Leaf physiological characteristics of seedlings of three Atriplex species under NaCl stress.
摘要: 以灰白滨藜变种1、灰白滨藜变种2和四翅滨藜的1年生实生幼苗为试验材料,采用沙土盆栽试验,对不同质量浓度(0、0.1%、0.3%、0.5%、0.7%和1.0%)NaCl单盐胁迫条件下3种滨藜属植物幼苗叶片盐害指数、耐盐阈值及生理特性等指标进行了测定。结果表明:盐胁迫提高了3种滨藜属植物幼苗各器官Na+浓度,降低了K+浓度,灰白滨藜变种2较其他2种植物各器官保持了相对较低的Na+和较高K+浓度,有利于维持较高的K+/Na+平衡;随着土壤盐浓度的增加,灰白滨藜变种2叶片受盐害起始浓度、耐盐阈值及耐盐极限浓度均高于灰白滨藜变种1和四翅滨藜,最终确定出灰白滨藜变种1、灰白滨藜变种2和四翅滨藜的耐盐阈值分别为0.59%、0.68%和0.63%;叶片丙二醛含量、细胞膜相对透性随着盐胁迫程度的加剧而增加。经隶属函数综合评价认为3种滨藜属植物耐盐性强弱顺序依次为:灰白滨藜变种2(0.686)>四翅滨藜(0.532)>灰白滨藜变种1(0.102);与灰白滨藜变种1相比,灰白滨藜变种2和四翅滨藜各项生理指标特征对盐土环境的适应能力更强。Abstract: Atriplex species, such as Atriplex canescens ssp. aptera, A. canescens ssp. canescens var. laciniata and A. canescens, as unique quasi-evergreen shrubs in arid and semi-arid desert area, are of high socio-ecological importance in controlling desertification, improving soil quality in saline land, and supporting local ecological balance. Here we measured salt injury index, salt-tolerant thresholds and physiological characteristics of the first-year seedlings by a salt-stress experiment conducted in pots. In the experiment, the pots were filled with sand and the six salt levels were adjusted to 0, 0.1%, 0.3%, 0.5%, 0.7%, and 1.0% NaCl. The results showed that: 1) Na+ increased and K+ decreased in each part of three Atriplex seedlings under salt stress. Compared with A. canescens ssp. aptera and A. canescens, the relatively lower Na+ and higher K+ contents were retained in each part of A. canescens ssp. canescens var. laciniata, which was conducive to keeping higher K+/Na+ balance. 2) The initial NaCl concentration with salt stress, salt-tolerance threshold and salt concentration limit of A. canescens ssp. canescens var. laciniata were higher than the other two plants. 3) The salt-tolerance thresholds of A. canescens ssp. aptera, A. canescens ssp. canescens var. laciniata and A. canescens were 0.59%, 0.68%, and 0.63%, respectively. 4) With salt stress increasing, MDA content and cytomembrane permeability were consistently increasing. 5) The salt-tolerance thresholds of the three species based on subordinate function comprehensive evaluation were in the order of A. canescens ssp. canescens var. laciniata (0.686)>A. canescens (0.532)>A. canescens ssp. aptera (0.102). It is suggested that A. canescens ssp. canescens var. laciniata has a stronger adaptability to saline soil than A. canescens and A. canescens ssp. aptera.
- salt tolerance /
- NaCl stress /
- seedling stage /
- physiological response /
- Atriplex species
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