Analysis on spatial distribution pattern and overlapping status of natural protected area in Liaoning Province of northeastern China
摘要:目的 通过对辽宁省自然保护地重叠现状进行定性与定量的分析,描述辽宁省6类235处自然保护地空间分布情况与重叠现状及特征,由此对辽宁省自然保护地空间分布格局现状进行评价,为辽宁省自然保护地的整合优化提供科学参考与理论依据。方法 利用最邻近指数分析与核密度分析,评价辽宁省自然保护地空间分布现状,同时提出了自然保护地镶嵌体的概念,通过分析镶嵌体内部的重叠板块占比情况,对辽宁省自然保护地重叠现状进行定性与定量的分析,相较于传统重叠率分析方法,为分析一个区域内多层重叠的情况我们提出了自然保护地多元重叠率计算方法。结果 (1)辽宁省自然保护地的最邻近比率为0.904,表明辽宁省自然保护地分布属聚集型分布;(2)结合自然保护综合地理区划,辽宁省自然保护地主要形成4个聚集区域;(3)辽宁省自然保护地存在重叠情况的自然保护地数量占自然保护地总数的50.43%,重叠面积占辽宁省自然保护地的8.63%。重叠情况主要发生在自然保护区与自然公园之间,数量共107处,面积达134 421.1 hm2;(4)辽宁省存在重叠的斑块中两层重叠82处、三层重叠13处、四层重叠1处;(5)辽宁省可划分为36个自然保护地镶嵌体,其中内部重叠率高于50%的保护地镶嵌体有8处,最高为81.34%;低于10%的保护地镶嵌体有6个,最低为1.82%。结论 将重叠保护地进行整合优化时,镶嵌体重叠率过高代表保护服务功能与划定保护范围过剩,整合时对于这种情况所涉及的保护地建议以合并为主。下一步对于计划新建自然保护地应将现有保护服务力度较低或中等区域进行补充完善,将如辽东半岛阔叶落叶林与湿地区南部的沿海陆域利用起来。在解决重叠与地质遗迹等情况后确保保护等级不下降,保证保护力度与保护效率。Abstract:Objective In order to provide scientific proposals and theoretical basis for the integration and optimization of protected areas (PAs) in Liaoning Province of northeastern China, we analyzed the spatial distribution pattern and overlapping status of 235 PAs of six categories in Liaoning Province qualitatively and quantitatively.Method The nearest neighbor index analysis and kernel density analysis were used to evaluate the spatial distribution of the PAs. By calculating the proportion of overlap in each protected area mosaic, the overlap status of PAs in Liaoning Province was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. We also proposed a new method to calculate the overlap rate of multiple layers.Result (1) The nearest neighbor ratio of PAs in Liaoning Province was 0.904, indicating the aggregation distribution pattern of PAs in Liaoning Province. (2) The PA in Liaoning Province mainly formed four aggregation regions: deciduous broadleaved forest in western Liaoning Province and northern Hebei Province, mixed coniferous and broadleaved forest in Longgang Mountains, grassland and cultivated vegetation in Liaohe Plain, northern part of wetland and deciduous broadleaved forest in Liaodong Peninsula. (3) The PAs with overlap accounted for 50.43% (by amount) and 8.63% (by area) of the total PAs in Liaoning Province. The overlaps mainly occurred between nature reserves and natural parks, with a total area of 134, 421 ha occurred in 107 PAs. (4) There were 82, 13, and one overlapped patche (s) with two, three and four overlapped layers, respectively in Liaoning Province. (5) Based on the concept of PAM, a total of 36 PAMs were recognized in Liaoning Province, of which eight had an overlap rate more than 50%, maximum of 81.34%; 6 less than 10%, minimum of 1.82%.Conclusion The high overlap rate of PAMs indicated over evaluation of the area and conservation service function of the PAs. In this case, we suggested that the PA overlaps should be merged, and appropriate reduction of the total area should be permitted during the integration and optimization of the PA system in Liaoning Province. Furthermore, given the low protection effectiveness of some regions worthy of conservation, e. g., the coastal areas at the southern part of the deciduous broadleaved forest and wetland in Liaodong Peninsula, we suggested new PAs be established or expansion of the existing PAs to ensure the protection intensity and effectiveness of the PA system of Liaoning Province of northeastern China.
