该文以无水碳酸钾为催化剂,低毒的二甲基亚砜为溶剂,采用酯交换法在减压条件下高效合成了一类新型绿色杀虫剂——辛酸蔗糖酯,并针对其合成条件进行了初步的优化.通过单因子实验得到合成辛酸蔗糖酯最佳条件为:蔗糖与辛酸乙酯的投料摩尔比2∶1,反应温度95~100℃,反应时间5 h,催化剂用量(占辛酸乙酯质量分数)16%,反应绝对压力11 kPa,产率为79.11%.所得产物经柱色谱分离、质谱表征,以及傅立叶红外光谱分析,确定分离得到的为辛酸蔗糖单酯、二酯和三酯.合成的辛酸蔗糖酯、分离得到的单酯、二酯和三酯分别对舞毒蛾1龄幼虫进行杀虫实验,单酯的杀虫活性为最高;对农业害虫大豆蚜虫的室内防治实验,在施药5 d后,高浓度处理的校正虫口减退率在80%左右,证明了产物具有一定的杀虫活性.
A new class of insecticidal compound sucrose octanoate was synthesized by the trans-esterification method at reduced pressure,which used DMSO(dimethylsulfoxide) as solvent, K2CO3 as the catalyst.Under the conditions of homogeneous liquid,reacting ethyl octanoate with sucrose yielded optimum results under the following conditions:the molar ratio of sucrose to ethyl octanoate was 2:1,reaction temperature was 95-100℃,reaction time was 5 hrs,the quantity of catalyst accounted for ethyl octanoate was 16%,the reactor pressure was 11 kPa,the yield was 79.11%.After being separated by the column chromatography,sucrose octanoate was identified by MS(mass spectrum) and IR(infrared ray).It was proven that each separated group was monoester,diester and triester,respectively.The bioassay of the separated monoester,diester,triester and synthetic sucrose octanoate was evaluated against the Lymantria dispar grubs,and the monoester activity was the best.The revision insect reducing rate of Aphis glycines reached about 80% at high concentration after being treated for 5 days.These results indicate that sucrose octanoate possesses a good insecticidal activity.