1   不同Cd2+质量浓度对不同无性系苗高的影响

    不同小写字母表示同一处理不同无性系间差异显著(P < 0.05)。下同。Different lowercase letters indicate that there are significant differences among varied clones in the same treatment (P < 0.05). The same below.

    Figure  1.   Effects of Cd2+ with different mass concentrationson seedling heigh of varied clones

    图  2   不同Cd2+质量浓度对不同无性系地径的影响

    Figure  2.   Effects of Cd2+ with different mass concentrations on ground diameter of varied clones

    图  3   不同Cd2+质量浓度对不同无性系叶片数量的影响

    Figure  3.   Effects of Cd2+ with different mass concentrations on leaf number of varied clones

    图  4   不同Cd2+质量浓度对不同无性系叶片生物量的影响

    Figure  4.   Effects of Cd2+ with different mass concentrations on leaf biomass of varied clones

    图  5   不同Cd2+质量浓度对不同无性系茎生物量的影响

    Figure  5.   Effects of Cd2+ with different mass concentrations on stem biomass of varied clones

    图  6   不同Cd2+质量浓度对不同无性系根生物量的影响

    Figure  6.   Effects of Cd2+ with different mass concentrations on root biomass of varied clones

    图  7   不同Cd2+质量浓度对不同无性系茎中Cd2+含量的影响

    Figure  7.   Effects of Cd2+ with different mass concentrations on Cd2+ content in stems of varied clones

    图  8   不同Cd2+质量浓度对不同无性系叶片中Cd2+含量的影响

    Figure  8.   Effects of Cd2+ with different mass concentrations on Cd2+ content in leaves of varied clones

    图  9   不同Cd2+质量浓度对不同无性系根中Cd2+含量的影响

    Figure  9.   Effects of Cd2+ with different mass concentrations on Cd2+ content in roots of varied clones

    图  10   不同Cd2+质量浓度对不同无性系总生物量的影响

    Figure  10.   Effects of Cd2+ with different mass concentrations on total biomass of varied clones

    图  11   不同Cd2+质量浓度对不同无性系总Cd2+含量的影响

    Figure  11.   Effects of Cd2+ with different mass concentrations on total Cd2+ content of varied clones

    表  1   黑杨派无性系Cd胁迫下的主成分分析

    Table  1   Principal component analysis on Aigeiros clones under Cd stress

    Measurement index
    Principal component 1
    Principal component 2
    Principal component 3
    Principal component 4
    特征根 Characteristic root 5.253 7 2.573 9 1.853 4 1.319 1
    贡献率 Contribution rate/% 47.76 23.40 16.85 11.99
    累计贡献率 Cumulative contribution rate/% 47.76 71.16 88.01 100.00
    苗高 Seedling height 0.419 8 0.078 0 0.010 1 0.210 3
    地径 Ground diameter 0.158 2 0.311 2 −0.402 9 0.491 4
    叶片数 Leaf number 0.272 3 0.208 6 0.451 6 0.302 5
    叶片生物量 Leaf biomass 0.331 5 −0.122 0 0.432 6 −0.169 0
    茎生物量 Stem biomass 0.384 6 0.184 0 −0.118 2 −0.288 4
    根生物量 Root biomass 0.061 8 −0.428 5 0.043 2 0.618 0
    茎Cd2+含量 Cd2+ content of stem −0.062 0 −0.584 1 −0.164 3 −0.197 7
    叶片Cd2+含量 Cd2+ content of leaf 0.268 9 0.240 4 −0.470 0 −0.216 7
    根Cd2+含量 Cd2+ content of root −0.342 9 0.332 9 0.228 8 −0.009 4
    总生物量 Total biomass 0.388 7 −0.039 8 0.280 2 −0.207 3
    总Cd2+含量 Total Cd2+ content −0.343 8 0.331 3 0.227 9 −0.010 9
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    表  2   5个无性系的主成分值及其排序

    Table  2   Principal component values and ranking of 5 Aigeiros clones

    P. × euramericana
    P. deltoides
    ‘Zhonghe 1’
    P. × euramericana
    P. deltoides
    ‘Lulin 9’
    P. deltoides
    ‘Lulin 16’
    主成分值 Principal component value2.253 6−3.444 80.103 31.860 6−0.772 7
    排序 Order15324
    下载: 导出CSV
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  • 被引次数: 16
  • 收稿日期:  2020-07-25
  • 修回日期:  2020-10-14
  • 录用日期:  2021-11-08
  • 网络出版日期:  2021-11-12
  • 发布日期:  2022-01-04