表 1 各类型自然保护地最邻近值及分布模式
Table 1 The nearest neighbor values and distribution patterns of different types of natural protected area
Average observation
distance (r1)/km预期平均距离
Expected average
distance (rE)/km最邻近比率
Nearest neighbor
ratio (R)分布模式
Distribution mode自然保护地 Natural protected area 15.548 17.188 0.904 聚类型 Polytype 自然保护区 Nature reserve 33.316 29.862 1.115 均匀型 Uniform 湿地公园 Wetland park 29.521 30.146 0.979 聚类型 Polytype 森林公园 Forest park 23.238 26.927 0.863 聚类型 Polytype 地质公园 Geological park 29.521 30.146 0.979 聚类型 Polytype 表 2 各自然保护综合地理单元上的自然保护地面积及占比表
Table 2 Area and proportion of natural protected area on natural conservation geographical regionalization
Natural conservation
geographical regionalization各地理单元在辽宁省面积/hm2
Area of each geographical
unit in Liaoning Province/ha自然保护地数量
Number of natural
protected area自然保护地面积/hm2
Area of natural
protected area/ha自然保护地面积占比
Proportion of natural
protected area/%燕山落叶阔叶林区
Yanshan deciduous and broadleaved forest area596 049 16 81 365 13.65 龙岗山针阔混交林区
Longgang Mountain coniferous and broadleaved
mixed forest area2 562 604 63 490 272 19.13 辽西冀北山地落叶阔叶林区
Mountain deciduous broadleaved forest area
in western Liaoning and northern Hebei3 543 917 62 383 625 10.82 辽河平原栽培植被与草原草甸区
Cultivated vegetation and grassland
meadow area of Liaohe Plain3 566 904 51 195 066 5.47 辽东半岛落叶阔叶林与湿地区
Deciduous broadleaved forests and wet
areas of the Liaodong Peninsula3 253 033 71 630 623 19.38 哈达岭次生落叶阔叶林区
Hadaling secondary deciduous
broadleaved forest area1 018 263 19 96 894 9.52 表 3 自然保护地之间重叠情况
Table 3 Overlap condition between natural protected areas
涉及重叠保护地情况 Involving overlapping protected areas 数量 Number 重叠面积/hm2 Overlapping area/ha 自然保护区之间重叠 Overlap between nature reserves 27 14 511.49 自然保护区与自然公园重叠 Overlap between nature reserves and nature parks 107 134 421.10 自然公园之间重叠 Overlap between nature parks 51 42 903.16 表 4 辽宁省自然保护地镶嵌体情况及内部重叠率
Table 4 Mosaic situation and internal overlap rate of natural protected area in Liaoning Province
Inlay No.镶嵌体名称
Name of inlay自然保护地数量
Number of natural
protected area类型
Type级别 Level 内部重叠率
National level省级
Provincial level市级
Municipal level县级
County level1 老秃顶子
Laotudingzi7 NR 1 2 19.48 FP 3 GP 1 2 章古台
Zhanggutai4 NR 1 1 39.44 FP 1 DP 1 3 长山群岛
Changshan Archipelago4 NR 1 1 10.94 FP 1 MP 1 4 仙人洞
Xianrendong3 NR 1 65.02 FP 1 GP 1 5 三块石
Sankuaishi3 NR 1 81.34 FP 1 GP 1 6 凤凰山
Phoenix Mountain2 NR 1 22.36 FP 1 7 大伙房
Dahuofang2 FP 1 15.74 WP 1 8 大连西郊
Dalian West Suburb2 FP 2 25.14 9 陨石山
Aerolite Hill2 NR 1 20.54 FP 1 10 辽河湿地
Liaohe Wetland2 WP 2 4.77 11 首山
Shoushan Mountain2 FP 1 2.35 WP 1 12 千山
Qianshan Mountain2 FP 1 54.94 GP 1 13 楼子山
Louzishan Mountain2 NR 1 28.80 FP 1 14 海棠山
Haitangshan Mountain2 NR 1 21.65 FP 1 15 普兰店
Pulandian2 FP 1 19.52 GP 1 16 辽河口
Liaohe Estuary7 NR 1 1 22.21 FP 1 WP 1 MP 2 GP 1 17 朝阳鸟化石
Chaoyang Bird Fossil10 NR 1 2 3 1 13.01 FP 2 GP 1 18 猴石
Houshi4 NR 2 37.63 FP 1 GP 2 19 医巫闾山
Yiwulü Mountain6 NR 1 1 29.34 FP 1 1 WP 1 GP 1 20 营口
Yingkou4 NR 1 20.68 FP 2 1 21 白狼山
Bailang Mountain7 NR 1 1 2 69.22 FP 2 GP 1 22 龙潭湾
Longtan Bay2 NR 1 8.24 FP 1 23 老虎山
Laohu Mountain2 NR 1 49.37 FP 1 24 大辽河
Daliao River2 NR 1 1.98 WP 1 25 浑河源
Hunheyuan River2 NR 1 34.82 FP 1 26 白云山
Baiyun Mountain2 NR 1 22.57 FP 1 27 大连沿海
Dalian Coast11 NR 3 1 5.24 FP 2 1 MP 3 GP 1 28 沈阳
Shenyang2 NR 1 19.48 FP 1 29 五龙山
Wulong Mountain2 NR 1 31.70 FP 1 30 海王九岛
Haiwang Jiudao2 NR 2 16.53 31 蒲石河
Pushi River2 NR 1 60.42 FP 1 32 西平
Xiping2 NR 1 73.07 FP 2 33 辽中蒲河
Puhe River in Liaozhong2 NR 1 17.45 WP 1 34 冰砬山
Binglashan Mountain3 NR 1 53.51 FP 1 1 35 高山台
Gaoshantai2 NR 1 66.72 FP 1 36 寇河
Kou River2 NR 1 1.82 WP 1 注:NR. 自然保护区;FP. 森林公园;GP. 地质公园;DP. 沙漠公园;MP. 海洋公园;WP. 湿地公园。Notes: NR, nature reserve; FP, forest park; GP, geological park; DP, desert park; MP, marine park; WP, wetland park. -
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11. 杨传宝,孙超,李善文,姚俊修,刘敬国,矫兴杰. 白杨派无性系苗期耐盐性综合评价及筛选. 北京林业大学学报. 2017(10): 24-32 . 本站查看