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李苹, 毛斌, 许丽娟, 吴鞠, 刘海轩, 徐程扬

李苹, 毛斌, 许丽娟, 吴鞠, 刘海轩, 徐程扬. 密度、灌草盖度和树干形态对油松人工风景林林内景观指数的影响[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2018, 40(10): 115-122. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20180067
引用本文: 李苹, 毛斌, 许丽娟, 吴鞠, 刘海轩, 徐程扬. 密度、灌草盖度和树干形态对油松人工风景林林内景观指数的影响[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2018, 40(10): 115-122. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20180067
Li Ping, Mao Bin, Xu Lijuan, Wu Ju, Liu Haixuan, Xu Chengyang. Effects of density, shrub-herb coverage and trunk shape on the in-forest patch index of planted Pinus tabuliformis forests[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2018, 40(10): 115-122. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20180067
Citation: Li Ping, Mao Bin, Xu Lijuan, Wu Ju, Liu Haixuan, Xu Chengyang. Effects of density, shrub-herb coverage and trunk shape on the in-forest patch index of planted Pinus tabuliformis forests[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2018, 40(10): 115-122. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20180067



林业公益性行业科研专项 2011BAD38B0303


    李苹。主要研究方向:城市林业。Email:15600990261@163.com  地址:100083北京市海淀区清华东路35号北京林业大学林学院


    徐程扬,教授。主要研究方向:公益林、城市林业培育理论与技术。Email:cyxu@bjfu.edu.cn  地址:同上

  • 中图分类号: S731.2

Effects of density, shrub-herb coverage and trunk shape on the in-forest patch index of planted Pinus tabuliformis forests

  • 摘要:
    ObjectiveStand density, shrub-herb coverage and trunk shape are important factors affecting the in-forest landscape quality. It is expected that the formation mechanism of the landscape quality in artificial forest of Pinus tabuliformis in Beijing could be discussed from the perspective of changing landscape index of the color patch.
    MethodBy analyzing the structure characteristics of forest landscape patches of color images, the effects of stand density, shrub-herb coverage and trunk shape changes on the in-forest patch index were studied.
    ResultThe stand density had a significant influence on splitting index (SPI), and SPI decreased with the increase of density; shrub-herb coverage had significant influence on aggregation index (AI) and landscape shape index (LSI), and both indexes increased with the increase of shrub-herb coverage. Trunk shape had a very significant effect on Simpson's evenness index (SIEI) and a significant influence on LSI. LSI was higher when the trunk shape was both bend and straight, SIEI was higher when the trunk shape was straight. The interaction of stand density and shrub-herb coverage had significant effect on LSI, SPI, SIEI, the three indexes all decreased with the increase of stand density, and increased with the increase of shrub-herb coverage. The interaction of stand density and trunk shape had significant influence on LSI, SIEI, two indexes decreased with the increase of stand density, the value of LSI was larger when the trunk was both bend and straight, the value of SIEI was larger when the trunk was straight. The interaction of shrub-grass coverage and trunk shape had a significant influence on SIEI, SIEI increased with the increase of shrub-herb coverage, and the value of SIEI was larger when the trunk was both bend and straight.
    ConclusionStand density, shrub-herb coverage, trunk shape and their interactions all had significant influence on forest landscape index. The main reason was that the change of structural elements caused the change of the number and the shape of the patches in the visual field, and then caused the change of plaque index.
  • 图  1   美景度值与斑块指数的简相关系数比较


    Figure  1.   Comparison in simple correlation coefficient between scenic beauty value and patch indices

    LPI, largest patch index; LSI, landscape shape index; ACOV, coefficient variability of patchs area; CON, contagion index; PIA, proportion of like adjacencies; SPI, splitting index; SHDI, Shannon's diversity index; SIEI, Simpson's evenness index; AI, aggregation index. The same below.

    图  2   林分密度、灌草盖度、树干形态对景观斑块指数的影响

    A1、A2、A3分别表示林分密度为700~1 000株/hm2、1 000~1 200株/hm2、>1 200株/hm2;B1、B2、B3分别表示灌草盖度为 < 30%、30%~70%、>70%;C1和C2分别表示树干形态全部通直、弯曲与通直并存。不同小写字母表示差异显著(P < 0.05)。下同。

    Figure  2.   Influences of stand density, shrub-herb coverage and trunk shape on landscape patch index

    A1, A2, A3 mean 700-1 000 plant/ha, 1 000-1 200 plant/ha, >1 200 plant/ha stand density, respectively; B1, B2, B3 mean < 30%, 30%-70%, >70% shrub coverage, respectively; C1, C2 mean the shape of the trunk is straight or both bend and straight, respectively. Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference at P < 0.05 level. The same below.

    图  3   林分密度与灌草盖度对景观斑块指数的交互影响

    Figure  3.   Interactive influences of stand density and shrub-herb coverage on landscape patch index

    图  4   林分密度、灌草盖度与树干形态对景观斑块指数的交互影响

    Figure  4.   Interactive influences of stand density, shrub-herb coverage and trunk shape on landscape patch index

    图  5   林分密度、灌草盖度和树干形态对SPI的交互作用

    Figure  5.   Interactive influences of stand density, shrub-herb coverage and trunk shape on SPI

    表  1   人工油松风景林样地概况

    Table  1   Main information of sampled plots of planted Pinus tabuliformis forest

    Stand density grade
    Stand density range/(tree·ha-1)
    Sample plot number
    Average DBH/cm
    Average crown width/m
    Average tree height/m
    Shrub and herb coverage/%
    Perspective distance/m
    450~800 13 16.1±0.4 5.5 8.6±0.24 70~90 25~30
    800~1 100 17 14.1±0.2 4.7 7.9±0.2 0~70 15~20
    1 100~1 380 10 12.6±0.2 4.1 8.2±0.7 70~90 5~7
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    表  2   不同处理间景观斑块指数方差分析

    Table  2   Variance analysis of landscape patch index among different treatments

    Origin of variance
    F P F P F P F P
    A 1.036 0.433 4.200 0.104 12.748 0.018 2.733 0.178
    B 3.228 0.045 2.425 0.130 0.191 0.828 8.391 0.005
    C 12.475 0.012 29.832 0.001 0.909 0.377 1.312 0.295
    A×B 5.879 0.007 3.806 0.031 5.475 0.009 2.675 0.083
    A×C 6.110 0.035 9.299 0.014 4.386 0.067 3.847 0.084
    B×C 1.611 0.239 6.175 0.014 3.380 0.068 0.357 0.706
    A×B×C 2.296 0.118 2.312 0.117 3.449 0.042 2.568 0.092
    注:A代表林分密度,B代表灌草盖度,C代表树干形态。Notes: A stands for stand density, B stands for shrub-herb coverage, and C stands for trunk shape.
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  • 收稿日期:  2018-03-04
  • 修回日期:  2018-03-21
  • 发布日期:  2018-09-30


