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杨成超, 王胜东, 杨志岩, 苏晓华, 何承忠, 张志毅

杨成超, 王胜东, 杨志岩, 苏晓华, 何承忠, 张志毅. 利用AFLP标记研究银白杨×白榆的亲子关系[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2007, 29(2): 7-12.
引用本文: 杨成超, 王胜东, 杨志岩, 苏晓华, 何承忠, 张志毅. 利用AFLP标记研究银白杨×白榆的亲子关系[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2007, 29(2): 7-12.
YANG Cheng-chao, WANG Sheng-dong, YANG Zhi-yan, SU Xiao-hua, HE Cheng-zhong, ZHANG Zhi-yi. Genetic relationship between parents and hybrid progenies of Populus alba L. ×Ulmus pumila L. using AFLP marker[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2007, 29(2): 7-12.
Citation: YANG Cheng-chao, WANG Sheng-dong, YANG Zhi-yan, SU Xiao-hua, HE Cheng-zhong, ZHANG Zhi-yi. Genetic relationship between parents and hybrid progenies of Populus alba L. ×Ulmus pumila L. using AFLP marker[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2007, 29(2): 7-12.





    杨成超,硕士,工程师.主要研究方向:林木遗传育种与树木生理.电话:0417-2275810 Email:yangchengchao@sina.com 地址:115200 辽宁省盖州市红旗大街110号辽宁省杨树研究所.


    张志毅,教授,博士生导师.主要研究方向:林木遗传育种.电话:010-62338502 Email:zhangzy@bjfu.edu.cn 地址:100083 北京林业大学118信箱.

  • 中图分类号: S722.3+4

Genetic relationship between parents and hybrid progenies of Populus alba L. ×Ulmus pumila L. using AFLP marker

  • 摘要: 从形态性状上看,银榆杨是银白杨×白榆的科间杂种.为了进一步从分子水平上搞清楚银榆杨与其亲本银白杨及白榆的亲缘关系,该研究采用AFLP技术,用20对EcoRⅠ+MseⅠ引物对银榆杨、银白杨、白榆等10个样本进行了亲子关系分析.共获得2 040条可统计的谱带,其中1 470条带为多态性带,多态带百分率为72.06%.结果表明:①银榆杨中既含有银白杨的基因又含有白榆的基因,且出现了双亲不具有的新谱带;②银榆杨含有的银白杨基因成分比白榆基因成分多,从聚类分析(UPGMA)结果看出,银榆杨属于偏母本型的杂种;③辽宁产地的银白杨是银榆杨杂种的母本得到进一步证实.在所有白榆样本中,尽管方差分析结果表明各无性系间对银榆杨杂种子代的遗传距离没有显著差异,但辽宁产地的白榆2号(LP-2)与银榆杨杂种各无性系的遗传距离最小,它是银榆杨父本的可能性最大;④银榆杨中白榆的基因在4个白榆样本中的存在具有普遍性.但相对于辽宁产地的白榆而言,北京的白榆与银榆杨杂种的亲缘关系较远.该文还对银榆杨杂种的形成与遗传组成进行了分析讨论.
    Abstract: The interfamilial hybrids between Populus alba L.×Ulmus pumila L.were described by morphological characters.In order to identify the hybrids and analyse genetic relationship between the hybrids and their parents further at the molecular level,the technique of AFLP marker was used in this study.Twenty pairs of primers were employed and 2 040 clear bands were detected.Among them,1 470 bands were polymorphic and the ratio of polymorphic bands was 72.06%.The results were as the followings:1) both gene markers of P.alba and U.pumila were exhibited on the banks of hybrids.And some new extra bands were detected in the hybrids;2) the gene marker bands of the hybrids from P.alba were more than those from U.pumila,this showed that the hybrids were maternal progenies.And the analysis of UPGMA showed similar results;3) P. alba from Liaoning station was inferred as female parent of the hybrids.Since genetic distance was the least between the clone(LP-2) and the hybrids and the variance analysis indicated that there was no significant deviation among all the samples of U.pumila,the male parent would be the clone(LP-2),also from Liaoning station;4) although the genes of U.pumila were prevalent in the hybrids,the genetic relationship between comparison clone(BP) and the hybrids was more distant.Meanwhile,the recombination ways and genetic composition of the hybrids were also discussed in this paper.
  • 期刊类型引用(10)

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  • 收稿日期:  2006-02-27
  • 网络出版日期:  2024-03-18


