The effects of physical characteristics of moso bamboo(Phyllostachys pubescens), such as section, density and moisture content, and the cutting parameters including cutting thickness, rake angle, cutting speed on the cutting forces were studied with the aid of transducer technology and signal analysis. It was found that because vascular bundles were dense near the out culm wall and thin on the inside,more force was needed to cut the outer part of bamboo than to cut the inner part. Different forces were required to cut the various sections: the largest force was needed to cut the end section and the smallest force was spent on cross cutting. Density has an obvious effect: the denser the bamboo is, the larger the cutting force required. Toughness of bamboo is enhanced with an increase in moisture content of bamboo and a larger force is needed for cutting. However, when moisture content exceeds 30%, the required cutting force declines. Rake angle of the tool has a significant effect on the parallel tool force. The parallel tool force required decreases with an increase of the rake angle and is positively correlated with cutting thickness. The effect of cutting speed on the cutting force is not significant.