Effects of Mohe-Daqing oil pipeline project construction on typical forest ecosystems in Daxing'an Mountains.
摘要: 中俄输油管道工程漠河—大庆段贯穿大兴安岭地区及松嫩平原区,施工不可避免地会对森林植被和土壤产生影响。本文以大兴安岭典型的兴安杜鹃—白桦林、越桔—兴安落叶松林和胡枝子—樟子松林为对象,研究中俄输油管道工程建设对森林土壤化学性质、生物量和植物多样性的影响。结果显示: 1)输油管道工程建设对土壤pH值没有显著影响(P>0.05),但使土壤全磷量减少(P<0.05),0~10 cm土层全氮量减少(P<0.05),而10~20 cm和20~30 cm土层全氮量增加,兴安杜鹃—白桦林0~10 cm和10~20 cm土层全钾量减少(P<0.05),而越桔—兴安落叶松林和胡枝子—樟子松林土壤全钾量基本没有影响(P>0.05); 2)兴安杜鹃—白桦林中乔木层生物量大幅度下降(P<0.05),灌木和草本层生物量略有增加,但差异不显著(P>0.05),越桔—兴安落叶松林和胡枝子—樟子松林中乔木层和灌木层生物量大幅度下降(P<0.05),而草本层生物量显著增加(P<0.05); 3)输油管道工程建设对森林乔木和灌木物种多样性的影响大于草本植物,越桔—兴安落叶松林灌木层生物多样性变化较小,另外2个类型森林的乔木和灌木生物多样性均有不同程度的降低;胡枝子—樟子松林草本植物多样性略有升高,而另外2个类型略微降低。研究结果表明,施工破坏土壤导致植被恢复困难;土壤结构较差地点的生态系统在受到破坏后,应该考虑施加更多的人为措施来促进植被恢复,否则可能会对输油管线的安全运营造成危害。Abstract: Mohe-Daqing section of the China-Russia oil pipeline project runs through Daxing’an Mountains and the Songnen Plain. Project construction would disturb vegetation and soil of the forests. In this study, we measured soil properties, plant biomass and species biodiversity in the operational region of the oil pipeline and the non-operational region in theRhododendron dauricum--Betula platyphylla forest, Vaccinum vitis-idaea--Larix gmelini forest and Lespedeza bicolor--Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica forest. The results showed that: 1) Pipeline construction had no effects on soil pH; however, total P concentration decreased significantly (P<0.05). Total N concentration decreased significantly (P<0.05) in the soil layer of 0--10 cm; however, it increased in the soil layers of 10--20 cm and 20--30 cm in all of the three forests. Total K concentration decreased significantly (P<0.05) in the soil layers of 0--10 cm and 10--20 cm in R. dauricum--B. platyphylla forest; however, there was no change in the total K concentration (P0.05) after pipeline construction in V. vitis-idaea--L. gmelini forest and L. bicolor--P. sylvestris var. mongolica forest. 2) Tree biomass decreased significantly (P<0.05) in R. dauricum--B. platyphylla forest. However, shrub and herb biomass did not change significantly (P0.05) in this forest. Tree and shrub biomass decreased significantly (P<0.05) in V. vitis-idaea--L. gmelini forest and L. bicolor--P. sylvestris var. mongolica forest. In contrast, herb biomass increased significantly (P0.05) in these two forests. 3) Oil pipeline project construction had more effects on tree and shrub species diversity than on the herb species diversity. Tree and shrub species biodiversity decreased at all sites after construction except for shrub species biodiversity in the V. vitis-idaea--L. gmelini forest. Herb species biodiversity increased in L. bicolor--P. sylvestris var. mongolica forest; however, it decreased in R. dauricum--B. platyphylla forest and V. vitis-idaea--L. gmelini forest. Our results indicated that restoration of the vegetation was difficult after oil pipeline project construction due to the damage to both vegetation and soil. More artificial measures are necessary to restore the vegetation. Otherwise, the degraded ecosystem would be harmful to the pipeline at sites with poor soil textures.
- oil pipeline project /
- soil chemical property /
- biomass /
- plant species biodiversity
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